@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
self.redo_users = {}
# Make a mapping of all the country codes and their full country names:
async def paginate_embed(self, response_text, user: discord.Member, original_link=None):
async def paginate_embed(
self, response_text, user: discord.Member, original_link=None
"""Given a response text make embed pages and return a list of the pages. Codex makes it a codeblock in the embed"""
response_text = [
@ -53,7 +55,9 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
for count, chunk in enumerate(response_text, start=1):
if not first:
page = discord.Embed(
title=f"Search Results" if not original_link else f"Follow-up results",
title=f"Search Results"
if not original_link
else f"Follow-up results",
@ -130,7 +134,10 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
urls = "\n".join(f"<{url}>" for url in urls)
if from_followup:
original_link, followup_question = from_followup.original_link, from_followup.followup_question
original_link, followup_question = (
query_response_message = f"**Question:**\n\n`{followup_question}`\n\n**Google Search Query**\n\n`{refined_text.strip()}`\n\n**Final Answer:**\n\n{response.response.strip()}\n\n**Sources:**\n{urls}"
query_response_message = f"**Question:**\n\n`{query.strip()}`\n\n**Google Search Query**\n\n`{refined_text.strip()}`\n\n**Final Answer:**\n\n{response.response.strip()}\n\n**Sources:**\n{urls}"
@ -146,7 +153,9 @@ class SearchService(discord.Cog, name="SearchService"):
# If the response is too long, lets paginate using the discord pagination
# helper
embed_pages = await self.paginate_embed(query_response_message, ctx.user, original_link if from_followup else None)
embed_pages = await self.paginate_embed(
query_response_message, ctx.user, original_link if from_followup else None
paginator = pages.Paginator(
@ -173,6 +182,7 @@ class SearchView(discord.ui.View):
self.add_item(RedoButton(self.ctx, self.search_cog))
self.add_item(FollowupButton(self.ctx, self.search_cog, self.response_text))
# A view for a follow-up button
class FollowupButton(discord.ui.Button["SearchView"]):
def __init__(self, ctx, search_cog, response_text):
@ -183,8 +193,9 @@ class FollowupButton(discord.ui.Button["SearchView"]):
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
"""Send the followup modal"""
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal=FollowupModal(self.ctx, self.search_cog, self.response_text))
await interaction.response.send_modal(
modal=FollowupModal(self.ctx, self.search_cog, self.response_text)
# A view for a redo button
@ -212,10 +223,13 @@ class RedoButton(discord.ui.Button["SearchView"]):
class FollowupData:
def __init__(self, original_link, followup_question):
self.original_link = original_link
self.followup_question = followup_question
# The modal for following up
class FollowupModal(discord.ui.Modal):
def __init__(self, ctx, search_cog, response_text) -> None:
@ -237,10 +251,21 @@ class FollowupModal(discord.ui.Modal):
query = self.search_cog.redo_users[self.ctx.user.id].query
# In the response text, get only the text between "**Final Answer:**" and "**Sources:**"
self.response_text = self.response_text.split("**Final Answer:**")[1].split("**Sources:**")[0]
self.response_text = self.response_text.split("**Final Answer:**")[1].split(
# Build the context
context_text = "Original question: "+query+"\n"+"Answer to original: "+self.response_text+"\n"+"Follow-up question: "+self.children[0].value
context_text = (
"Original question: "
+ query
+ "\n"
+ "Answer to original: "
+ self.response_text
+ "\n"
+ "Follow-up question: "
+ self.children[0].value
# Get the link of the message that the user interacted on
message_link = f"https://discord.com/channels/{interaction.guild_id}/{interaction.channel_id}/{interaction.message.id}"