@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
RemoteAlbum Map(ParsedAlbumInfo parsedAlbumInfo, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null);
RemoteAlbum Map(ParsedAlbumInfo parsedAlbumInfo, int artistId, IEnumerable<int> albumIds);
List<Album> GetAlbums(ParsedAlbumInfo parsedAlbumInfo, Artist artist, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null);
Album GetAlbum(Artist artist, ParsedTrackInfo parsedTrackInfo);
// Music stuff here
Album GetLocalAlbum(string filename, Artist artist);
@ -236,50 +235,5 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
return tracksInAlbum.Count == 1 ? _albumService.GetAlbum(tracksInAlbum.First().AlbumId) : null;
public Album GetAlbum(Artist artist, ParsedTrackInfo parsedTrackInfo)
Album album = null;
if (parsedTrackInfo == null)
return null;
if (parsedTrackInfo.ReleaseMBId.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
album = _albumService.FindAlbumByRelease(parsedTrackInfo.ReleaseMBId);
if (album == null && parsedTrackInfo.AlbumTitle.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
_logger.Debug("Album title could not be parsed for {0}", parsedTrackInfo);
return null;
var cleanAlbumTitle = Parser.CleanAlbumTitle(parsedTrackInfo.AlbumTitle);
_logger.Debug("Cleaning Album title of common matching issues. Cleaned album title is '{0}'", cleanAlbumTitle);
if (album == null)
album = _albumService.FindByTitle(artist.ArtistMetadataId, cleanAlbumTitle);
if (album == null)
_logger.Debug("Trying inexact album match for {0}", parsedTrackInfo);
album = _albumService.FindByTitleInexact(artist.ArtistMetadataId, cleanAlbumTitle);
if (album == null)
_logger.Debug("Parsed album title not found in Db for {0}", parsedTrackInfo);
return null;
_logger.Debug("Album {0} selected for {1}", album, parsedTrackInfo);
return album;