<mat-checkbox[(ngModel)]="settings.hideAvailableFromDiscover"matTooltip="Any media content that is available will now be hidden on the discover page, the user still can search for it">
<mat-slide-toggle[(ngModel)]="settings.hideAvailableFromDiscover"matTooltip="Any media content that is available will now be hidden on the discover page, the user still can search for it">
Hide Available Content On The Discover Page
Hide Available Content On The Discover Page
<mat-checkbox[(ngModel)]="settings.enableCustomDonations"matTooltip="Enable to show a custom donation link in the navigation bar">
<mat-slide-toggle[(ngModel)]="settings.enableCustomDonations"matTooltip="Enable to show a custom donation link in the navigation bar">
<mat-checkbox[(ngModel)]="settings.useCustomPage"matTooltip="Enabled a custom page where you can fully edit. You will need the Edit Custom Page role.">
<mat-slide-toggle[(ngModel)]="settings.useCustomPage"matTooltip="Enabled a custom page where you can fully edit. You will need the Edit Custom Page role.">
<textarearows="4"type="text"class="form-control-custom form-control "id="NoticeMessage"name="NoticeMessage"placeholder="e.g. The server will be down for maintenance (HTML is allowed)"[(ngModel)]="settings.noticeText">{{settings.noticeText}}</textarea>
<mat-label>Notice Message</mat-label>
<textareamatInputrows="4"type="text"id="NoticeMessage"name="NoticeMessage"placeholder="e.g. The server will be down for maintenance (HTML is allowed)"[(ngModel)]="settings.noticeText">{{settings.noticeText}}</textarea>
<mat-checkboxformControlName="ignoreCertificateErrors"matTooltip="Enable if you are having connectivity problems over SSL">
<mat-slide-toggleformControlName="ignoreCertificateErrors"matTooltip="Enable if you are having connectivity problems over SSL">
Ignore any certificate errors (Please restart after changing)
Ignore any certificate errors (Please restart after changing)
<mat-checkboxformControlName="collectAnalyticData"matTooltip="This will allow us to have a better understanding of the userbase so we know what we should be supporting (Uses Google Analytics)">
<mat-slide-toggleformControlName="collectAnalyticData"matTooltip="This will allow us to have a better understanding of the userbase so we know what we should be supporting (Uses Google Analytics)">
Allow us to collect anonymous analytical data e.g. browser used
Allow us to collect anonymous analytical data e.g. browser used