"""Sherlock Result Module This module defines various objects for recording the results of queries. """ from enum import Enum class QueryStatus(Enum): """Query Status Enumeration. Describes status of query about a given username. """ CLAIMED = "Claimed" # Username Detected AVAILABLE = "Available" # Username Not Detected UNKNOWN = "Unknown" # Error Occurred While Trying To Detect Username ILLEGAL = "Illegal" # Username Not Allowable For This Site def __str__(self): """Convert Object To String. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: Nicely formatted string to get information about this object. """ return self.value class QueryResult(): """Query Result Object. Describes result of query about a given username. """ def __init__(self, username, site_name, site_url_user, status, query_time=None, context=None): """Create Query Result Object. Contains information about a specific method of detecting usernames on a given type of web sites. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. username -- String indicating username that query result was about. site_name -- String which identifies site. site_url_user -- String containing URL for username on site. NOTE: The site may or may not exist: this just indicates what the name would be, if it existed. status -- Enumeration of type QueryStatus() indicating the status of the query. query_time -- Time (in seconds) required to perform query. Default of None. context -- String indicating any additional context about the query. For example, if there was an error, this might indicate the type of error that occurred. Default of None. Return Value: Nothing. """ self.username = username self.site_name = site_name self.site_url_user = site_url_user self.status = status self.query_time = query_time self.context = context return def __str__(self): """Convert Object To String. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: Nicely formatted string to get information about this object. """ status = str(self.status) if self.context is not None: # There is extra context information available about the results. # Append it to the normal response text. status += f" ({self.context})" return status