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Scheduling exports on Windows

We'll be using DiscordChatExporter CLI, PowerShell, and Task Scheduler. Make sure you already have DiscordChatExporter.CLI downloaded and .NET Runtime installed.

Creating the script

  1. Open a text editor such as Notepad and paste:
# Info:

$TOKEN = "tokenhere"
$CHANNEL = "channelhere"
$EXEPATH = "exefolderhere"
$FILENAME = "filenamehere"
$EXPORTFORMAT = "formathere"
# Available export formats: PlainText, HtmlDark, HtmlLight, Json, Csv


./DiscordChatExporter.Cli export -t $TOKEN -c $CHANNEL -f $EXPORTFORMAT -o "$FILENAME.tmp"

$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"

If($EXPORTFORMAT -match "PlainText"){mv "$FILENAME.tmp" -Destination "$EXPORTDIRECTORY\$FILENAME-$Date.txt"}
ElseIf($EXPORTFORMAT -match "HtmlDark"){mv "$FILENAME.tmp" -Destination "$EXPORTDIRECTORY\$FILENAME-$Date.html"}
ElseIf($EXPORTFORMAT -match "HtmlLight"){mv "$FILENAME.tmp" -Destination "$EXPORTDIRECTORY\$FILENAME-$Date.html"}
ElseIf($EXPORTFORMAT -match "Json"){mv "$FILENAME.tmp" -Destination "$EXPORTDIRECTORY\$FILENAME-$Date.json"}
ElseIf($EXPORTFORMAT -match "Csv"){mv "$FILENAME.tmp" -Destination "$EXPORTDIRECTORY\$FILENAME-$Date.csv"}
  1. Replace:
  • tokenhere with your Token
  • channelhere with a Channel ID
  • exefolderhere with the .exe directory's path (e.g. C:\Users\User\Desktop\DiscordChatExporter)
  • filenamehere with a filename without spaces
  • dirhere with the export directory (e.g. C:\Users\User\Documents\Exports)
  • formathere with one of the available export formats

Make sure not to delete the quotes (")

  1. Save the file as filename.ps1, not as .txt

Note: You can also modify the script to use other options, such as include-threads or switch to a different command, e. g. exportguild.

Export at Startup

  1. Press Windows + R, type shell:startup and press ENTER
  2. Paste filename.ps1 or a shortcut into this folder

Scheduling with Task Scheduler

Please note that your computer must be turned on for the export to happen.

  1. Press Windows + R, type taskschd.msc and press ENTER
  2. Select Task Scheduler Library, create a Basic Task, and follow the instructions on-screen

Screenshot from Task Scheduler

  1. At 'Start a Program', write powershell -file -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -WindowStyle Hidden "C:\path\to\filename.ps1" in the Program/script text box

  1. Click 'Yes'

  1. Click 'Finish'

Special thanks to @Yudi