Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
- Create new SDR (no WEBDL) custom formats for Radarr and Sonarr
- Add new custom formats to the collection of custom formats tables and lists
- Tweak SDR description in custom formats lists
# Pull Request
## Purpose
Boost the audio scores DD, DDP and DDPA. So they are preferred over DTS.
Fix the following GHI:
- #1498
## Approach
- [x] Boost `DD` with 100 points to 115
- [x] Boost `DD+` with 100 points to 125
- [x] Boost `DD+ Atmos` with 100 points to 135
## Open Questions and Pre-Merge TODOs
- [x] Test changes in local test setup
- Add French specific score to .json
- Replace hardcoded French score in guide to specific .json score
- Reformat French table
- Updated French translation of [Click to show/hide] button
- Removed unnecessaries' 0 scoring in tables
- Updated SQP guide scoring tables to use new JSON scores instead of absolute values
- Corrected one small typo
- Formatted and tidied all SQP and main guide tables (have not formatted or tidied anime or French guide tables)
- Added `sqp-1-1080p`, `sqp-1-2160p`, `sqp-2`, `sqp-3`, `sqp-4` and `sqp-5` score values
- Modified scoring tables in SQP-1-1080p, SQP-1-2160p, SQP-2, SQP-5, and relevant includes to use new JSON scoring values (i.e., removed hrad-coded custom scores)
- Formatted main guide and SQP tables
- Add new Criterion Channel Streaming Service CF
- Add new Criterion Channel Streaming Service CF to relevant guides and tables
- Modify existing Criterion Collection CF to only apply to Bluray and Remux releases, and also add an exclusion for the `Criterion` release group
- [Radarr] Removed: RlsGrp `CiNEPHiLES` from Remux Tier to prevent download loops.
This RlsGrp has a weird file naming structure what results in to download loops.
At the moment Radarr only probes the first audio track, and it doesn't read the nfo's.
This would require scraping the tracker/indexer, which is undesired and mostly frowned upon and at very least simply forbidden.
So in the current state it needs to work with the info provided in the filename and/or release name and what's used as first audio track.
So this is something that needs to be fixed on the RlsGrp side and they have 2 options how to solve it.
- Fix their bad/wrong naming choice.
- Change what they select as default/first track.
I've contacted them about this issue and they will not be changing their file naming structures any-further.
Because of their decision the following will be decided:
They get removed from the Remux Tiers so they won't be chosen to prevent the loops as much as possible.
If we will still get reports of download loops, even if they aren't in the Remux Tiers, we will do the same what we do with the other RlsGrps that can't name their files correctly or choose the not corresponding audio format to be the first and as default . (Meaning: that the RlsGrp will be placed in the `LQ` Custom Format, This to prevent download loops.)
- Updated streaming service scores
- new UHD Streaming Boost and UHD Streaming Cut CFs to boost and cut streaming service scores at 4K
- Updated Sonarr CF page with new CFs
- New Sonarr guide section with new CF details
- Repack CFs re-scored for Radarr/Sonarr to allow compatibility with new streaming service CF scores
- Complete overhaul of the SQP-1 (2160p).
- Added: Max compatibility, prefer BHDstudio.
- Prefer Streaming Services Audio Formats (Atmos) if no BHDStudio is available.
# 2023-05-18 11:45
- Added CF `Remux Tier 03`, This way we can fine tune the RlsGrps even more. please update your automation sync tools to accept the new CF.
- [Radarr] Increased the score for CF `Remux Tier 01-02`
- None