@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
self . redo_users = { }
self . redo_users = { }
# Make a mapping of all the country codes and their full country names:
# Make a mapping of all the country codes and their full country names:
async def paginate_embed ( self , response_text , user : discord . Member ):
async def paginate_embed ( self , response_text , user : discord . Member , original_link = None ):
""" Given a response text make embed pages and return a list of the pages. Codex makes it a codeblock in the embed """
""" Given a response text make embed pages and return a list of the pages. Codex makes it a codeblock in the embed """
response_text = [
response_text = [
@ -53,14 +53,16 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
for count , chunk in enumerate ( response_text , start = 1 ) :
for count , chunk in enumerate ( response_text , start = 1 ) :
if not first :
if not first :
page = discord . Embed (
page = discord . Embed (
title = f " Search Results " ,
title = f " Search Results " if not original_link else f " Follow-up results " ,
description = chunk ,
description = chunk ,
url = original_link ,
first = True
first = True
else :
else :
page = discord . Embed (
page = discord . Embed (
title = f " Page { count } " ,
title = f " Page { count } " ,
description = chunk ,
description = chunk ,
url = original_link ,
if user . avatar :
if user . avatar :
page . set_footer (
page . set_footer (
@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
nodes ,
nodes ,
deep ,
deep ,
redo = None ,
redo = None ,
from_followup = None ,
) :
) :
""" Command handler for the translation command """
""" Command handler for the translation command """
user_api_key = None
user_api_key = None
@ -126,19 +129,29 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
urls = " \n " . join ( f " < { url } > " for url in urls )
urls = " \n " . join ( f " < { url } > " for url in urls )
query_response_message = f " **Question:** \n \n ` { query . strip ( ) } ` \n \n **Google Search Query** \n \n ` { refined_text . strip ( ) } ` \n \n **Final Answer:** \n \n { response . response . strip ( ) } \n \n **Sources:** \n { urls } "
if from_followup :
original_link , followup_question = from_followup . original_link , from_followup . followup_question
query_response_message = f " **Question:** \n \n ` { followup_question } ` \n \n **Google Search Query** \n \n ` { refined_text . strip ( ) } ` \n \n **Final Answer:** \n \n { response . response . strip ( ) } \n \n **Sources:** \n { urls } "
else :
query_response_message = f " **Question:** \n \n ` { query . strip ( ) } ` \n \n **Google Search Query** \n \n ` { refined_text . strip ( ) } ` \n \n **Final Answer:** \n \n { response . response . strip ( ) } \n \n **Sources:** \n { urls } "
query_response_message = query_response_message . replace (
query_response_message = query_response_message . replace (
" <|endofstatement|> " , " "
" <|endofstatement|> " , " "
query_response_message = query_response_message . replace (
" Answer to original: \n " , " "
query_response_message = query_response_message . replace (
" Answer to follow-up: \n " , " "
# If the response is too long, lets paginate using the discord pagination
# If the response is too long, lets paginate using the discord pagination
# helper
# helper
embed_pages = await self . paginate_embed ( query_response_message , ctx . user )
embed_pages = await self . paginate_embed ( query_response_message , ctx . user , original_link if from_followup else None )
paginator = pages . Paginator (
paginator = pages . Paginator (
pages = embed_pages ,
pages = embed_pages ,
timeout = None ,
timeout = None ,
author_check = False ,
author_check = False ,
custom_view = RedoButton( ctx , self ) ,
custom_view = SearchView( ctx , self , query_response_message ) ,
self . redo_users [ ctx . user . id ] = RedoSearchUser ( ctx , query , search_scope , nodes )
self . redo_users [ ctx . user . id ] = RedoSearchUser ( ctx , query , search_scope , nodes )
@ -146,16 +159,47 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
await paginator . respond ( ctx . interaction )
await paginator . respond ( ctx . interaction )
class SearchView ( discord . ui . View ) :
def __init__ (
self ,
ctx ,
search_cog ,
response_text ,
) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( timeout = 3600 ) # 1 hour interval to redo.
self . search_cog = search_cog
self . ctx = ctx
self . response_text = response_text
self . add_item ( RedoButton ( self . ctx , self . search_cog ) )
self . add_item ( FollowupButton ( self . ctx , self . search_cog , self . response_text ) )
# A view for a follow-up button
class FollowupButton ( discord . ui . Button [ " SearchView " ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , ctx , search_cog , response_text ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( label = " Follow Up " , style = discord . ButtonStyle . green )
self . search_cog = search_cog
self . ctx = ctx
self . response_text = response_text
async def callback ( self , interaction : discord . Interaction ) :
""" Send the followup modal """
await interaction . response . send_modal ( modal = FollowupModal ( self . ctx , self . search_cog , self . response_text ) )
# A view for a redo button
# A view for a redo button
class RedoButton ( discord . ui . View ) :
class RedoButton ( discord . ui . Button [ " SearchView " ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , ctx : discord . ApplicationContext , search_cog ) :
def __init__ ( self , ctx , search_cog ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
super ( ) . __init__ (
style = discord . ButtonStyle . danger ,
label = " Redo " ,
custom_id = " redo_search_button " ,
self . ctx = ctx
self . ctx = ctx
self . search_cog = search_cog
self . search_cog = search_cog
@discord.ui.button ( label = " Redo " , style = discord . ButtonStyle . danger )
async def callback ( self , interaction : discord . Interaction ) :
async def redo ( self , button : discord . ui . Button , interaction : discord . Interaction ) :
""" Redo the search """
""" Redo the translation """
await interaction . response . send_message (
await interaction . response . send_message (
" Redoing search... " , ephemeral = True , delete_after = 15
" Redoing search... " , ephemeral = True , delete_after = 15
@ -167,3 +211,46 @@ class RedoButton(discord.ui.View):
deep = False ,
deep = False ,
redo = True ,
redo = True ,
class FollowupData :
def __init__ ( self , original_link , followup_question ) :
self . original_link = original_link
self . followup_question = followup_question
# The modal for following up
class FollowupModal ( discord . ui . Modal ) :
def __init__ ( self , ctx , search_cog , response_text ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( title = " Search Follow-up " )
# Get the argument named "user_key_db" and save it as USER_KEY_DB
self . search_cog = search_cog
self . ctx = ctx
self . response_text = response_text
self . add_item (
discord . ui . InputText (
label = " What other questions do you have? " ,
placeholder = " " ,
async def callback ( self , interaction : discord . Interaction ) :
await interaction . response . defer ( )
query = self . search_cog . redo_users [ self . ctx . user . id ] . query
# In the response text, get only the text between "**Final Answer:**" and "**Sources:**"
self . response_text = self . response_text . split ( " **Final Answer:** " ) [ 1 ] . split ( " **Sources:** " ) [ 0 ]
# Build the context
context_text = " Original question: " + query + " \n " + " Answer to original: " + self . response_text + " \n " + " Follow-up question: " + self . children [ 0 ] . value
# Get the link of the message that the user interacted on
message_link = f " https://discord.com/channels/ { interaction . guild_id } / { interaction . channel_id } / { interaction . message . id } "
await self . search_cog . search_command (
self . search_cog . redo_users [ self . ctx . user . id ] . ctx ,
context_text ,
self . search_cog . redo_users [ self . ctx . user . id ] . search_scope ,
self . search_cog . redo_users [ self . ctx . user . id ] . nodes ,
deep = False ,
redo = True ,
from_followup = FollowupData ( message_link , self . children [ 0 ] . value ) ,