@ -16,57 +16,57 @@ namespace DiscordChatExporter.Core.Markdown
// Capture any character until the earliest double asterisk not followed by an asterisk
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> BoldFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("\\*\\*(.+?)\\*\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Bold, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Bold, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the earliest single asterisk not preceded or followed by an asterisk
// Opening asterisk must not be followed by whitespace
// Closing asterisk must not be preceded by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> ItalicFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("\\*(?!\\s)(.+?)(?<!\\s|\\*)\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the earliest triple asterisk not followed by an asterisk
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> ItalicBoldFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("\\*(\\*\\*.+?\\*\\*)\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]), BoldFormattedNodeMatcher)));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), BoldFormattedNodeMatcher)));
// Capture any character except underscore until an underscore
// Closing underscore must not be followed by a word character
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> ItalicAltFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("_([^_]+)_(?!\\w)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the earliest double underscore not followed by an underscore
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("__(.+?)__(?!_)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Underline, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Underline, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the earliest triple underscore not followed by an underscore
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> ItalicUnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("_(__.+?__)_(?!_)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]), UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher)));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher)));
// Capture any character until the earliest double tilde
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> StrikethroughFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("~~(.+?)~~", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Strikethrough, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Strikethrough, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the earliest double pipe
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> SpoilerFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("\\|\\|(.+?)\\|\\|", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Spoiler, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Spoiler, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the end of the line
// Opening 'greater than' character must be followed by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> SingleLineQuoteNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("^>\\s(.+)\r?\n?", DefaultRegexOptions),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
// Capture any character until the end of the input
// Opening 'greater than' characters must be followed by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<Node> MultiLineQuoteNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<Node>(
new Regex("^>>>\\s(.+)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Shrink(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
/* Code blocks */