You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Response, NextFunction } from "express"
import { Log } from "@callmekory/logger"
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { IExtendedRequest } from "../typings/express-ext"
import { checkIfUserExistInDICK, createUserInDICK, getSettingsDatabase, getUserDatabase, getUserDatabaseObj } from "./database"
import { parseAuthFile } from "./assJSONStructure"
import { IUserSettings } from "typings/database"
* Wraps the express route in a function that passes the
* `next` method from the route to the promise's catch
* statement which allows the middleware to catch the
* exception.
export const wrap = async (req: IExtendedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
if (req.user) {
// If the user does not exist in DICKs database yet, we add them
if (await checkIfUserExistInDICK(req.user.username) == false) {
// Make sure ASS users stay synced with DICK database
const assUserDatabase = parseAuthFile()
const dickUserDatabase = getUserDatabase()
if(dickUserDatabase.length !== 0){
for (const user of assUserDatabase) {
if (!dickUserDatabase.find((e: IUserSettings) => e.username === user.username)) {
// Log the page the user navigated to`${req.user.username} navigated to page ${req.path}`)
return next()
//Express middleware to check captcha token
export const checkCaptcha = async (req: IExtendedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
const database = getSettingsDatabase()
// If captcha is enabled, we verify the captcha
if (database.captchaEnabled) {
// If there is no response for some reason
if(!req.body['h-captcha-response']){`A user submitted a form on the endpoint ${req.path} and failed captcha due to not being able to reach hCaptcha, redirecting back to login page`)
req.flash('error_message', `You failed the captcha due to not being able to reach hCaptcha. Please reach an admin.`)
return res.redirect("/login")
// Build payload with secret key and captcha response token from form data with key 'h-captcha-response'
const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('secret', database.captchaSecretKey)
params.append('response', req.body['h-captcha-response'])
// Make POST request with data payload to hCaptcha API endpoint
const response = await fetch("", { method: 'POST', body: params })
const data = await response.json()
// Parse JSON from response. Check for success or error codes.
// If not correct, send back to login screen with error
// A missing-input-response means its not getting info from hcaptcha
if (data.success == false){`A user submitted a form on the endpoint ${req.path} and failed captcha due to: ${data['error-codes']}, redirecting back to login page`)
req.flash('error_message', `You failed the captcha due to ${data['error-codes']}. Please try again.`)
return res.redirect("/login")
// Else continue as they are verified as human
} else next()
// Express middleware to check if username/password match one of the users
// in auth.json
export const authCheck = (req: IExtendedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
if (!req.user) {`A user navigated to page ${req.path} and is not logged in, redirecting to login page`)
req.flash('error_message', 'Please log in to access the requested page')
} else next()
// Express middleware to check if username trying to access the page matches the users
export const adminCheck = (req: IExtendedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
const user = getUserDatabaseObj(req.user.username)
if (!user) {`A user navigated to page ${req.path} and is not logged in, redirecting to login page`)
req.flash('error_message', 'Please log in to access the requested page')
if (user.role !== 'admin') {`${req.user.username} navigated to page ${req.path} and is not an admin, redirecting to users dashboard`)
} else next()