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813 B

dotnet ef migrations add Inital --context OmbiSqliteContext --startup-project ../Ombi/Ombi.csproj

If running migrations for any db provider other than Sqlite, then ensure the database.json is pointing at the correct DB type

More detailed explanation

  1. Install dotnet-ef, and include it in your $PATH if necessary:

    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
    export PATH="$HOME/.dotnet/tools:$PATH"
  2. List the available dbcontexts, and select the one that matches the database your fields will go in:

    cd src/Ombi.Store
    dotnet ef dbcontext list
  3. Run the migration using the command at the start of this document:

    cd src/Ombi.Store
    dotnet ef migrations add <name> --context <context> --startup-project ../Ombi/Ombi.csproj