Linked to new page.

Dyson Parkes 3 years ago
parent d0075034ce
commit 50763141b4

@ -1,50 +1,3 @@
Welcome to the Ombi wiki! Please note the wiki is maintained by TidusJar and the community.<br><br> Welcome to the Ombi wiki! Please note this wiki has been retired.
[Syncing Tautulli/Ombi users](<br> Find the new docs site over at [](
[**Installation Guide**](<BR>
* [Docker Networking](<br>
* [Prerequisites](<br>
* [Using a different database](<br>
* * [_Windows MySQL Instructions_](
* * [_Migration procedure from SQLite to MySQL/MariaDB_](<br>
<!-- end of the list --><br>
* [All the *Arrs (Sonarr etc)](<br>
* [Authentication](<br>
* [Customization](<br>
* [Common Themes](
* [DogNzb](<br>
* [Issues](<br>
* [Jobs/Tasks/Schedules](<br>
* [Landing Page](<br>
* [Mobile App](<br>
* [Newsletter](<br>
* [Ombi](<br>
* [Update](<br>
* [User Import](<br>
* [Voting](
<!-- end of the list --><br>
* [Roles & Notifications](<br>
* [Discord](<br>
* [Email](<br>
* [Mass Email](<br>
* [Pushbullet](<br>
* [Pushover](<br>
* [Slack](<br>
* [Telegram](<br>
* [Whatsapp/Twilio](<br>
* [Notification Variables](
<!-- end of the list --><br>
* [API](<br>
* [Building V4](<br>
* [Common Errors](<br>
* [Request Workflow](<br>
* [Reverse Proxying](<br>
* [v4 Reverse Proxy (WIP)](<br>
* [Startup Parameters](<br>
* [Translations](<br>
* [User Roles](
* [Backups](
<!-- end of the list --><br>
