@ -1,168 +1,171 @@
"Login": {
"SignInButton": "Iniciar sessão",
"UsernamePlaceholder": "Nome de Usuário",
"UsernamePlaceholder": "Nome de usuário",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "Palavra-passe",
"RememberMe": "Recorde-me",
"SignInWith": "Entre com {{appName}}",
"SignInWithPlex": "Iniciar sessão com Plex",
"ForgottenPassword": "Esqueceu sua senha?",
"RememberMe": "Guardar a minha autênticação",
"SignInWith": "Sign in with {{appName}}",
"SignInWithPlex": "Sign in with Plex",
"ForgottenPassword": "Esqueceu-se da sua palavra-passe?",
"Errors": {
"IncorrectCredentials": "Usuário ou senha incorretos"
"IncorrectCredentials": "Nome de usuário ou palavra-passe incorretos"
"Common": {
"ContinueButton": "Continuar",
"Available": "Disponível",
"PartiallyAvailable": "Parcialmente Disponível",
"Monitored": "Monitored",
"NotAvailable": "Não disponível",
"ProcessingRequest": "Processando o pedido",
"Monitored": "Monitorado",
"NotAvailable": "Não Disponível",
"ProcessingRequest": "A processar o pedido",
"PendingApproval": "Aprovação Pendente",
"RequestDenied": "Pedido Negado",
"NotRequested": "Não Solicitado",
"RequestDenied": "Pedido negado",
"NotRequested": "Não pedido",
"Requested": "Pedido",
"Request": "Solicitar",
"Denied": "Recusado",
"Request": "Pedir",
"Denied": "Negado",
"Approve": "Aprovar",
"PartlyAvailable": "Parcialmente Disponível",
"ViewDetails": "Ver detalhes",
"Errors": {
"Validation": "Por favor, verifique os valores inseridos"
"Validation": "Por favor, verifique os dados inseridos"
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Submit": "Submeter"
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Submit": "Submit"
"PasswordReset": {
"EmailAddressPlaceholder": "Email Address",
"ResetPasswordButton": "Nova senha"
"EmailAddressPlaceholder": "Endereço de e-mail",
"ResetPasswordButton": "Redefinir palavra-passe"
"LandingPage": {
"OnlineHeading": "Online no momento",
"OnlineParagraph": "The media server is currently online",
"PartiallyOnlineHeading": "Partially Online",
"PartiallyOnlineParagraph": "The media server is partially online.",
"MultipleServersUnavailable": "There are {{serversUnavailable}} servers offline out of {{totalServers}}.",
"SingleServerUnavailable": "There is {{serversUnavailable}} server offline out of {{totalServers}}.",
"OfflineHeading": "Currently Offline",
"OfflineParagraph": "The media server is currently offline.",
"CheckPageForUpdates": "Check this page for continuous site updates."
"OnlineHeading": "Online Agora",
"OnlineParagraph": "O servidor de media está actualmente online",
"PartiallyOnlineHeading": "Parcialmente Online",
"PartiallyOnlineParagraph": "O servidor de media está parcialmente online.",
"MultipleServersUnavailable": "Existem {{serversUnavailable}} servidores offline de um total de {{totalServers}}.",
"SingleServerUnavailable": "Existe {{serversUnavailable}} servidor offline de um total de {{totalServers}}.",
"OfflineHeading": "Actualmente Offline",
"OfflineParagraph": "O servidor de media está actualmente offline.",
"CheckPageForUpdates": "Verifique esta página para acompanhar as atualizações do site."
"NavigationBar": {
"Discover": "Discover",
"Search": "Search",
"Requests": "Requests",
"UserManagement": "User Management",
"Issues": "Issues",
"Vote": "Vote",
"Donate": "Donate!",
"DonateLibraryMaintainer": "Donate to Library Maintainer",
"DonateTooltip": "This is how I convince my wife to let me spend my spare time developing Ombi 😁",
"UpdateAvailableTooltip": "Update Available!",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Welcome": "Welcome {{username}}",
"UpdateDetails": "Update Details",
"Logout": "Logout",
"OpenMobileApp": "Open Mobile App",
"RecentlyAdded": "Recently Added",
"ChangeTheme": "Change Theme",
"Calendar": "Calendar",
"UserPreferences": "Preferences",
"Discover": "Descobrir",
"Search": "Pesquisar",
"Requests": "Pedidos",
"UserManagement": "Gestor de utilizadores",
"Issues": "Incidentes",
"Vote": "Votar",
"Donate": "Fazer uma doação!",
"DonateLibraryMaintainer": "Doar para o Dono da Biblioteca",
"DonateTooltip": "É assim que eu convenço a minha mulher a deixar-me passar o meu tempo livre a desenvolver o Ombi ;)",
"UpdateAvailableTooltip": "Atualização Disponível!",
"Settings": "Configurações",
"Welcome": "Bem-vindo, {{username}}",
"UpdateDetails": "Detalhes da Actualização",
"Logout": "Sair",
"OpenMobileApp": "Abrir app móvel",
"RecentlyAdded": "Recentemente adicionado",
"ChangeTheme": "Alterar tema",
"Calendar": "Calendário",
"UserPreferences": "Preferências",
"FeatureSuggestion": "Feature Suggestion",
"FeatureSuggestionTooltip": "Have a great new idea? Suggest it here!",
"Filter": {
"Movies": "Movies",
"TvShows": "TV Shows",
"Music": "Music",
"Movies": "Filmes",
"TvShows": "Séries",
"Music": "Músicas",
"People": "People"
"MorningWelcome": "Good morning!",
"AfternoonWelcome": "Good afternoon!",
"EveningWelcome": "Good evening!"
"Search": {
"Title": "Search",
"Paragraph": "Want to watch something that is not currently available? No problem, just search for it below and request it!",
"MoviesTab": "Movies",
"TvTab": "TV Shows",
"MusicTab": "Music",
"Suggestions": "Suggestions",
"NoResults": "Sorry, we didn't find any results!",
"DigitalDate": "Digital Release: {{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "Theatrical Release: {{date}}",
"ViewOnPlex": "View On Plex",
"ViewOnEmby": "View On Emby",
"RequestAdded": "Request for {{title}} has been added successfully",
"Similar": "Similar",
"Refine": "Refine",
"SearchBarPlaceholder": "Type Here to Search",
"Title": "Pesquisar",
"Paragraph": "Quer assistir a algo que não está disponível? Não há problema, basta procurar abaixo e solicitar!",
"MoviesTab": "Filmes",
"TvTab": "Séries",
"MusicTab": "Músicas",
"Suggestions": "Sugestões",
"NoResults": "Desculpe, não encontramos nenhum resultado!",
"DigitalDate": "Lançamento digital: {{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "Lançamento nos Cinemas: {{date}}",
"ViewOnPlex": "Assistir no Plex",
"ViewOnEmby": "Assistir no Emby",
"RequestAdded": "Pedido de {{title}} foi adicionado com sucesso",
"Similar": "Semelhante",
"Refine": "Filtro",
"SearchBarPlaceholder": "Digite aqui para pesquisar",
"Movies": {
"PopularMovies": "Popular Movies",
"UpcomingMovies": "Upcoming Movies",
"TopRatedMovies": "Top Rated Movies",
"NowPlayingMovies": "Now Playing Movies",
"HomePage": "Home Page",
"PopularMovies": "Filmes populares",
"UpcomingMovies": "Próximos filmes",
"TopRatedMovies": "Filmes mais votados",
"NowPlayingMovies": "Filmes em cartazes",
"HomePage": "Página inicial",
"Trailer": "Trailer"
"TvShows": {
"Popular": "Popular",
"Trending": "Trending",
"MostWatched": "Most Watched",
"MostAnticipated": "Most Anticipated",
"Results": "Results",
"AirDate": "Air Date:",
"AllSeasons": "All Seasons",
"FirstSeason": "First Season",
"LatestSeason": "Latest Season",
"Select": "Select ...",
"SubmitRequest": "Submit Request",
"Season": "Season: {{seasonNumber}}",
"SelectAllInSeason": "Select All in Season {{seasonNumber}}"
"Trending": "Mais populares",
"MostWatched": "Mais assistidos",
"MostAnticipated": "Mais esperados",
"Results": "Resultados",
"AirDate": "Data de exibição:",
"AllSeasons": "Todas as temporadas",
"FirstSeason": "Primeira temporada",
"LatestSeason": "Última temporada",
"Select": "Selecione...",
"SubmitRequest": "Enviar solicitação",
"Season": "Temporada: {{seasonNumber}}",
"SelectAllInSeason": "Selecione tudo na temporada {{seasonNumber}}"
"Requests": {
"Title": "Requests",
"Paragraph": "Below you can see yours and all other requests, as well as their download and approval status.",
"MoviesTab": "Movies",
"Title": "Solicitações",
"Paragraph": "Abaixo, você pode ver o seu e todos os outros pedidos, bem como o seu download e status de aprovação.",
"MoviesTab": "Filmes",
"ArtistName": "Artist",
"AlbumName": "Album Name",
"TvTab": "TV Shows",
"MusicTab": "Music",
"RequestedBy": "Requested By",
"TvTab": "Séries",
"MusicTab": "Músicas",
"RequestedBy": "Solicitado por",
"Status": "Status",
"RequestStatus": "Request status",
"Denied": " Denied:",
"TheatricalRelease": "Theatrical Release: {{date}}",
"ReleaseDate": "Released: {{date}}",
"TheatricalReleaseSort": "Theatrical Release",
"DigitalRelease": "Digital Release: {{date}}",
"RequestDate": "Request Date",
"QualityOverride": "Quality Override:",
"RootFolderOverride": "Root Folder Override:",
"ChangeRootFolder": "Root Folder",
"ChangeQualityProfile": "Quality Profile",
"MarkUnavailable": "Mark Unavailable",
"MarkAvailable": "Mark Available",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Deny": "Deny",
"DenyReason": "Deny Reason",
"Season": "Season:",
"GridTitle": "Title",
"AirDate": "AirDate",
"RequestStatus": "Status da solicitação",
"Denied": " Negados:",
"TheatricalRelease": "Lançamento nos Cinemas: {{date}}",
"ReleaseDate": "Lançado: {{date}}",
"TheatricalReleaseSort": "Lançamento nos Cinemas",
"DigitalRelease": "Lançamento digital: {{date}}",
"RequestDate": "Data da Solicitação",
"QualityOverride": "Substituição de qualidade:",
"RootFolderOverride": "Substituição da pasta raiz:",
"ChangeRootFolder": "Pasta raiz",
"ChangeQualityProfile": "Perfil de qualidade",
"MarkUnavailable": "Marcar como Indisponível",
"MarkAvailable": "Marcar como Disponível",
"Remove": "Remover",
"Deny": "Negar",
"DenyReason": "Qual a razão da rejeição",
"Season": "Temporada:",
"GridTitle": "Título",
"AirDate": "Data de exibição",
"GridStatus": "Status",
"ReportIssue": "Report Issue",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Sort": "Sort",
"SeasonNumberHeading": "Season: {seasonNumber}",
"SortTitleAsc": "Title ▲",
"SortTitleDesc": "Title ▼",
"SortRequestDateAsc": "Request Date ▲",
"SortRequestDateDesc": "Request Date ▼",
"ReportIssue": "Relatar Problema",
"Filter": "Filtro",
"Sort": "Ordenar por",
"SeasonNumberHeading": "Temporada: {seasonNumber}",
"SortTitleAsc": "Título ▲",
"SortTitleDesc": "Título ▼",
"SortRequestDateAsc": "Data da Solicitação",
"SortRequestDateDesc": "Data da Solicitação",
"SortStatusAsc": "Status ▲",
"SortStatusDesc": "Status ▼",
"Remaining": {
"Quota": "{{remaining}}/{{total}} requests remaining",
"NextDays": "Another request will be added in {{time}} days",
"NextHours": "Another request will be added in {{time}} hours",
"NextMinutes": "Another request will be added in {{time}} minutes",
"NextMinute": "Another request will be added in {{time}} minute"
"Quota": "{{remaining}}/{{total}} solicitações restantes",
"NextDays": "Outro pedido será adicionado em {{time}} dias",
"NextHours": "Outro pedido será adicionado em {{time}} horas",
"NextMinutes": "Outro pedido será adicionado em {{time}} minutos",
"NextMinute": "Outro pedido será adicionado em {{time}} minuto"
"AllRequests": "All Requests",
"PendingRequests": "Pending Requests",
@ -170,28 +173,28 @@
"AvailableRequests": "Available Requests",
"DeniedRequests": "Denied Requests",
"RequestsToDisplay": "Requests to display",
"RequestsTitle": "Title",
"Details": "Details",
"RequestsTitle": "Título",
"Details": "Detalhes",
"Options": "Options"
"Issues": {
"Title": "Issues",
"PendingTitle": "Pending Issues",
"InProgressTitle": "In Progress Issues",
"ResolvedTitle": "Resolved Issues",
"ColumnTitle": "Title",
"Category": "Category",
"Title": "Problemas",
"PendingTitle": "Problemas pendentes",
"InProgressTitle": "Resolvendo Problemas",
"ResolvedTitle": "Problemas Resolvidos",
"ColumnTitle": "Título",
"Category": "Categoria",
"Status": "Status",
"Details": "Details",
"Description": "Description",
"NoComments": "No Comments!",
"MarkInProgress": "Mark In Progress",
"MarkResolved": "Mark Resolved",
"SendMessageButton": "Send",
"Subject": "Subject",
"Comments": "Comments",
"WriteMessagePlaceholder": "Write your message here...",
"ReportedBy": "Reported By",
"Details": "Detalhes",
"Description": "Descrição",
"NoComments": "Sem Comentários!",
"MarkInProgress": "Marcar como em andamento",
"MarkResolved": "Marcar como resolvido",
"SendMessageButton": "Enviar",
"Subject": "Assunto",
"Comments": "Comentários",
"WriteMessagePlaceholder": "Escreva sua mensagem aqui...",
"ReportedBy": "Reportado por",
"IssueDialog": {
"Title": "Report an issue",
"DescriptionPlaceholder": "Please describe the issue",
@ -208,29 +211,29 @@
"DeletedIssue": "Issue has been deleted"
"Filter": {
"ClearFilter": "Clear Filter",
"FilterHeaderAvailability": "Availability",
"ClearFilter": "Limpar Filtro",
"FilterHeaderAvailability": "Disponibilidade",
"FilterHeaderRequestStatus": "Status",
"Approved": "Approved",
"PendingApproval": "Pending Approval"
"Approved": "Aprovado",
"PendingApproval": "Aprovação Pendente"
"UserManagment": {
"TvRemaining": "TV: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"MovieRemaining": "Movies: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"MusicRemaining": "Music: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"TvRemaining": "Tv: {{remaining}}/{{total}} restantes",
"MovieRemaining": "Filmes: {{remaining}}/{{total}} restantes",
"MusicRemaining": "Música: {{remaining}}/{{total}} restantes",
"TvDue": "TV: {{date}}",
"MovieDue": "Movie: {{date}}",
"MusicDue": "Music: {{date}}"
"MovieDue": "Filme: {{date}}",
"MusicDue": "Música: {{date}}"
"Votes": {
"CompletedVotesTab": "Voted",
"VotesTab": "Votes Needed"
"CompletedVotesTab": "Votado",
"VotesTab": "Votos necessários"
"MediaDetails": {
"Denied": "Denied",
"RecommendationsTitle": "Recommendations",
"SimilarTitle": "Similar",
"VideosTitle": "Videos",
"Denied": "Rejeitado",
"RecommendationsTitle": "Recomendações",
"SimilarTitle": "Semelhante",
"VideosTitle": "Vídeos",
"AlbumsTitle": "Albums",
"RequestAllAlbums": "Request All Albums",
"ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
@ -241,13 +244,13 @@
"QualityProfilesSelect": "Select A Quality Profile",
"RootFolderSelect": "Select A Root Folder",
"Status": "Status",
"Availability": "Availability",
"RequestStatus": "Request Status",
"Availability": "Disponibilidade",
"RequestStatus": "Estado da solicitação",
"Quality": "Quality",
"RootFolderOverride": "Root Folder Override",
"QualityOverride": "Quality Override",
"RootFolderOverride": "Substituição da pasta raiz",
"QualityOverride": "Substituição de qualidade",
"Genres": "Genres",
"TheatricalRelease": "Theatrical Release",
"TheatricalRelease": "Lançamento nos Cinemas",
"DigitalRelease": "Digital Release",
"UserScore": "User Score",
"Votes": "Votes",
@ -257,36 +260,36 @@
"Budget": "Budget",
"Keywords": "Keywords/Tags",
"Casts": {
"CastTitle": "Cast"
"CastTitle": "Projectar"
"EpisodeSelector": {
"AllSeasonsTooltip": "This will request every season for this show",
"FirstSeasonTooltip": "This will only request the First Season for this show",
"LatestSeasonTooltip": "This will only request the Latest Season for this show"
"AllSeasonsTooltip": "Isto irá pedir todas as temporadas da série",
"FirstSeasonTooltip": "Isto irá pedir a 1ª temporada da série",
"LatestSeasonTooltip": "Isto irá pedir a última temporada da série"
"Discovery": {
"PopularTab": "Popular",
"TrendingTab": "Trending",
"UpcomingTab": "Upcoming",
"Movies": "Movies",
"TrendingTab": "Tendências",
"UpcomingTab": "Próximo",
"Movies": "Filmes",
"Combined": "Combined",
"Tv": "TV",
"CardDetails": {
"Availability": "Availability",
"Studio": "Studio",
"Network": "Network",
"UnknownNetwork": "Unknown",
"RequestStatus": "Request Status",
"Director": "Director",
"InCinemas": "In Cinemas",
"FirstAired": "First Aired",
"Writer": "Writer",
"ExecProducer": "Exec Producer"
"Availability": "Disponibilidade",
"Studio": "Estúdio",
"Network": "Rede",
"UnknownNetwork": "Desconhecido",
"RequestStatus": "Estado da solicitação",
"Director": "Realizador",
"InCinemas": "No cinema",
"FirstAired": "Primeira Exibição",
"Writer": "Escritor",
"ExecProducer": "Produtor Executivo"
"UserPreferences": {
"Welcome": "Welcome {{username}}!",
"Welcome": "Bem-vindo, {{username}}!",
"OmbiLanguage": "Language",
"DarkMode": "Dark Mode"