Several Quality profiles have a demanding MUST must warning for several CF that should be used, change warning/description to choice.
Check all boxes as they are completed
- [ ] Change x265 (no HDR/DV) must to choice
- [x] Change SDR must to choice
- [ ] Test changes in local test setup
- [x] These changes meet the standards for [contributing](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [x] I have read the [code of conduct](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides/blob/master/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
# Pull request
Removed CF `Hybrid` from `How to setup Quality Profiles - HD Bluray + WEB` because it matches only for Remuxes.
Check all boxes as they are completed
- [ ] Removed CF `Hybrid` from `How to setup Quality Profiles - HD Bluray + WEB`
- [ ] Test changes in local test setup
- [x] These changes meet the standards for [contributing](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [x] I have read the [code of conduct](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides/blob/master/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
- Complete overhaul of the SQP-1 (2160p).
- Added: Max compatibility, prefer BHDstudio.
- Prefer Streaming Services Audio Formats (Atmos) if no BHDStudio is available.
# 2023-05-18 11:45
- Added CF `Remux Tier 03`, This way we can fine tune the RlsGrps even more. please update your automation sync tools to accept the new CF.
- [Radarr] Increased the score for CF `Remux Tier 01-02`
- None
- [SQP 2-5] Added optional to also accept 1080p WEBDL without DV/HDR, if you're only running 1 Radarr so you will also get the HD release if there is no UHD version.
- convert md tables to use json fields data
- replace pymdownx.snippets to include-markdown
- include-markdown allows markdownextradata to properly render
- Updated: *arr/*arr(s) to Starr Apps.
- Added: info that you can't hardlink directories.
- Added: info that you can't cross file systems.
- Added: More info to wikipedia for hardlinks
- NEW: CF `[Flights (no IMAX)]` New Hybrid Remux group, had some complains about their imax releases being off, so they got a own CF (SQP).
- NEW: CF `[SiC]` HQ WEBDL Hybrid group that does DV + HDR10 give it a score of `51` to give it a higher score (SQP).
- Updated: CF `[FreeLeech]` Scoring from `5` to `1` to give proper/repack preference.
- Updated: CF `[Repack/Proper]` Scoring from `1` to `5` to give proper/repack preference.