vartestContent=string.Format("This file was created to verify if '{0}' is writable. It should've been automatically deleted. Feel free to delete it.",path);
returnnewNzbDroneValidationFailure(propertyName,"Folder does not exist")
DetailedDescription="The folder you specified does not exist or is inaccessible. Please verify the folder permissions for the user account that is used to execute NzbDrone."
DetailedDescription=string.Format("The folder you specified does not exist or is inaccessible. Please verify the folder permissions for the user account '{0}', which is used to execute Sonarr.",Environment.UserName)
_logger.Error("Folder '{0}' is not writable.",folder);
returnnewNzbDroneValidationFailure(propertyName,"Unable to write to folder")
DetailedDescription="The folder you specified is not writable. Please verify the folder permissions for the user account that is used to execute NzbDrone."
DetailedDescription=string.Format("The folder you specified is not writable. Please verify the folder permissions for the user account '{0}', which is used to execute Sonarr.",Environment.UserName)
string.Format("Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",_appFolderInfo.StartUpFolder,Environment.UserName),
"Cannot install update because startup folder is not writable by the user");
thrownewUpdateFolderNotWritableException("Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.",_appFolderInfo.StartUpFolder,Environment.UserName);
thrownewNotSupportedException("Update will cause AppData to be deleted, correct you configuration before proceeding");
thrownewUpdateFailedException("Your Sonarr configuration '{0}' is being stored in application folder '{1}' which will cause data lost during the upgrade. Please remove any symlinks or redirects before trying again.",_appFolderInfo.AppDataFolder,_appFolderInfo.StartUpFolder);