@ -65,18 +65,31 @@ export default function createHandleActions(handlers, defaultState, section) {
if ( section === baseSection ) {
const newState = getSectionState ( state , payloadSection ) ;
const items = newState . items ;
const index = _ . findIndex ( items , { id : payload . id } ) ;
if ( ! newState . itemMap ) {
newState . itemMap = _ . zipObject ( _ . map ( items , 'id' ) , _ . range ( items . length ) ) ;
const index = payload . id in newState . itemMap ? newState . itemMap [ payload . id ] : - 1 ;
newState . items = [ ... items ] ;
// TODO: Move adding to it's own reducer
if ( index >= 0 ) {
const item = items [ index ] ;
const newItem = { ... item , ... otherProps } ;
newState . items . splice ( index , 1 , { ... item , ... otherProps } ) ;
// if the item to update is equal to existing, then don't actually update
// to prevent costly reselections
if ( _ . isEqual ( item , newItem ) ) {
return state ;
newState . items . splice ( index , 1 , newItem ) ;
} else if ( ! updateOnly ) {
newState . items . push ( { ... otherProps } ) ;
newState . itemMap = _ . zipObject ( _ . map ( newState . items , 'id' ) , _ . range ( newState . items . length ) ) ;
const newIndex = newState . items . push ( { ... otherProps } ) - 1 ;
newState . itemMap [ payload . id ] = newIndex ;
return updateSectionState ( state , payloadSection , newState ) ;