"""Sherlock Sites Information Module This module supports storing information about websites. This is the raw data that will be used to search for usernames. """ import json import requests import secrets class SiteInformation: def __init__(self, name, url_home, url_username_format, username_claimed, information, is_nsfw, username_unclaimed=secrets.token_urlsafe(10)): """Create Site Information Object. Contains information about a specific website. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. name -- String which identifies site. url_home -- String containing URL for home of site. url_username_format -- String containing URL for Username format on site. NOTE: The string should contain the token "{}" where the username should be substituted. For example, a string of "https://somesite.com/users/{}" indicates that the individual usernames would show up under the "https://somesite.com/users/" area of the website. username_claimed -- String containing username which is known to be claimed on website. username_unclaimed -- String containing username which is known to be unclaimed on website. information -- Dictionary containing all known information about website. NOTE: Custom information about how to actually detect the existence of the username will be included in this dictionary. This information will be needed by the detection method, but it is only recorded in this object for future use. is_nsfw -- Boolean indicating if site is Not Safe For Work. Return Value: Nothing. """ self.name = name self.url_home = url_home self.url_username_format = url_username_format self.username_claimed = username_claimed self.username_unclaimed = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) self.information = information self.is_nsfw = is_nsfw return def __str__(self): """Convert Object To String. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: Nicely formatted string to get information about this object. """ return f"{self.name} ({self.url_home})" class SitesInformation: def __init__(self, data_file_path=None): """Create Sites Information Object. Contains information about all supported websites. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. data_file_path -- String which indicates path to data file. The file name must end in ".json". There are 3 possible formats: * Absolute File Format For example, "c:/stuff/data.json". * Relative File Format The current working directory is used as the context. For example, "data.json". * URL Format For example, "https://example.com/data.json", or "http://example.com/data.json". An exception will be thrown if the path to the data file is not in the expected format, or if there was any problem loading the file. If this option is not specified, then a default site list will be used. Return Value: Nothing. """ if not data_file_path: # The default data file is the live data.json which is in the GitHub repo. The reason why we are using # this instead of the local one is so that the user has the most up-to-date data. This prevents # users from creating issue about false positives which has already been fixed or having outdated data data_file_path = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/master/sherlock/resources/data.json" # Ensure that specified data file has correct extension. if not data_file_path.lower().endswith(".json"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Incorrect JSON file extension for data file '{data_file_path}'.") # if "http://" == data_file_path[:7].lower() or "https://" == data_file_path[:8].lower(): if data_file_path.lower().startswith("http"): # Reference is to a URL. try: response = requests.get(url=data_file_path) except Exception as error: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Problem while attempting to access data file URL '{data_file_path}': {error}" ) if response.status_code != 200: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Bad response while accessing " f"data file URL '{data_file_path}'." ) try: site_data = response.json() except Exception as error: raise ValueError( f"Problem parsing json contents at '{data_file_path}': {error}." ) else: # Reference is to a file. try: with open(data_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: try: site_data = json.load(file) except Exception as error: raise ValueError( f"Problem parsing json contents at '{data_file_path}': {error}." ) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Problem while attempting to access " f"data file '{data_file_path}'." ) site_data.pop('$schema', None) self.sites = {} # Add all site information from the json file to internal site list. for site_name in site_data: try: self.sites[site_name] = \ SiteInformation(site_name, site_data[site_name]["urlMain"], site_data[site_name]["url"], site_data[site_name]["username_claimed"], site_data[site_name], site_data[site_name].get("isNSFW",False) ) except KeyError as error: raise ValueError( f"Problem parsing json contents at '{data_file_path}': Missing attribute {error}." ) except TypeError: print(f"Encountered TypeError parsing json contents for target '{site_name}' at {data_file_path}\nSkipping target.\n") return def remove_nsfw_sites(self, do_not_remove: list = []): """ Remove NSFW sites from the sites, if isNSFW flag is true for site Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: None """ sites = {} do_not_remove = [site.casefold() for site in do_not_remove] for site in self.sites: if self.sites[site].is_nsfw and site.casefold() not in do_not_remove: continue sites[site] = self.sites[site] self.sites = sites def site_name_list(self): """Get Site Name List. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: List of strings containing names of sites. """ return sorted([site.name for site in self], key=str.lower) def __iter__(self): """Iterator For Object. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: Iterator for sites object. """ for site_name in self.sites: yield self.sites[site_name] def __len__(self): """Length For Object. Keyword Arguments: self -- This object. Return Value: Length of sites object. """ return len(self.sites)