@ -119,32 +119,58 @@ namespace PlexRequests.Services.Jobs
var libs = Api . GetLibrarySections ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Getting Plex Library Sections" ) ;
var tvSection = libs . Directories . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . type . Equals ( PlexMediaType . Show . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ;
var tvSection = libs . Directories . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . type . Equals ( PlexMediaType . Show . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ; // We could have more than 1 lib
Log . Debug ( "Filtered sections for TV" ) ;
var movieSection = libs . Directories . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . type . Equals ( PlexMediaType . Movie . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ;
var movieSection = libs . Directories . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . type . Equals ( PlexMediaType . Movie . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ; // We could have more than 1 lib
Log . Debug ( "Filtered sections for Movies" ) ;
var plexVersion = Api . GetStatus ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri ) . Version ;
var recentlyAddedTv = Api . RecentlyAdded ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , tvSection . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded TV Shows" ) ;
var recentlyAddedMovies = Api . RecentlyAdded ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , movieSection . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded Movies" ) ;
var html = string . Empty ;
if ( plexVersion . StartsWith ( "1.3" ) )
var recentlyAddedTv = Api . RecentlyAdded ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , tvSection ? . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded TV Shows" ) ;
var recentlyAddedMovies = Api . RecentlyAdded ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , movieSection ? . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded Movies" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
GenerateMovieHtml ( recentlyAddedMovies , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating TV HTML" ) ;
GenerateTvHtml ( recentlyAddedTv , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating TV HTML" ) ;
var template = new RecentlyAddedTemplate ( ) ;
html = template . LoadTemplate ( sb . ToString ( ) ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Loaded the template" ) ;
// Old API
var recentlyAddedTv = Api . RecentlyAddedOld ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , tvSection ? . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded TV Shows" ) ;
var recentlyAddedMovies = Api . RecentlyAddedOld ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri , movieSection ? . Key ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Got RecentlyAdded Movies" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
GenerateMovieHtml ( recentlyAddedMovies , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating TV HTML" ) ;
GenerateTvHtml ( recentlyAddedTv , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating TV HTML" ) ;
var template = new RecentlyAddedTemplate ( ) ;
html = template . LoadTemplate ( sb . ToString ( ) ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Loaded the template" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
GenerateMovieHtml ( recentlyAddedMovies , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating Movie HTML" ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Started Generating TV HTML" ) ;
GenerateTvHtml ( recentlyAddedTv , plexSettings , sb ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Finished Generating TV HTML" ) ;
var template = new RecentlyAddedTemplate ( ) ;
var html = template . LoadTemplate ( sb . ToString ( ) ) ;
Log . Debug ( "Loaded the template" ) ;
Send ( newletterSettings , html , plexSettings , testEmail ) ;
private void GenerateMovieHtml ( RecentlyAddedModel movies , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
private void GenerateMovieHtml ( RecentlyAddedModelOld movies , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
var orderedMovies = movies ? . _children ? . OrderByDescending ( x = > x ? . addedAt . UnixTimeStampToDateTime ( ) ) . ToList ( ) ? ? new List < RecentlyAddedChild > ( ) ;
sb . Append ( "<h1>New Movies:</h1><br/><br/>" ) ;
@ -200,7 +226,63 @@ namespace PlexRequests.Services.Jobs
sb . Append ( "</table><br/><br/>" ) ;
private void GenerateTvHtml ( RecentlyAddedModel tv , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
private void GenerateMovieHtml ( PlexRecentlyAddedModel movies , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
var orderedMovies = movies ? . MediaContainer ? . Metadata ? . OrderByDescending ( x = > x ? . addedAt . UnixTimeStampToDateTime ( ) ) . ToList ( ) ? ? new List < Metadata > ( ) ;
sb . Append ( "<h1>New Movies:</h1><br/><br/>" ) ;
sb . Append (
"<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; width: 100%;\" width=\"100%\">" ) ;
foreach ( var movie in orderedMovies )
var plexGUID = string . Empty ;
var metaData = Api . GetMetadata ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri ,
movie . ratingKey . ToString ( ) ) ;
plexGUID = metaData . Video . Guid ;
var imdbId = PlexHelper . GetProviderIdFromPlexGuid ( plexGUID ) ;
var info = _movieApi . GetMovieInformation ( imdbId ) . Result ;
if ( info = = null )
throw new Exception ( $"Movie with Imdb id {imdbId} returned null from the MovieApi" ) ;
AddImageInsideTable ( sb , $"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500{info.BackdropPath}" ) ;
sb . Append ( "<tr>" ) ;
sb . Append (
"<td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: top;\" valign=\"top\">" ) ;
Href ( sb , $"https://www.imdb.com/title/{info.ImdbId}/" ) ;
Header ( sb , 3 , $"{info.Title} {info.ReleaseDate?.ToString(" yyyy ") ?? string.Empty}" ) ;
EndTag ( sb , "a" ) ;
if ( info . Genres . Any ( ) )
AddParagraph ( sb ,
$"Genre: {string.Join(" , ", info.Genres.Select(x => x.Name.ToString()).ToArray())}" ) ;
AddParagraph ( sb , info . Overview ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Log . Error ( e ) ;
Log . Error (
"Exception when trying to process a Movie, either in getting the metadata from Plex OR getting the information from TheMovieDB, Plex GUID = {0}" ,
plexGUID ) ;
EndLoopHtml ( sb ) ;
sb . Append ( "</table><br/><br/>" ) ;
private void GenerateTvHtml ( RecentlyAddedModelOld tv , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
var orderedTv = tv ? . _children ;
if ( orderedTv = = null )
@ -265,6 +347,71 @@ namespace PlexRequests.Services.Jobs
sb . Append ( "</table><br/><br/>" ) ;
private void GenerateTvHtml ( PlexRecentlyAddedModel tv , PlexSettings plexSettings , StringBuilder sb )
var orderedTv = tv ? . MediaContainer ? . Metadata ;
if ( orderedTv = = null )
return ;
orderedTv = orderedTv . OrderByDescending ( x = > x ? . addedAt . UnixTimeStampToDateTime ( ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
// TV
sb . Append ( "<h1>New Episodes:</h1><br/><br/>" ) ;
sb . Append (
"<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; width: 100%;\" width=\"100%\">" ) ;
foreach ( var t in orderedTv )
var plexGUID = string . Empty ;
var parentMetaData = Api . GetMetadata ( plexSettings . PlexAuthToken , plexSettings . FullUri ,
t . parentRatingKey . ToString ( ) ) ;
plexGUID = parentMetaData . Directory . Guid ;
var info = TvApi . ShowLookupByTheTvDbId ( int . Parse ( PlexHelper . GetProviderIdFromPlexGuid ( plexGUID ) ) ) ;
var banner = info . image ? . original ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( banner ) )
banner = banner . Replace ( "http" , "https" ) ; // Always use the Https banners
AddImageInsideTable ( sb , banner ) ;
sb . Append ( "<tr>" ) ;
sb . Append (
"<td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: top;\" valign=\"top\">" ) ;
var title = $"{t.grandparentTitle} - {t.title} {t.originallyAvailableAt?.Substring(0, 4)}" ;
Href ( sb , $"https://www.imdb.com/title/{info.externals.imdb}/" ) ;
Header ( sb , 3 , title ) ;
EndTag ( sb , "a" ) ;
AddParagraph ( sb , $"Season: {t.parentIndex}, Episode: {t.index}" ) ;
if ( info . genres . Any ( ) )
AddParagraph ( sb , $"Genre: {string.Join(" , ", info.genres.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}" ) ;
AddParagraph ( sb , string . IsNullOrEmpty ( t . summary ) ? info . summary : t . summary ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Log . Error ( e ) ;
Log . Error (
"Exception when trying to process a TV Show, either in getting the metadata from Plex OR getting the information from TVMaze, Plex GUID = {0}" ,
plexGUID ) ;
EndLoopHtml ( sb ) ;
sb . Append ( "</table><br/><br/>" ) ;
private void Send ( NewletterSettings newletterSettings , string html , PlexSettings plexSettings , bool testEmail = false )
Log . Debug ( "Entering Send" ) ;