enable /search alpha

Kaveen Kumarasinghe 2 years ago
parent c36d24cfb1
commit 827216f272

@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ class Commands(discord.Cog, name="Commands"):
@discord.option(name="query", description="The query to search", required=True)
@discord.option(name="scope", description="How many top links to use for context", required=False, input_type=discord.SlashCommandOptionType.integer, max_value=8, min_value=1)
async def search(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, query: str):
await ctx.respond("Not implemented yet")
# await self.search_cog.search_command(ctx, query)
async def search(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, query: str, scope: int):
await self.search_cog.search_command(ctx, query, scope)

@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ import discord
from models.deepl_model import TranslationModel
from models.search_model import Search
from services.environment_service import EnvService
from services.text_service import TextService
ALLOWED_GUILDS = EnvService.get_allowed_guilds()
USER_INPUT_API_KEYS = EnvService.get_user_input_api_keys()
USER_KEY_DB = EnvService.get_api_db()
class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
"""Cog containing translation commands and retrieval of translation services"""
@ -25,8 +26,24 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
self.model = Search(gpt_model, pinecone_service)
# Make a mapping of all the country codes and their full country names:
async def search_command(self, ctx, query):
async def search_command(self, ctx, query, search_scope):
"""Command handler for the translation command"""
user_api_key = None
user_api_key = await TextService.get_user_api_key(
ctx.user.id, ctx, USER_KEY_DB
if not user_api_key:
if not EnvService.get_google_search_api_key() or not EnvService.get_google_search_engine_id():
await ctx.send("The search service is not enabled.")
await ctx.defer()
await self.model.search(query)
await ctx.respond("ok")
response = await self.model.search(query, user_api_key, search_scope)
await ctx.respond(
f"**Query:**\n\n{query.strip()}\n\n**Query response:**\n\n{response.response.strip()}"

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
import asyncio
import os
import random
import re
from functools import partial
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import aiohttp
from gpt_index import QuestionAnswerPrompt, GPTSimpleVectorIndex, BeautifulSoupWebReader, Document
from gpt_index.readers.web import DEFAULT_WEBSITE_EXTRACTOR
from services.environment_service import EnvService
from services.usage_service import UsageService
@ -13,8 +19,24 @@ class Search:
self.pinecone_service = pinecone_service
self.google_search_api_key = EnvService.get_google_search_api_key()
self.google_search_engine_id = EnvService.get_google_search_engine_id()
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.qaprompt = QuestionAnswerPrompt(
"You are formulating the response to a search query given the search prompt and the context. Context information is below. The text '<|endofstatement|>' is used to separate chat entries and make it easier for you to understand the context\n"
"Never say '<|endofstatement|>'\n"
"Given the context information and not prior knowledge, "
"answer the question, say that you were unable to answer the question if there is not sufficient context to formulate a decisive answer. The search query was: {query_str}\n"
self.openai_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_TOKEN")
def index_webpage(self, url) -> list[Document]:
documents = BeautifulSoupWebReader(
return documents
async def get_links(self, query):
async def get_links(self, query, search_scope=5):
"""Search the web for a query"""
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(
@ -23,60 +45,30 @@ class Search:
if response.status == 200:
data = await response.json()
# Return a list of the top 5 links
return [item["link"] for item in data["items"][:5]]
return [item["link"] for item in data["items"][:search_scope]]
return "An error occurred while searching."
async def search(self, query):
async def search(self, query, user_api_key, search_scope):
if not user_api_key:
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = self.openai_key
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = user_api_key
# Get the links for the query
links = await self.get_links(query)
links = await self.get_links(query, search_scope=search_scope)
# For each link, crawl the page and get all the text that's not HTML garbage.
# Concatenate all the text for a given website into one string and save it into an array:
texts = []
documents = []
for link in links:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(link, timeout=5) as response:
if response.status == 200:
soup = BeautifulSoup(await response.read(), "html.parser")
# Find all the content between <p> tags and join them together and then append to texts
texts.append(" ".join([p.text for p in soup.find_all("p")]))
print("Finished retrieving text content from the links")
document = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, partial(self.index_webpage, link))
[documents.append(doc) for doc in document]
# For each text in texts, split it up into 500 character chunks and create embeddings for it
# The pinecone service uses conversation_id, but we can use it here too to keep track of the "search", each
# conversation_id represents a unique search.
conversation_id = random.randint(0, 100000000)
for text in texts:
# Split the text into 150 character chunks without using re
chunks = [text[i : i + 500] for i in range(0, len(text), 500)]
# Create embeddings for each chunk
for chunk in chunks:
# Create an embedding for the chunk
embedding = await self.model.send_embedding_request(chunk)
# Upsert the embedding for the conversation ID
self.model, conversation_id, chunk, 0
print("Finished creating embeddings for the text")
index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex(documents)
# Now that we have all the embeddings for the search, we can embed the query and then
# query pinecone for the top 5 results
query_embedding = await self.model.send_embedding_request(query)
results = self.pinecone_service.get_n_similar(
conversation_id, query_embedding, n=3
# Get only the first elements of each result
results = [result[0] for result in results]
# Now we can search the index for a query:
response = index.query(query, text_qa_template=self.qaprompt)
# Construct a query for GPT3 to use these results to answer the query
GPT_QUERY = f"This is a search query. I want to know the answer to the query: {query}. Here are some results from the web: {[str(result) for result in results]}. \n\n Answer:"
# Generate the answer
# Use the tokenizer to determine token amount of the query
await self.model.send_request(
GPT_QUERY, UsageService.count_tokens_static(GPT_QUERY)
return response
