feat(guide): add Deluge Downloader guide

provides an additional downloader client (Deluge) setup and configuration guide.
zakary 10 months ago
parent 110fce992f
commit ae5fec2400

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# Basic-Setup
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!!! Note
Settings that aren't covered means you can change them to your own liking or just leave them on default.
## Accessing your settings
`Edit` => `Preferences` will bring up your option window once you have launched Deluge for the first time.
## Downloads
Once you are here, you can edit your download settings in the `Downloads` section.
![!Download Settings](images/Deluge-download-settings.png)
### Download Path
`Download to` is where you want you want to download your media to, if you want to move your files upon completion - check the box and enter a path for that option as well.
### Saving .torrent Copies
Copy (and delete upon removal) of the .torrent file upon completion.
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Personal preference`**
### Pre-allocated Files
Pre-allocated disk space for the added torrents, this limits fragmentation and also makes sure if you use a cache drive or a feeder disk that the space is available.
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Enabled`**
!!! warning
Do not set Pre-allocated disk space if you are using ZFS as your filesystem as ZFS [does not support fallocate](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/326){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
{! include-markdown "../../../includes/downloaders/warning-path-location.md" !}
## Bandwidth
Here you can set your rate limits, meaning your maximum download/upload/connection speeds.
!!! info
In Deluge, the value of `-1` is used for "infinity" or "unlimited".
![!Bandwidth Settings](images/Deluge-bandwidth-settings.png)
The best settings depends on many factors.
- Your ISP speed.
- Your hardware used.
- Bandwidth needed by other services in your home network.
!!! success ""
**Suggested:** `For a home connection that you use with others it's best practice to set the upload/download rate to about 70-80% of your maximum upload/download speed.`
## Global Bandwidth Limits
These are the client-wide settings, they will apply to the total traffic of all torrents.
![!Global Bandwidth Settings](images/Deluge-globalbw-settings.png)
!!! tip
The only thing you NEED to place a limit on is half-open connections and connections per-second.
For most high speed broadband connections ~100-150 seems ideal. If you experience lag when initiating a download, try lowering these values.
### Per-Torrent Limits
In addition to global limits, you can set limits per torrent.
!!! info
If you only wish to apply global limits, set all of these to `-1`.
![!Per-Torrent Bandwidth Settings](images/Deluge-torrentbw-settings.png)
## Queue
These settings are intended to manage your number of active seeds, downloads, and uploads.
!!! info
In Deluge, the value of `-1` is used for "infinity" or "unlimited".
### Active Torrents
![!Queue Settings](images/Deluge-queue-settings.png)
Unless you have a specific reason, `Total` can be set to `-1`. These are torrents seen as seeding by the tracker.
`Seeding` is the number of active torrents uploading, and `Downloading` is the number of downloading torrents.
### Seeding Rotation & Share Ratio
I recommend using the seeding goals in your Starr Apps indexer settings (enable advanced) and to remove completed downloads. These sections are then not necessary.
## Network
This is where you will bind Deluge to specific interface/address, specify port usage, and disable network protocols.
![!Network Settings](images/Deluge-network-settings.png)
### Incoming Port
!!! info ""
You've followed the [Setup TorGuard for port forwarding](/Misc/How-to-setup-Torguard-for-port-forwarding/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} and want to know where in your download client you should add the port you've port forwarded.
`Incoming Port` should be set to a specific port that you have open or forwarded (if you are behind any NAT/Firewall/VPN.)
Default ports of 6880-6890 are not recommended.
Make sure you click `Test Active Port` and get a ✓ before moving on.
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Critical`**
### Encryption
Encryption should be enabled on both `Incoming` and `Outgoing`. The default `Level` of `Either` will accept both encrypted and standard connections.
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Level = Full Stream`**
### Network Extras
You can configure your network protocols in this section. Depending on which type of tracker you use, some of these will be beneficial while on other trackers (private) it will put you at risk of being banned/disabled.
!!! warning
Please read this section carefully.
1. UPnP and NAT-PMP should be both disabled in your router, as well as in Deluge, as they can pose security risks.
![!Network UPNP](images/Deluge-network-extras-upnp.png)
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Disabled`**
1. Public trackers can benefit from having settings like DHT (Distributed Hash Table) and Peer Exchange (PEX) enabled. These protocols rely on sources besides the trackers to get peers. **The following settings are recommended ONLY for public trackers.**
![!Network Extras (Public)](images/Deluge-network-extras-public.png)
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Recommended`**
1. Decent private trackers will use the "private flag" and ignore these settings by default. However, it is strongly recommended that you use the following settings if you use private trackers. Almost all private trackers have rules stating that you must disable DHT, PEX, and LSD/LPD (Local Peer Discovery). Failing to do so puts your account at risk of being disabled.
![!Network Extras (Public)](images/Deluge-network-extras.png)
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Disabled`**
## Plugins
Finally, you will want to enable some plugins. There are plenty of plugins on the Deluge community forums to browse once you are familiar with the client, but for the time being we will only be covering the `WebUI` and `Label` plugins to get started.
![!Plugin Settings](images/Deluge-plugin-settings.png)
!!! tip
If you are familiar with the client and plugins you can find more information [here](./Tips.md#plugins)
!!! info
If you are running a docker container, such as binhex's image, the `WebUI` plugin may not need to be enabled, instead it may be configured in the container.
### WebUI
Once you have enabled the `WebUI` plugin, it will appear in your `Preferences` menu list, and you will need to enable the web interface and set the port you want the WebUI to listen on.
!!! info
The default WebUI password is `deluge` and you can change that in preferences inside the WebUI once you access it through your browser.
Remember your password, we will need this later.
### Label
The `Label` plugin will allow you to catagorize/sort your torrents. You can assign one Label per torrent. Starr apps can also use Deluge's labels to help them keep track of downloads and imported torrents.
Labels are a valuable tool, if used properly, to keep your torrents managed and organized.
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# Deluge - Basic Setup
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## Soon
I've asked several people that used this download client for some help/feedback, but most of them just switched to qBittorrent.
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# Deluge - How to add labels

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# Port Forwarding
The `Network` section of `Preferences` is where you will bind Deluge to specific interface/address, specify port usage.
![!Network Settings](images/Deluge-port-forwarding.png)
## Incoming Port
!!! info ""
You've followed the [Setup TorGuard for port forwarding](/Misc/How-to-setup-Torguard-for-port-forwarding/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} and want to know where in your download client you should add the port you've port forwarded.
`Incoming Port` should be set to a specific port that you have open or forwarded (if you are behind any NAT/Firewall/VPN.)
Default ports of 6880-6890 are not recommended.
Make sure you click `Test Active Port` and get a ✓ before moving on.
!!! success ""
**Suggested: `Critical`**

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# Tips
## Thin Client
### Daemon
If you are already running Deluge in `daemon` or `console` mode, or in docker, this is enabled by default. You will need to check your compose or core.conf for the "daemon_port" if you do not know it already.
!!! tip
You can also access the daemon settings in `preferences` in the WebUI if you do not have access to the GTK/UI
You will need to have "Allow Remote Connections" enabled if you are not connecting to Deluge from localhost.
![!Daemon Settings](images/Deluge-tc-daemon.png)
!!! info
If you do not have access to the WebUI, and are instead doing this by editing Deluge's `core.conf`, you will need to change "allow_remote" to true.
Restart Deluge for the changes to take effect.
### Switching to Thin-Client
Once your daemon is setup and running, it's time to setup the client you'll be using to manage your daemon. This will usually be on a remote computer, but if you wish to run this way locally to always seed in the background, that works as well.
Simply go to `Edit` => `Preferences` and switch from `Standalone` to `Thin Client`
![!Thin-Client Toggle](images/Deluge-tc-settings.png)
Restart Deluge.
#### Connections Manager
After switching to `Thin Client` you will need to connect to your daemon. Go to `Edit` => `Connections Manager` and click on `Add` to add the daemon.
![!Label Options](images/Deluge-tc-connman.png)
If you mistype your password, it will prompt you to enter it. There is a bug that does not accept the correct password unless it is entered through the `Add`/`Edit` Menu. If you do not enter the correct password when adding, go to `Edit` on the connection and retype the password into the password blank.
You can find your users and passwords for logging into the daemon in the `auth` file inside your data/config folder for Deluge. You can add users in the `Daemon` settings in preferences as well.
BE AWARE: These password are stored in PLAIN-TEXT in your `auth` file.
## Plugins
Here you will find a list of included and available plugins that may be useful. These are not required, but should be seen as ways to advance/customize your setup once you understand the client and its behaviors.
!!! info
All plugins are .egg files, these files will need to be placed inside your deluge config/data directory, inside the `plugins` folder. If you are using a thin client, they will also need to be present on your local instance as well.
!!! tip
Links to the plugins below are directly to the latest versions available on Deluge's forums, see the original and subsequent posts for more information concerning the plugin's features and iterations.
### AutoAdd
Use this plugin as a "Watch" directory for .torrent files, you can customize the settings using the `Edit` button for that specific directory (download directory, label, etc).
Place a .torrent file in a watched folder, and Deluge will add the torrent to your client. Make sure your directory is marked with a checkmark under `Active` if you wish it to be monitored.
### AddTorrentCheck
This plugin is used to continuously update the tracker when adding torrents from IRC (think autodl-irssi or autobrr) before they are registered.
See the forum thread for details below.
[AddTorrentCheck](https://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?p=236070#p236070){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
### Blocklist
This plugin has mixed reception, depending on the use case. For private trackers, it is generally recommended to keep it disabled. There is an argument that some benefits, in privacy/security, could be made for public trackers - however, reports of many false positives and actual TRACKERS being flagged/blocked have been reported.
Use at your own discretion.
### Execute
Execute will run a program or script upon reaching a specified event. It is recommended that after adding events, you restart Deluge.
!!! info
Checking or Rechecking a torrent will not trigger the "Torrent Completed" event, you will need to actually download the torrent to trigger this.
### Stats
Stats plugin does exactly what it sounds like, provides you statistics on traffic for torrents. You can find the latest version on the forums, but depending on which version of Deluge you install an older version may be included.
[Stats](https://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?p=236443#p236443){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
### YaRSS2
YaRSS2 should be considered unsupported/abandoned at this point. This plugin will crash your client after a random amount of time.
There is not currently any active development on the project, as far as I'm aware.
There is currently no viable RSS support natively in Deluge.
### AutoRemovePlus
This is one of the forks of the original AutoRemovePlus (also referred to as ARP) which will automatically remove torrents from your client:
- Select how many torrents are allowed at the same time.
- Choose to remove or pause them based on multiple criteria age, seeders, seed time or ratio.
- Set specific removal rules depending on tracker or LabelPlus label.
- Remove only torrents from specific trackers or LabelPlus labels.
- Only remove torrents if under a certain HDD space threshold.
- Select if torrents have to fulfill both or either criteria.
- Delete torrents in order (e.g. delete torrents with highest ratio first).
- Don't remove torrents if they don't reach a minimum time (in days) or ratio.
- Choose the removal interval.
- Right click and select torrents that you don't want automatically removed.
- Remove torrent data option.
- Create an exempted tracker or LabelPlus label list, so that torrents that belong to those trackers or labels are not removed.
- Fully functional WebUI.
Other forks, and the original plugin, can be found on the GitHub page.
[AutoRemovePlus](https://github.com/laur89/deluge-autoremoveplus){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
### ltConfig
If you need to set libtorrent settings to anything other than their defaults, this is the plugin for you. There are presets, but you can fine-tune the settings as you need as well.
There is a known bug when trying to enable settings in ltConfig, double-clicking will sometimes not "check" the option.
Simply click the option, then use the space bar to enable that checkbox.
!!! tips
If you want to seed over 1600 torrents, you will need this plugin. You will need to increase the active_tracker_limit.
If your tracker's SSL certificate has expired, you can disable validate_https_trackers to bypass validation.
See the forum thread for details below.
[ltConfig](https://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?p=235653#p235653){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
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# Using Labels
## Labels
!!! info
Labels are the equivalent of categories for qBittorrent, and how you can manage and organize your torrents in groups. Starr apps can use labels in Deluge to keep track of downloads to monitor, rather than watching every torrent in your client.
### Managing Labels
Once you have [enabled the `Label` plugin](./Basic-Setup.md#plugins), you simply right-click anywhere in the area occupied by the label index on the pane on the left and you will be presented with a menu to add/remove/etc a label.
![!Label Menu](images/Deluge-label-add.png)
### Label Options
Each label can be customized by selecting the label, right-clicking, and going to its `Label Options`. Here you can specify the bandwidth settings, download location settings, and even seed goals.
!!! info
In Deluge, the value of `-1` is used for "infinity" or "unlimited".
Below you see an example of the bandwidth options available for a specific label. These settings will be automatically applied as long as a torrent has this label.
![!Label Bandwidth](images/Deluge-label-bw.png)
If you want torrents to be moved upon completion to a specific folder, you can specify this in `Folder Options`. The torrent WILL need to finish downloading while under the label for this to happen.
![!Label Folders](images/Deluge-label-folders.png)
!!! info
Enabling a "Move completed to" for a label may require you to restart Deluge before it will take effect.
Rechecking torrents will not trigger the "completion" call.

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# Deluge Placeholder # Installing
I've asked several people that used this download client for some help/feedback, but most of them just switched to qBittorrent. ## Introduction
Deluge is an open-source cross-platform torrent client written in Python. It has been around since 2006 and offers many features that, while niche, many consider to be critical to their setups.
## Installation
Information sourced mostly from [Deluge's Downloads Page](https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Download)
### Windows
You can find the latest Windows installers [here](https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/deluge/windows/?C=M;O=D)
!!! note
`lt2.0` in the filename means the installer includes libtorrent 2.0.x instead of the older 1.2.x
### Linux (Native)
Due to most default OS repositories being outdated, I recommend using Deluge's repositories to install the latest version.
Using `apt-get` to install
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deluge
Using `pip3` to install (included in the python package)
pip3 install deluge
!!! info
You can find this project's pip repo @ [pypi.org/project/deluge/](https://pypi.org/project/deluge/)
!!! Advanced
If you want to install deluged as a service, documentation can be found [here](https://deluge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/systemd-service.html)
### Docker Containers
[BinHex VPN](https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-delugevpn)
