- **{{ sonarr['cf']['br-disk']['name'] }} :** This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['lq']['name'] }}:** A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-hd']['name'] }}:** This blocks/ignores 720/1080p releases that are encoded in x265 - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
!!! Danger "Danger :bangbang:"
Don't use this together with the following Custom Format [{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/Sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv)
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}:** This blocks/ignores 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
**but it will allow to exclude/bypass if it has HDR and/or DV**
*Being that some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but you want to have DV/HDR releases.*
In your quality profile use the following score for this Custom Format: `-10000`
!!! Danger "Danger :bangbang:"
Don't use this together with the following Custom Format [{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-hd']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/Sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-hd)
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['no-rlsgroup']['name'] }}:** [Optional] Some indexers strip out the release group what could result in LQ groups getting a higher score. For example a lot of EVO releases end up stripping the group name, so they appear as "upgrades", and they end up getting a decent score if other things match.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['obfuscated']['name'] }}:** [Optional] (use these only if you dislike renamed releases)
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['retags']['name'] }}:** [Optional] (use these only if you dislike retagged releases)
- **{{ radarr['cf']['evo-no-webdl']['name'] }}:** This group is often banned for the low quality Blu-ray releases, but their WEB-DL are okay.
- **{{ radarr['cf']['lq']['name'] }}:** A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
- **{{ radarr['cf']['x265-7201080p']['name'] }}:** This blocks/ignores 720/1080p releases that are encoded in x265 - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
!!! Danger "Danger :bangbang:"
Don't use this together with the following Custom Format [{{ radarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv)
- **{{ radarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}:** This blocks/ignores 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
**but it will allow to exclude/bypass if it has HDR and/or DV**
*Being that some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but you want to have DV/HDR releases.*
In your quality profile use the following score for this Custom Format: `-10000`
!!! Danger "Danger :bangbang:"
Don't use this together with the following Custom Format [{{ radarr['cf']['x265-7201080p']['name'] }}](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-hd)
- **{{ radarr['cf']['3d']['name'] }}:** Is 3D still a thing for home use ?
- **{{ radarr['cf']['no-rlsgroup']['name'] }}:** [Optional] Some indexers strip out the release group what could result in LQ groups getting a higher score. For example a lot of EVO releases end up stripping the group name, so they appear as "upgrades", and they end up getting a decent score if other things match.
- **{{ radarr['cf']['obfuscated']['name'] }}:** [Optional] (use these only if you dislike renamed releases)