update to support semiPrivate type

bakerboy448 3 years ago committed by Bogdan
parent e5b56c47ca
commit a1b3814a8b

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ $gh_repo_org = $gh_app_org + '/' + $gh_app_repo + '/'
## Determine Commit
if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('commit') )
Write-Information "Commit passed from argument. Skipping Github Query"
Write-Information 'Commit passed from argument. Skipping Github Query'
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ else
$gh_url = ('https://api.github.com/repos/' + $gh_repo_org + 'commits')
Write-Information "Getting commit info from Github [$gh_url]"
$github_req = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gh_url -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get
$commit = ($github_req | select-object -first 1).sha
$commit = ($github_req | Select-Object -First 1).sha
Write-Information "Commit is $commit"
## Determine Commit
@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Public'
$tbl_PubUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Private Usenet
Write-Information 'Building: Usenet - Private'
$tbl_PrvUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -CIn 'private' -and $_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
$tbl_PrvUse = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -in 'private', 'semiprivate') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'usenet') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $usenet_indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Public Torrents
Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Public'
$tbl_PubTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -eq 'public') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
### Private Torrents
Write-Information 'Building: Torrents - Private'
$tbl_PrvTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -CIn 'private' -and $_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
$tbl_PrvTor = $indexer_tbl_obj | Where-Object { ($_.privacy -in 'private', 'semiprivate') -and ($_.protocol -eq 'torrent') } | Select-Object @{Name = 'Indexer'; Expression = $indexer_name_exp }, @{Name = 'Language'; Expression = { $_.language } }, @{Name = 'Description'; Expression = $indexer_description_exp }
## Convert Data to Markdown Table
$tbl_fmt_PubUse = $tbl_PubUse | Format-MarkdownTableTableStyle Indexer, Description, Language -HideStandardOutput -ShowMarkdown -DoNotCopyToClipboard
