Cleaned: Notifiarr - Moved advanced settings to own wiki

TRaSH 3 years ago
parent 8e5165888c
commit 61749f0697

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ nav:
- Radarr - Radarr
- Sonarr - Sonarr
- Bazarr - Bazarr
- Notifiarr
- Downloaders - Downloaders
- Notifiarr
- Plex - Plex
- Misc - Misc
- Hardlinks - Hardlinks

@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
nav: nav:
- Quick Start: - Quick Start:
- Discord Permissions:
- Integrations-Setup
- Media-Requests
- Notification-History
- Transcode-History
- Trending
- Translations

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# Permissions
This can be a struggle depending on how you have your server setup. If you want to do a simple test and see if you have permission issues, set the role your bot is included in to have admin permission and test. If everything works, this means you simply need to adjust permissions for the role so you do not need to make it an admin role if you dont want to.
I will work on the assumption you have created a role called **Bots** already with this and assigned the Notifiarr bot to it. With that said, right click on your server name at the top and pick `Server Settings > Roles`. Click on the Bots role so the permissions list loads.
> Yes I am aware that adding the bot automatically creates a **Notifiarr** role but most will rather leave that one hidden and use an existing role. If you want to use that one, make sure all the same permissions are applied to it.
## **Required permissions**
1. `View Channels`
- The bot needs this role to generate a channel list so you can assign which notifications go to which channels on your server. If the channel is a private channel, you may also need to adjust channel specific permissions.
1. `Send Messages`
- This one is obvious, without it the bot role can not add messages to channels
1. `Embed Links`
- Many notifications have links (such as TMDb, TVDb, IMDb, Website links, etc)
1. `Add Reactions`
- *arr and Plex notifications add reactions to notifications to signify things such as the indexer, manual or rss grab, imported, failed, unpacked, subtitles, etc
1. `Use External Emojis`
- Only required if the reactions you use are from another server
1. `Mention @everyone, @here and All Roles`
- Needed if you have alerts setup with Snapshots or Media Request integrations so the proper user/role can be @mentioned
1. `Manage Messages`
- This is used for the Media Request integration so the bot can remove all the back and forth posts when adding new things to leave a clean channel history
1. `Read Message History`
- This is used for the Media Request integration so the bot can get the user interactions and is also used to place reactions on existing messages
If you manage your channels with individual permissions **plus** bot permissions, you will need to adjust them accordingly so the bot can do its job. If you have permissions mis-configured then the site will auto disable the integration after 25 Discord API errors. If you are using reactions and get API errors, the site will auto remove the reaction. If you are using the bot and have cleanup history enabled and get API errors, the site will auto disable that.
You will know when the site does this with a big red notice on top of the setup page that explains the error that Discord reported and what action was taken. All you have to do is fix the issue and re-enable what the site disabled from that point.

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Bazarr Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from Bazarr and will also add reactions to notifications if a subtitle was found for it and you are using reactions.
Reaction example:
![!reaction](images/Bazarr/reaction.png "Reaction")
## Trigger options
![!triggers-channels](images/Bazarr/triggers-channels.png "Triggers and Channels")
1. Triggers
- `Info` - Currently all notifications use this type
- `Warning` - To date, Bazarr doesn't use this type
- `Success` - To date, Bazarr doesn't use this type
- `Failure` - To date, Bazarr doesn't use this type
1. Channel
- Bazarr shares the *arr channel unless Granular Setup is used, clicking the link on the site will move to the channel setup location.
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Bazarr/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Bazarr.
![!configuration](images/Bazarr/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. Choose the notification format
1. Enable reactions for `*arr` notifications when a subtitle is found if the associated `*arr` notification can be found
### Instructions
![!instructions](images/Bazarr/instructions.png "Instructions Window")
1. How to enable notifications from within Bazarr
1. How to enable notifications of a 2nd instance from within Bazarr
1. Test the notification from Notifiarr to Discord
- This will ensure your server, channel and permissions are set properly in Discord.

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# Better Uptime Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from Better Uptime utilizing their webhook system
## Trigger options
![!triggers-channels](images/Better-Uptime/triggers-channels.png "Triggers and Channels")
1. Triggers
- `Started` - Sent when Better Uptime detects an issue with a site you are monitoring
- `Ack` (Acknowledged) - Sent when you mark the issue as acknowledged through Better Uptime
- `Resoled` - Sent when the site you are monitoring returns a successful response
1. Channel
- Pick a channel from your server to send these notifications
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Better-Uptime/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Better Uptime.
![!configuration](images/Better-Uptime/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Notification colors for each trigger type
1. Notification content options that you can turn on/off to show in the notifications
1. Better Uptime team id that is used to link the Incident in the notification
**NOTE:** This integration sends a single notification for all triggers. After the first one is sent, the rest will update the existing notification in the chain.

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Lidarr Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from Lidarr using its built in Connection for **Discord Notifier**
## Trigger options
![!triggers-channels](images/Lidarr/triggers-channels.png "Triggers and Channels")
1. Triggers
- `Grab` - Receive a notification when media is initially grabbed (RSS or manual)
- `Download` - Receive a notification when media **new** is successfully imported
- `Upgrade` - Receive a notification when **upgraded** media is successfully imported
- `Health` - Receive a notification when Lidarr reports an issue
1. Channel
- Lidarr shares the *arr channel unless Granular Setup is used, clicking the link on the site will move to the channel setup location.
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Lidarr/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Lidarr.
![!configuration](images/Lidarr/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. Notification colors for each trigger type
1. Unique notifications: Generate a new notification each time (By default notifications edit the previous one so there is a Grab and then the Download ot Upgrade will edit the Grab notification to alleviate the notification spam)
![!configuration](images/Lidarr/configuration-2.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. Notification content options that you can turn on/off to show in the notifications
1. Launch the integration layout editor (image below)
![!layout-editor](images/Lidarr/layout-editor.png "Layout Editor")
1. Drag and drop positioning of where you want to see each piece of information in the notification. Some fields are locked (red outline). Full width items can not be used in a multi-line layout. You can not have more than 3 items per line.
1. Test Layout - Will send a test notification with the current layout format
1. Save Layout - Will save the current layout format as the one you want to use
1. Reset Layout - Will set the layout back to default
### Instructions
![!instructions](images/Lidarr/instructions.png "Instructions Window")
1. How to enable notifications from within Lidarr
1. Test the notification from Notifiarr to Discord
- This will ensure your server, channel and permissions are set properly in Discord.

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# Network Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from the local Notifiarr client app to monitor network machines or services
## Monitoring overview
![!monitoring-overview](images/Network/overview.png "Monitoring overview")
This will list everything you are monitoring with the Notifiarr client and show a green arrow if it is available or red arrow if it isn't
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Network/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for the Network integration.
![!configuration](images/Network/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. List of everything being monitored and their status
### Instructions
![!instructions](images/Network/instructions.png "Instructions Window")
An example of how to add services to be monitored in the Notifiarr client app

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# Plex Integration
!!! bug "This is still a work in progress and more a placeholder for the time being !!!"
## Python Webhook
<div class="indent-L1 indent-B1">
Python is required for this to work. Make sure your docker solution has it available if running docker.
## All implementations
- Open the file and change the variables accordingly.
- There are links in the file comments to help as well
- You can test the script by typing python /path/to/script in your CLI. If the file has a shebang in it (#!python) then you do not need to specify python on the CLI.
### Docker
- Cloudbox - Has python installed
- Hotio - Has python installed
- LSIO - Does not have python installed
### Linux
### Unraid
### Windows
<div class="indent-L1 indent-B1">
Run the python file so it listens on the specific port.

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# Radarr Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from Radarr using its built in Connection for **Discord Notifier**
## Trigger options
![!triggers-channels](images/Radarr/triggers-channels.png "Triggers and Channels")
1. Triggers
- `Grab` - Receive a notification when media is initially grabbed (RSS or manual)
- `Failed` - Custom notification type based on previous grabs. If the system detects a grab for the same media with the same quality or better before the previous one was imported then it will set the previous one as failed
- `Download` - Receive a notification when media **new** is successfully imported
- `Upgrade` - Receive a notification when **upgraded** media is successfully imported
- `Health` - Receive a notification when Radarr reports an issue
1. Channel
- Radarr shares the *arr channel unless Granular Setup is used, clicking the link on the site will move to the channel setup location.
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Radarr/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Radarr.
![!configuration](images/Radarr/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. Notification colors for each trigger type
1. Unique notifications: Generate a new notification each time (By default notifications edit the previous one so there is a Grab and then the Download ot Upgrade will edit the Grab notification to alleviate the notification spam)
1. Option to remove the grab once a successful import is done, only works with granular channels since messages in the same channel update
![!configuration](images/Radarr/configuration-2.png "Configuration Window")
1. Notification content options that you can turn on/off to show in the notifications
1. Launch the integration layout editor (image below)
![!layout-editor](images/Radarr/layout-editor.png "Layout Editor")
1. Drag and drop positioning of where you want to see each piece of information in the notification. Some fields are locked (red outline). Full width items can not be used in a multi-line layout. You can not have more than 3 items per line.
1. Test Layout - Will send a test notification with the current layout format
1. Save Layout - Will save the current layout format as the one you want to use
1. Reset Layout - Will set the layout back to default
### Instructions
![!instructions](images/Radarr/instructions.png "Instructions Window")
1. How to enable notifications from within Radarr
1. Setting up multiple instance option
1. Test the notification from Notifiarr to Discord
- This will ensure your server, channel and permissions are set properly in Discord.

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# Reddit Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from subreddits you can choose to watch
## Monitoring overview
![!monitoring-overview](images/Reddit/overview.png "Monitoring overview")
This will list all subreddits you are monitoring
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Reddit/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Radarr.
![!configuration](images/Reddit/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Pick a channel for the subreddit notification to go to
1. Copy and paste the URL to the subreddit
1. Add the subreddit to your account to monitor
1. Edit the channel of an existing monitored subreddit
1. Save the changed channel or remove the subreddit from being monitored

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Snapshots Integration
!!! bug "This is still a work in progress and more a placeholder for the time being !!!"
1. Temperature measurement for notifications
1. Alert settings
1. Who to mention when alerts are triggered (role or user)
1. List of existing alerts
1. Option to only get a snapshot notification if there is an alert triggered

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# Sonarr Integration
> This integration allows for notifications from Sonarr using its built in Connection for **Discord Notifier**
## Trigger options
![!triggers-channels](images/Sonarr/triggers-channels.png "Triggers and Channels")
1. Triggers
- `Grab` - Receive a notification when media is initially grabbed (RSS or manual)
- `Failed` - Custom notification type based on previous grabs. If the system detects a grab for the same media with the same quality or better before the previous one was imported then it will set the previous one as failed
- `Download` - Receive a notification when media **new** is successfully imported
- `Upgrade` - Receive a notification when **upgraded** media is successfully imported
- `Deleted` - Receive a notification when media is deleted
- `Health` - Receive a notification when Sonarr reports an issue
1. Channel
- Sonarr shares the *arr channel unless Granular Setup is used, clicking the link on the site will move to the channel setup location.
## Configuration
![!open-configuration](images/Sonarr/open-configuration.png "Open Configuration Window")
Click the **cog icon** to open the configuration options for Sonarr.
![!configuration](images/Sonarr/configuration.png "Configuration Window")
1. Open integration specific instructions
1. Notification colors for each trigger type
1. Unique notifications: Generate a new notification each time (By default notifications edit the previous one so there is a Grab and then the Download ot Upgrade will edit the Grab notification to alleviate the notification spam)
1. Option to remove the grab once a successful import is done, only works with granular channels since messages in the same channel update
![!configuration](images/Sonarr/configuration-2.png "Configuration Window")
1. Notification content options that you can turn on/off to show in the notifications
1. Launch the integration layout editor (image below)
![!layout-editor](images/Sonarr/layout-editor.png "Layout Editor")
1. Drag and drop positioning of where you want to see each piece of information in the notification. Some fields are locked (red outline). Full width items can not be used in a multi-line layout. You can not have more than 3 items per line.
1. Test Layout - Will send a test notification with the current layout format
1. Save Layout - Will save the current layout format as the one you want to use
1. Reset Layout - Will set the layout back to default
### Instructions
![!instructions](images/Sonarr/instructions.png "Instructions Window")
1. How to enable notifications from within Sonarr
1. Setting up multiple instance option
1. Test the notification from Notifiarr to Discord
- This will ensure your server, channel and permissions are set properly in Discord.

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ You will get a screen that looks like the following screenshot.
1. Click on `Continue` to approve. 1. Click on `Continue` to approve.
!!! note !!! note
Check [Discord Permissions](/Notifiarr/Discord-Permissions/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for information which permissions the bot needs. Check [Discord Permissions]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for information which permissions the bot needs.
#### Reactions #### Reactions
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Scroll up and save
1. Add the URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page. 1. Add the URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page.
2. Click on `SAVE CHANGES` 2. Click on `SAVE CHANGES`
If you want to show more advanced info like Transcode, CPU & Ram take a look at [Plex Integration](/Notifiarr/Integrations-Setup/Plex/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} If you want to show more advanced info like Transcode, CPU & Ram take a look at [Plex Integration]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
!!! note !!! note
If there is still an issue, try asking in the Notifiarr [discord channel]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for additional support. If there is still an issue, try asking in the Notifiarr [discord channel]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for additional support.

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