You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Sherlock Notify Module
This module defines the objects for notifying the caller about the
results of queries.
from result import QueryStatus
from colorama import Fore, Style, init
class QueryNotify():
"""Query Notify Object.
Base class that describes methods available to notify the results of
a query.
It is intended that other classes inherit from this base class and
override the methods to implement specific functionality.
def __init__(self, result=None):
"""Create Query Notify Object.
Contains information about a specific method of notifying the results
of a query.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
result -- Object of type QueryResult() containing
results for this query.
Return Value:
self.result = result
def start(self, message=None):
"""Notify Start.
Notify method for start of query. This method will be called before
any queries are performed. This method will typically be
overridden by higher level classes that will inherit from it.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
message -- Object that is used to give context to start
of query.
Default is None.
Return Value:
def update(self, result):
"""Notify Update.
Notify method for query result. This method will typically be
overridden by higher level classes that will inherit from it.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
result -- Object of type QueryResult() containing
results for this query.
Return Value:
self.result = result
def finish(self, message=None):
"""Notify Finish.
Notify method for finish of query. This method will be called after
all queries have been performed. This method will typically be
overridden by higher level classes that will inherit from it.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
message -- Object that is used to give context to start
of query.
Default is None.
Return Value:
def __str__(self):
"""Convert Object To String.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
Return Value:
Nicely formatted string to get information about this object.
result = str(self.result)
return result
class QueryNotifyPrint(QueryNotify):
"""Query Notify Print Object.
Query notify class that prints results.
def __init__(self, result=None, verbose=False, color=True, print_all=False):
"""Create Query Notify Print Object.
Contains information about a specific method of notifying the results
of a query.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
result -- Object of type QueryResult() containing
results for this query.
verbose -- Boolean indicating whether to give verbose output.
print_all -- Boolean indicating whether to only print all sites, including not found.
color -- Boolean indicating whether to color terminal output
Return Value:
# Colorama module's initialization.
self.verbose = verbose
self.print_all = print_all
self.color = color
def start(self, message):
"""Notify Start.
Will print the title to the standard output.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
message -- String containing username that the series
of queries are about.
Return Value:
title = "Checking username"
if self.color:
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[" +
Fore.YELLOW + "*" +
Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" +
Fore.WHITE + f" {message}" +
Fore.GREEN + " on:")
print(f"[*] {title} {message} on:")
def update(self, result):
"""Notify Update.
Will print the query result to the standard output.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
result -- Object of type QueryResult() containing
results for this query.
Return Value:
self.result = result
if self.verbose == False or self.result.query_time is None:
response_time_text = ""
response_time_text = f" [{round(self.result.query_time * 1000)} ms]"
# Output to the terminal is desired.
if result.status == QueryStatus.CLAIMED:
if self.color:
print((Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + "[" +
Fore.GREEN + "+" +
Fore.WHITE + "]" +
response_time_text +
Fore.GREEN +
f" {self.result.site_name}: " +
print(f"[+]{response_time_text} {self.result.site_name}: {self.result.site_url_user}")
elif result.status == QueryStatus.AVAILABLE:
if self.print_all:
if self.color:
print((Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + "[" +
Fore.RED + "-" +
Fore.WHITE + "]" +
response_time_text +
Fore.GREEN + f" {self.result.site_name}:" +
Fore.YELLOW + " Not Found!"))
print(f"[-]{response_time_text} {self.result.site_name}: Not Found!")
elif result.status == QueryStatus.UNKNOWN:
if self.print_all:
if self.color:
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + "[" +
Fore.RED + "-" +
Fore.WHITE + "]" +
Fore.GREEN + f" {self.result.site_name}:" +
Fore.RED + f" {self.result.context}" +
Fore.YELLOW + f" ")
print(f"[-] {self.result.site_name}: {self.result.context} ")
elif result.status == QueryStatus.ILLEGAL:
if self.print_all:
msg = "Illegal Username Format For This Site!"
if self.color:
print((Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + "[" +
Fore.RED + "-" +
Fore.WHITE + "]" +
Fore.GREEN + f" {self.result.site_name}:" +
Fore.YELLOW + f" {msg}"))
print(f"[-] {self.result.site_name} {msg}")
# It should be impossible to ever get here...
raise ValueError(f"Unknown Query Status '{str(result.status)}' for "
f"site '{self.result.site_name}'")
def __str__(self):
"""Convert Object To String.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
Return Value:
Nicely formatted string to get information about this object.
result = str(self.result)
return result