<i class="icon-lidarr-form-info" title="Optional folder to periodically scan for possible imports"/>
<i class="icon-lidarr-form-info" title="Optional folder to periodically scan for possible imports"/>
<i class="icon-lidarr-form-warning" title="Do not use the folder that contains some or all of your sorted and named TV shows - doing so could cause data loss"></i>
<i class="icon-lidarr-form-warning" title="Do not use the folder that contains some or all of your sorted and named Music Artists - doing so could cause data loss"></i>
<i class="icon-lidarr-form-warning" title="Download client history items that are stored in the drone factory will be ignored."/>
<i class="icon-lidarr-form-warning" title="Download client history items that are stored in the drone factory will be ignored."/>