Here I will explain how to make the most use of Custom Formats and show you some personal examples that I'm using. You can use these to get an idea on how to setup your own.
??? summary "Which Quality Profile should you choose - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
All these examples make use of the [Collection of Custom Formats](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
I decided not to add `Audio Advanced` Custom Formats to the WEB profile, You will hardly find HD audio with WEB-DL (Most newer WEBDL will have Atmos). If you also want HD audio formats I would suggest to go for the Remuxes.
I decided not to add `Audio Advanced` Custom Formats to the WEB profile, You will hardly find HD audio with WEB-DL (Most newer WEBDL will have Atmos). If you also want HD audio formats I would suggest to go for the Remuxes.
The reason why I have WEB 1080p merged with the 2160p is because some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but I still want to have DV/HDR releases.
If you want to do the same make sure you replace [x265 (HD)](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-hd){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} with [x265 (no HDR/DV)](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
!!! example "The following workflow will be applied:"
??? summary "Workflow Logic - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
- It will download WEB-1080p with HDR/DV.
- It will download WEB-2160p with HDR/DV.
- It will upgrade to WEB-2160p when available.
- The downloaded media will be upgraded to any of the added Custom Formats until a score of 10000.
- The downloaded media will be upgraded to any of the added Custom Formats until a score of 10000.
So why such a ridiculously high `Upgrade Until Custom` and not a score of `500`?
So why such a ridiculously high `Upgrade Until Custom` and not a score of `100`?
Because I'm too lazy to calculate the maxim
Because I'm too lazy to calculate the maximum for every Quality Profile I use, and I want it to upgrade to the highest possible score anyway.
### HDR Formats
- You have a setup that supports Dolby Vision.
- You share your media library with other family members that also have have Dolby Vision compatible devices.
@ -198,6 +210,18 @@ Use the following main settings in your profile.
A large portion of Amazon WEB-DLs in the last week have only had 192Kbps DD+5.1, because that's all Amazon made available initially. The proper 640Kbps DD+5.1 audio might appear a few hours later or a few months, but when they get updated, the episodes will be REPACKED.
A large portion of Amazon WEB-DLs in the last week have only had 192Kbps DD+5.1, because that's all Amazon made available initially. The proper 640Kbps DD+5.1 audio might appear a few hours later or a few months, but when they get updated, the episodes will be REPACKED.
### Proper and Repacks
??? tip "Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Sonarr
`Media Management` => `File Management` to `Do Not Prefer` and use the [Repack/Proper](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper) Custom Format.
This way you make sure the Custom Format preferences will be used instead.
### Custom Formats to avoid certain releases
### Custom Formats to avoid certain releases
??? FAQ "How to use a Custom Format to avoid certain releases? - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
??? FAQ "How to use a Custom Format to avoid certain releases? - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
@ -205,23 +229,17 @@ Use the following main settings in your profile.
For Custom Formats you really want to avoid, set it to something really low like `-10000` and not something like `-10`.
For Custom Formats you really want to avoid, set it to something really low like `-10000` and not something like `-10`.
Being when you add a Custom Format what you prefer and you set it to something like `+10` it could happen that for example the `BR-DISK` will be downloaded (-10)+(+10)=0 and if your `Minimum Custom Format Score` is set at `0`.
Being when you add a Custom Format what you prefer and you set it to something like `+10` it could happen that for example the `BR-DISK` will be downloaded (-10)+(+10)=0 and if your `Minimum Custom Format Score` is set at `0`.
### Custom Formats with a score of 0
### Releases you should avoid
??? FAQ "What do Custom Formats with a score of 0 do? - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
All Custom Formats with a score of 0 are pure informational and don't do anything.
### Proper and Repacks
??? tip "Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
This is a must have for every Quality Profile you use in my opinion. All these Custom Formats make sure you don't get Low Quality Releases.
I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Sonarr
`Media Management` => `File Management` to `Do Not Prefer` and use the [Repack/Proper](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper) Custom Format.
If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add **ALL** the HDR Formats listed above (including **ALL** the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the [{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl) Custom Format with a score of {{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['trash_score'] }}
If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add **ALL** the HDR Formats listed above (including **ALL** the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the [{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl) Custom Format with a score of {{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['trash_score'] }}
If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add **ALL** the HDR Formats listed above (including **ALL** the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the [{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl) Custom Format with a score of {{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['trash_score'] }}
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['br-disk']['name'] }} :** This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['lq']['name'] }}:** A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-hd']['name'] }}:** This blocks 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-hd']['name'] }}:** This blocks 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
!!! Danger "Don't use this together with [{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv), Only ever include one of them :warning:"
!!! Danger "Don't use this together with [{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv), Only ever include one of them :warning:"
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['name'] }}:** This blocks 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info [HERE](/Misc/x265-4k/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
**But it will allow x265 releases if they have HDR and/or DV**
*Being that some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but you want to have DV/HDR releases.*
In your quality profile use the following score for this Custom Format: `{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-no-hdrdv']['trash_score'] }}`
!!! Danger "Don't use this together with [{{ sonarr['cf']['x265-hd']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-hd), Only ever include one of them :warning:"
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['no-rlsgroup']['name'] }}:** [*Optional*] Some indexers strip out the release group what could result in LQ groups getting a higher score. For example a lot of EVO releases end up stripping the group name, so they appear as "upgrades", and they end up getting a decent score if other things match.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['obfuscated']['name'] }}:** [*Optional*] (use these only if you dislike renamed releases)
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['retags']['name'] }}:** [*Optional*] (use these only if you dislike retagged releases)
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['bad-dual-groups']['name'] }}:** [*Optional*] These groups take the original release, then they add their own preferred language (ex. Portuguese) as the main audio track (AAC 2.0), What results after renaming and FFprobe that the media file will be recognized as Portuguese AAC audio. It's a common rule that you add the best audio as first.
Also they often even rename the release name in to Portuguese.
- **{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['name'] }}:** This is a special Custom Format that Block WEBDL with Dolby Vision but without HDR10 fallback.
This Custom Format works together with the normal DV Custom Format that you can use to prefer Dolby Vision.
Most WEBDL from Streaming Services don't have the fallback to HDR10, What can results in playback issues like weird colors if you want to play it on a not Dolby Vision compatible setup.
Remuxes and Bluray have a fallback to HDR10.
!!! hint
`[DV WEBDL]` = This custom format you need to score depending of your personal use and setup.
- If you only watch your movies on a setup that completely supports Dolby Vision from start to end then give it a score of `0` or just don't add it.
- If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then you should add this with a score of `{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['trash_score'] }}`.
??? summary "Sonarr v4 current logic - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"
As of v4 release the logic is as follows:
The Current logic on how downloads are compared is **Quality Trumps All** :bangbang:
1. Quality
1. Custom Formats
1. Protocol
1. Episode Count
1. Episode Number
1. Indexer Priority
1. Seeds/Peers (If Torrent)
1. Age (If Usenet)
1. Size
[Source: Wiki Servarr]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
!!! attention ""
REPACKS and PROPERs are v2 of Qualities and thus rank above a non-repack of the same quality.
`Settings` => `Media Management` => `File Management` => `Proper & Repacks` Change to `Do Not Prefer` and use a preferred word regex of `/\b(repack|proper)\b/i`