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On the Radarr/Sonarr Discord people often ask,

  • “What's the best quality size settings to use?”
  • “Why are the ones from the TRaSH Guides so different from the default settings?”

Even though it is a personal preference, we will show you some recommendations to prevent low-quality or fake releases.


??? question "Why do i only see sizes starting from HDTV720p and up?"

- Watching content below 720p on a big screen can result in a blurry and pixelated image, making it difficult to see details and enjoy the true quality of the content. Additionally, lower-resolution videos may not fill the entire screen, leading to a less immersive viewing experience. Investing in higher-quality content ensures that you are getting the best possible picture and sound quality for your viewing pleasure.

??? question "Why are some sizes set to max?"

- These guides are created to achieve the highest possible quality based on the quality profiles provided.

??? question "Why is there a difference between regular movies/tv shows and anime/animated/cartoons ?"

- Regular movies and TV shows are set up more strictly to prevent low-quality and fake releases, whereas anime, animated series, and cartoons are set up wide open.

??? question "When I set Bluray to MAX size I often get ISO's/ Bluray folder structure."

- You have probably configured your Quality Profiles incorrectly by enabling BR-DISK without adding the recommended Custom Format for Radarr to block/ignore [BR-DISK](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#br-disk){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}. For Sonarr, you can use the following to block/ignore [BR-DISK](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#br-disk){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.

??? question "Some movies or episodes may not be grabbed due to these settings."

If you notice that some movies or episodes are not being grabbed due to size settings, you can provide proof with a screenshot showing the error that appears during an interactive search (excluding the indexer or tracker if you prefer).

- We will only consider changes for international releases; no multi-language or dubbed releases will be accepted.
- We will not accept incorrectly labeled source releases such as those from MeGusta, they need to properly name their content first.
- Changes for micro-sized releases will not be accepted.
- Documentaries and cartoons are typically much smaller, so we may not make edits to those either.

These quality file size settings have been created and tested with information gathered from release comparisons from various sources and information provided by the community.