@ -8,69 +8,77 @@
< / legend >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = " form-group col-md-3 ">
< div >
< mat-checkbox [ ( ngModel ) ] = " settings . enable " [ checked ] = " settings . enable ">
Enable< / mat-checkbox >
< div class = " col-md-6 col-6 col-sm-6" style = "float: right; width:100%; text-align:right; ">
< div style = "float:right;text-align:left;" >
< div class = "md-form-field ">
< mat-slide-toggle [ ( ngModel ) ] = " settings . enable " [ checked ] = " settings . enable " > Enable< / mat-slide-toggle >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< mat-tab-group # tabGroup [ selectedIndex ] = " selected . value " ( selectedTabChange ) = " addTab ( $ event ) " ( selectedIndexChange ) = " selected . setValue ( $ event ) " animationDuration = "0ms" >
< / div >
< mat-tab-group # tabGroup [ selectedIndex ] = " selected . value " ( selectedTabChange ) = " addTab ( $ event ) " ( selectedIndexChange ) = " selected . setValue ( $ event ) " animationDuration = "0ms" style = "display:block;" >
< mat-tab * ngFor = "let server of settings.servers" [ label ] = " server . name " >
< div class = "col-md- 2" style = "float: right;">
< button type = "button" ( click ) = " removeServer ( server ) " class = " btn btn-danger-outline "> Remove Server< / button >
< div class = "col-md- 6 col-6 col-sm-6" style = "float: right; width:100%; text-align: right;">
< button type = "button" ( click ) = " removeServer ( server ) " class = " mat-focus-indicator mat-flat-button mat-button-base mat-warn "> Remove Server< / button >
< / div >
< br / >
< br / >
< div class = "col-md-10" >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< div class = "col-md-10 col-10 col-sm-12" >
< div class = "md-form-field" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > Server Name< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "Server Name" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . name " value = "{{server.name}}" >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< div class = "md-form-field" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > Hostname / IP< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "Hostname or IP" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . ip " value = "{{server.ip}}" >
< / mat-form-field >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > Port< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "Port" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . port " value = "{{server.port}}" >
< / mat-form-field >
< mat-checkbox [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . ssl " [ checked ] = " server . ssl " >
SSL< / mat-checkbox >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< mat-slide-toggle id = "ssl" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . ssl " [ checked ] = " server . ssl " >
< / mat-slide-toggle >
< / div >
< div class = "md-form-field" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > API Key< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "Api Key" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . apiKey " value = "{{server.apiKey}}" >
< / mat-form-field >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< / div >
< div class = "md-form-field" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > Base URL< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "Base Url" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . subDir " value = "{{server.subDir}}" >
< / mat-form-field >
< label > Externally Facing Hostname
< i class = "fa fa-question-circle"
matTooltip="This will be the external address that users will navigate to when they press the 'View On Emby' button">< / i >
< / label >
< mat-form-field class = "full" >
< input matInput placeholder = "e.g. https://jellyfin.server.com/" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . serverHostname " value = "{{server.serverHostname}}" >
< / div >
< div class = "md-form-field" >
< mat-form-field appearance = "outline" floatLabel = auto >
< mat-label > Externally Facing Hostname< / mat-label >
< input matInput placeholder = "e.g. https://jellyfin.server.com/" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " server . serverHostname " value = "{{server.serverHostname}}" matTooltip = "This will be the external address that users will navigate to when they press the 'View On Emby' button" >
< / mat-form-field >
< small >
< span * ngIf = "server.serverHostname" > Current URL: "{{server.serverHostname}}/#!/{{settings.isJellyfin ? ("itemdetails"): ("item/item")}}.html?id=1"< / span >
< span * ngIf = "!server.serverHostname" > Current URL: "https://app.emby.media/#!/{{settings.isJellyfin ? ("itemdetails"): ("item/item")}}.html?id=1< / span >
< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "form-group" >
< div >
< button mat-raised-button id = "testEmby" type = "button" ( click ) = " test ( server ) " c olor= "primary "> Test Connectivity < div id = "spinner" > < / div > < / button >
< button mat-raised-button id = "testEmby" type = "button" ( click ) = " test ( server ) " c lass= "mat-focus-indicator mat-stroked-button mat-button-base "> Test Connectivity < div id = "spinner" > < / div > < / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "form-group" >
< div >
< button mat-raised-button id = "discover" type = "button" ( click ) = " discoverServerInfo ( server ) " c olor= "accent "> Discover Server Information < div id = "spinner" > < / div > < / button >
< button mat-raised-button id = "discover" type = "button" ( click ) = " discoverServerInfo ( server ) " c lass= "mat-focus-indicator mat-stroked-button mat-button-base "> Discover Server Information < div id = "spinner" > < / div > < / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
@ -82,14 +90,14 @@
< div class = "col-md-2" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< div >
< button mat-raised-button [ disabled ] = " ! hasDiscovered " ( click ) = " save ( ) " type = "submit" id = "save" c olor= " accent"> Submit< / button >
< button mat-raised-button [ disabled ] = " ! hasDiscovered " ( click ) = " save ( ) " type = "submit" id = "save" c lass= "mat-focus-indicator mat-raised-button mat-button-base mat- accent"> Submit< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-md-2" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< div >
< button mat-raised-button ( click ) = " runCacher ( ) " type = "button" id = "save" color = "primary "> Manually Run Cacher< / button >
< button mat-raised-button ( click ) = " runCacher ( ) " type = "button" id = "save" class = "mat-focus-indicator mat-stroked-button mat-button-base "> Manually Run Cacher< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >