@ -58,30 +58,9 @@ export class TvSearchComponent implements OnInit {
this.defaultPoster = "../../.." + base + "/images/default_tv_poster.png";
public openClosestTab(el: any) {
public openClosestTab(node: ISearchTvResult,el: any) {
const rowclass = "undefined ng-star-inserted";
el = el.toElement || el.relatedTarget || el.target;
while (el.className !== rowclass) {
// Increment the loop to the parent node until we find the row we need
el = el.parentNode;
// At this point, the while loop has stopped and `el` represents the element that has
// the class you specified
// Then we loop through the children to find the caret which we want to click
const caretright = "fa-caret-right";
const caretdown = "fa-caret-down";
for (const value of el.children) {
// the caret from the ui has 2 class selectors depending on if expanded or not
// we search for both since we want to still toggle the clicking
if (value.className.includes(caretright) || value.className.includes(caretdown)) {
// Then we tell JS to click the element even though we hid it from the UI
//Break from loop since we no longer need to continue looking
node.open = !node.open;
public ngOnInit() {
@ -146,7 +125,7 @@ export class TvSearchComponent implements OnInit {
.subscribe(x => {
if (x.data) {
if (x) {
this.updateItem(val, x);
} else {
@ -236,15 +215,15 @@ export class TvSearchComponent implements OnInit {
private setDefaults(x: any) {
if (x.data.banner === null) {
x.data.banner = this.defaultPoster;
private setDefaults(x: ISearchTvResult) {
if (x.banner === null) {
x.banner = this.defaultPoster;
if (x.data.imdbId === null) {
x.data.imdbId = "https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/" + x.data.seriesId;
if (x.imdbId === null) {
x.imdbId = "https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/" + x.seriesId;
} else {
x.data.imdbId = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + x.data.imdbId + "/";
x.imdbId = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + x.imdbId + "/";