You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

16 lines
849 B

# Translations with DeepL
This bot supports and uses DeepL for translations (optionally). If you want to enable the translations service, you can add a line in your `.env` file as follows:
DEEPL_TOKEN="your deepl token"
You can get a DeepL token by signing up at and clicking on the *free plan* to start. The DeepL translation service unlocks some new commands for your bot:
`/translate <text> <language>` - Translate any given piece of text into the language that you provide
`/languages` - See a list of all supported languages
Using DeepL also adds a new app menu button (when you right click a message) to the bot which allows you to quickly translate any message in a channel into any language you want:
<img src=""/>