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import path from "path"
import fs from "fs-extra"
import { ISettingsDatabase, IUsersDatabase, IUserSettings } from "typings/database"
import { ASS_LOCATION } from "../constants"
import { parseAuthFile } from "./assJSONStructure"
import { Log } from "@callmekory/logger/lib"
const settingsDatabaseLocation = path.resolve(`./src/database/settings.json`)
const userDatabaseLocation = path.resolve(`./src/database/users.json`)
// Get Database Files
// Get settings database, creating a default one if it doesnt exist
export const getSettingsDatabase = (): ISettingsDatabase => {
try {
const databaseFile = fs.readFileSync(settingsDatabaseLocation).toString()
const database: ISettingsDatabase = JSON.parse(databaseFile)
return database
} catch (error) {
const defaultDatabase: ISettingsDatabase = {
name: "dick",
appEmoji: "🍆",
siteTitle: "DICK (Directly Integrated Client for Keisters)",
siteDescription: "The frontend for your backend",
loginText: "Sign in to easily manage your nudes.",
captchaEnabled: false,
captchaSiteID: null,
captchaSecretKey: null,
registrationEnabled: false,
privateModeEnabled: false,
logo: "./images/logo.png",
defaultProfilePicture: "./images/profile.png"
fs.writeJsonSync(settingsDatabaseLocation, defaultDatabase, { spaces: 4 })
return defaultDatabase
// Get users database, creating a default one if it doesnt exist
export const getUserDatabase = (): IUsersDatabase => {
try {
const databaseFile = fs.readFileSync(userDatabaseLocation).toString()
const database: IUsersDatabase = JSON.parse(databaseFile)
return database
} catch (error) {
const defaultDatabase: IUsersDatabase = []
fs.writeJsonSync(userDatabaseLocation, defaultDatabase, { spaces: 4 })
return defaultDatabase
// Get users database object, creating a default one if it doesnt exist
export const getUserDatabaseObj = (username: string): IUserSettings | null => {
try {
const database = getUserDatabase()
const user = database.find((e: IUserSettings) => e.username === username)
if (!user) {
let newUser: IUserSettings
// If there are no users in the database yet, we will make this user the admin (first user to login will always be admin)
if (database.length == 0) {
newUser = {
username: username,
role: "admin",
profilePicture: null
} else {
// Else we add the user to the database as a regular user
newUser = {
username: username,
role: "user",
profilePicture: null
fs.writeJsonSync(userDatabaseLocation, database, { spaces: 4 })
return user
return user
} catch (error) {
return null
* Checks if the user is in ASS database, returns true if the user exists, or false if it does not
* @param username Username we are checking exists
* @param token? If passed, will also check ASS token
export const checkIfUserExistInASS = async (username: string, token?: string): Promise<boolean> => {
const assUserDatabase = parseAuthFile()
let result = false
// Check if the user exists in the ASS Database
const assUsernameResult = assUserDatabase.find((user) => user.username === username) ? true : false
if (token) {
const assTokenResult = assUserDatabase.find((user) => user.password === token) ? true : false
if (assUsernameResult || assTokenResult) {
result = true
if (assUsernameResult) {
result = true
// Return true if any of the checks above found the user, else return false
return result
* Checks if the user is in our local JSON database, returns true if the user exists, or false if it does not
* @param username Username we are checking exists
export const checkIfUserExistInDICK = async (username: string): Promise<boolean> => {
const dickUserDatabase = getUserDatabase()
let result = false
// Check if the user exists in the DICK Database
if (dickUserDatabase.find((e: IUserSettings) => e.username === username)) {
result = true
// Return true if any of the checks above found the user, else return false
return result
* Registers a new user to ASS
* @param username Username we will create
* @param password Password we will use
export const createUserInASS = async (username: string, password: string) => {
const AUTH_FILE_PATH = path.resolve(`${ASS_LOCATION}/auth.json`)
.then((auth) => {
auth.users[password] = { username, count: 0 }
fs.writeJsonSync(AUTH_FILE_PATH, auth, { spaces: 4 })
* Registers a new user to DICK
* @param username Username we will create
export const createUserInDICK = async (username: string) => {
const userDatabase = getUserDatabase()
// If user does not exist in our database, we create it
if (!userDatabase.find((e: IUserSettings) => e.username === username)) {
let newUser: IUserSettings
// If there are no users in the database yet, we will make this user the admin (first user to login will always be admin)
if (userDatabase.length == 0) {
newUser = {
username: username,
role: "admin",
profilePicture: null
} else {
// Else we add the user to the database as a regular user
newUser = {
username: username,
role: "user",
profilePicture: null
fs.writeJsonSync(userDatabaseLocation, userDatabase, { spaces: 4 })
* Cycles through all users in the ASS auth database and adds them to the DICk user database
* if they are not already in it.
export const syncAssUsersToDick = () => {
const assUserDatabase = parseAuthFile()
const dickUserDatabase = getUserDatabase()
if(dickUserDatabase.length !== 0){
for (const user of assUserDatabase) {
if (!dickUserDatabase.find((e: IUserSettings) => e.username === user.username)) {