@ -304,36 +304,38 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Web.Controllers
_configProvider.SetValue("DefaultQualityProfile", data.DefaultProfileId.ToString());
if (ModelState.IsValid)
foreach (var dbProfile in _qualityProvider.GetAllProfiles().Where(q => q.UserProfile))
if (!data.UserProfiles.Exists(p => p.ProfileId == dbProfile.ProfileId))
foreach (var profile in data.UserProfiles)
Logger.Debug(String.Format("Updating User Profile: {0}", profile));
_configProvider.SetValue("DefaultQualityProfile", data.DefaultProfileId.ToString());
profile.Allowed = new List<QualityTypes>();
foreach (var dbProfile in _qualityProvider.GetAllProfiles().Where(q => q.UserProfile))
foreach (var quality in profile.AllowedString.Split(','))
var qType = (QualityTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(QualityTypes), quality);
if (!data.UserProfiles.Exists(p => p.ProfileId == dbProfile.ProfileId))
//If the Cutoff value selected is not in the allowed list then use the last allowed value, this should be validated on submit
foreach (var profile in data.UserProfiles)
if (!profile.Allowed.Contains(profile.Cutoff))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Cutoff Value");
Logger.Debug(String.Format("Updating User Profile: {0}", profile));
//profile.Cutoff = profile.Allowed.Last();
profile.Allowed = new List<QualityTypes>();
foreach (var quality in profile.AllowedString.Split(','))
var qType = (QualityTypes) Enum.Parse(typeof (QualityTypes), quality);
if (profile.ProfileId > 0)
//If the Cutoff value selected is not in the allowed list then use the last allowed value, this should be validated on submit
if (!profile.Allowed.Contains(profile.Cutoff))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Cutoff Value");
//profile.Cutoff = profile.Allowed.Last();
if (profile.ProfileId > 0)