# Copy the sample.env file into a regular .env file. `DEBUG_GUILD` and the ID for `ALLOWED_GUILDS` can be found by right-clicking your server and choosing "Copy ID". Similarly, `DEBUG_CHANNEL` can be found by right-clicking your debug channel.
# Copy the sample.env file into a regular .env file. `DEBUG_GUILD` and the ID for `ALLOWED_GUILDS` can be found by right-clicking your server and choosing "Copy ID". Similarly, `DEBUG_CHANNEL` can be found by right-clicking your debug channel.
cp sample.env .env
cp sample.env .env
# The command below is used to edit the .env file and to put in your API keys. You can right click within the
# The command below is used to edit the .env file and to put in your API keys. You can right click within the