**DiscordChatExporter** is an application that can be used to export message history from any [Discord](https://discord.com) channel to a file.
**DiscordChatExporter** is an application that can be used to export message history from any [Discord](https://discord.com) channel to a file.
It works with direct messages, group messages, and server channels, and supports Discord's dialect of markdown as well as most other rich media features.
It works with direct messages, group messages, and server channels, and supports Discord's dialect of markdown as well as most other rich media features.
> ❔ If you have questions or issues, **please refer to the [docs](.docs)**.
<!-- Can't use a relative link here due to a bug in markdown parsing -->
> ❔ If you have questions or issues, **please refer to the [docs](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter/tree/master/.docs)**.
> 💬 If you want to chat, **join my [Discord server](https://discord.gg/2SUWKFnHSm)**.
> 💬 If you want to chat, **join my [Discord server](https://discord.gg/2SUWKFnHSm)**.