@ -379,13 +379,10 @@ class GPT3ComCon(commands.Cog, name="GPT3ComCon"):
if len(response_text) > self.TEXT_CUTOFF:
await self.paginate_and_send(response_text, message)
response_message = await message.reply(response_text)
response_message = await message.reply(response_text, view=RedoView(self))
redo_users[message.author.id] = RedoUser(
prompt, message, response_message
RedoButtonView.bot = self
await response_message.edit(view=RedoButtonView())
# We have response_text available, this is the original message that we want to edit
await response_message.edit(content=response_text)
@ -547,15 +544,26 @@ class GPT3ComCon(commands.Cog, name="GPT3ComCon"):
# Send the request to the model
await self.encapsulated_send(message, prompt)
class RedoView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, converser_cog):
super().__init__(timeout=3600) # 1 hour interval to redo.
self.converser_cog = converser_cog
async def on_timeout(self):
# Remove the button from the view/message
# Send a message to the user saying the view has timed out
await self.message.edit(
class RedoButton(discord.ui.Button["RedoView"]):
def __init__(self, converser_cog):
super().__init__(style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger, label="Retry")
self.converser_cog = converser_cog
class RedoButtonView(
): # Create a class called MyView that subclasses discord.ui.View
) # Create a button with the label "😎 Click me!" with color Blurple
async def button_callback(self, button, interaction):
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
msg = await interaction.response.send_message(
"Retrying your original request...", ephemeral=True
@ -564,7 +572,7 @@ class RedoButtonView(
deletion = Deletion(
msg, (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)).timestamp()
await self.bot.deletion_queue.put(deletion)
await self.converser_cog.deletion_queue.put(deletion)
# Get the user
user_id = interaction.user.id
@ -573,4 +581,4 @@ class RedoButtonView(
message = redo_users[user_id].message
prompt = redo_users[user_id].prompt
response_message = redo_users[user_id].response
await self.bot.encapsulated_send(message, prompt, response_message)
await self.converser_cog.encapsulated_send(message, prompt, response_message)