If you want the VOSTFR profile to also accept MULTI releases when no VOSTFR release is available, you need to set the value of [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) to `0` instead of `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`
If you want the VOSTFR profile to also accept MULTI releases when no VOSTFR release is available, you need to set the value of [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) to `0` instead of `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`
Si vous voulez que le profil `VOSTFR` prenne aussi les release MULTI dans le cas ou aucune release VOSTFR n'est disponible, il faut donc mettre la valeur de [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) à `0` au lieu de `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`
Si vous voulez que le profil `VOSTFR` prenne aussi les release MULTI dans le cas ou aucune release VOSTFR n'est disponible, il faut donc mettre la valeur de [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) à `0` au lieu de `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`