You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

470 lines
34 KiB

<div class="flex lg:flex-row lg:justify-center lg:items-center flex-col flex-wrap">
<div class="flex-none basis-1/2">
<div class="flex flex-col flex-wrap">
<div class="flex flex-col lg:gap-8 gap-3 ">
<% if(success_alert_message !='' ){ %>
<div class="flex-1 bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<p class="text-green-600 pb-2 text-center">
<%= success_alert_message %>
<% } %>
<% if(error_message !='' ){ %>
<div class="flex-1 bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<p class="text-red-600 pb-2 text-center">
<%= error_message %>
<% } %>
<form method="post" action="/admin/save/settings">
<!-- Main Setting -->
<div class="flex-1 bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<div class="py-9">
<div class="border-b w-full border-gray-300/10 pb-3">
<span class="text-lg text-color-primary font-semibold">
Main Settings
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-5 text-sm md:text-base">
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
App Name
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the title shown in the top left of the app, as well as other various places.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= ? : "DICK" %>" name="name" type="text" />
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
App Emoji
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the emoji shown in the breadcrumps at the top of the screen, as well as on each file.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid">
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.appEmoji ? settingsDatabase.appEmoji : "🍆" %>" name="appEmoji" type="text" />
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Site Name
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the text shown on the browser tab, and title in the embed when directly linking the <%= ? : "DICK" %> dashboard.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.siteTitle ? settingsDatabase.siteTitle : "DICK (Directly Integrated Client for Keisters)" %>" name="siteTitle" type="text" />
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Site Description
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the description text shown in the embed when directly linking the <%= ? : "DICK" %> dashboard.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.siteDescription ? settingsDatabase.siteDescription : "The frontend for your backend" %>" name="siteDescription" type="text" />
<div class="col-span-2">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Login Text
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the text shown directly under the app title in the login and register pages!
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.loginText ? settingsDatabase.loginText : "Sign in to easily manage your nudes." %>" name="loginText" type="text" />
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Captcha Site ID
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
If set, this will enable hCaptcha. If configured wrong, your users wont be able to log in. Proceed with caution. <a href="">learn more here.</a>
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
<!-- Input -->
<div class="relative">
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.captchaSiteID ? settingsDatabase.captchaSiteID : "No site ID entered. Defaulting to vanilla captcha." %>" name="captchaSiteID" type="text" />
<div class="absolute top-0 right-3 h-full">
<div class="flex items-center justify-center space-x-2 h-full">
<!-- Rounded Checkbox -->
<div class="relative">
<input id="captchaCheckbox" name="captchaCheckbox" class="hidden peer"
<%= settingsDatabase.captchaEnabled ? 'checked' : null %> type="checkbox" />
<button type="button"
class="peer border-2 focus:border-accent text-transparent peer-checked:text-color-primary border-[#354567] flex items-center justify-center peer-checked:bg-accent relative h-5 w-5 md:h-6 md:w-6 rounded-full">
<svg xmlns=""
width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="none" stroke="currentColor"
stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
<polyline points="20 6 9 17 4 12">
<label class="absolute inset-0 cursor-pointer"
<!-- End Rounded Checkbox -->
<small class="text-color-tertiary text-xs">
<!-- End Input -->
<div class="xl:col-span-1 lg:col-span-2 col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Captcha Secret Key
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is found in your hCaptcha profile and used to verify captcha checks.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
class="form-input block w-full mt-1 rounded text-sm text-color-tertiary border-form bg-forminput transition duration-500 focus:border-transparent border-transparent focus:ring-0 focus:border-formaccent focus:text-color-accent"
placeholder="<%= settingsDatabase.captchaSecretKey ? settingsDatabase.captchaSecretKey : "No site ID entered. Defaulting to vanilla captcha." %>" name="captchaSecretKey" type="text" />
<div class="col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Private Mode
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This will remove the app statisics from the login page.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
<!-- Switch -->
<label class="switch">
<!-- <span class="pr-2 text-color-secondary">
</span> -->
<input type="checkbox" name="privateModeEnabled" value="privateModeEnabled" <%= settingsDatabase.privateModeEnabled ? 'checked' : null %>>
<span class="check"></span>
<!-- <span class="pl-2 text-color-secondary">
</span> -->
<!-- End Switch -->
<div class="col-span-1">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Registration Enabled
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This allows people to create accounts in your ASS instance.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
<label class="switch">
<!-- <span class="pr-2 text-color-primary">
</span> -->
<input type="checkbox" name="registrationEnabled" value="registrationEnabled" <%= settingsDatabase.registrationEnabled ? 'checked' : null %>>
<span class="check"></span>
<!-- <span class="pl-2 text-color-primary">
</span> -->
<div class="col-span-2">
<div class="flex w-full justify-center items-center bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<button type="submit" class="bg-accentsecondary w-full hover:bg-accent rounded-md px-8 py-3 text-color-primary">
Save Settings
<!-- End Main Setting -->
<!-- Image Setting -->
<div class="flex-1 bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<div class="py-9">
<div class="border-b w-full border-gray-300/10 pb-3">
<span class="text-lg text-color-primary font-semibold">
Image Settings
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-5 text-sm md:text-base">
<div class="col-span-2">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/admin/upload/logo">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
App Logo
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the logo shown in various areas of the app!
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
<!-- Drag Drop File -->
<label for="app-logo" class="cursor-pointer flex w-full h-40 border-2 border-form border-dashed rounded-md p-5">
<div class="w-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-ful">
<span class="font-semibold text-color-primary text-lg">
Drop files here or click to upload.
<p class="text-sm text-color-secondary text-center">
All files uploaded are stored directly in the <%= ? : "DICK" %> app folder.
<input id="app-logo" name="app-logo" class="hidden" type="file" onchange="form.submit()" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png">
<!-- End Drag Drop File -->
<div class="col-span-2">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/admin/upload/default-pp">
<!-- Label with tooltip -->
<label class="mb-2 block text-color-tertiary text-sm">
<div class="relative w-max">
Default Profile Picture
<div class="group z-20 absolute -right-8 top-0 cursor-help">
<i data-lucide="help-circle" class="text-color-secondary"></i>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="lg:w-52 w-48 group-hover:block text-color-light text-sm hidden absolute bottom-10 bg-tooltip p-2 rounded-md">
<div class="break-words">
This is the default profile picture all new users have.
<div class="absolute -left-[0.10rem] flex justify-center items-center w-full">
<div class="w-0 h-0 border-t-[20px] border-l-[10px] border-r-[10px] border-tooltip border-l-transparent border-r-transparent border-solid"></div>
<!-- End Label with tooltip -->
<!-- Drag Drop File -->
<label for="default-pp" class="cursor-pointer flex w-full h-40 border-2 border-form border-dashed rounded-md p-5">
<div class="w-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center h-ful">
<span class="font-semibold text-color-primary text-lg">
Drop files here or click to upload.
<p class="text-sm text-color-secondary text-center">
All files uploaded are stored directly in the <%= ? : "DICK" %> app folder.
<input id="default-pp" name="default-pp" class="hidden" type="file" onchange="form.submit()" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png">
<!-- End Drag Drop File -->
<!-- End Image Setting -->
<!-- <div class="flex-none lg:basis-1/2 basis-full self-auto lg:self-start lg:pl-3 pl-0 lg:mt-0 mt-3">
<div class="flex flex-col flex-wrap">
<div class="flex flex-col lg:gap-8 gap-3 ">
<div class="flex-1 bg-tertiary p-6 rounded-md">
<div class="py-9">
<div class="border-b w-full border-gray-300/10 pb-3">
<span class="text-lg text-color-primary font-semibold">
Title here
</div> -->