@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core
private static readonly Regex[] ReportTitleRegex = new[]
private static readonly Regex[] ReportTitleRegex = new[]
new Regex(
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
new Regex(
new Regex(
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
@ -59,34 +62,59 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core
year = 0;
year = 0;
var airyear = 0;
Int32.TryParse(match[0].Groups["airyear"].Value, out airyear);
var parsedEpisode = new EpisodeParseResult
EpisodeParseResult parsedEpisode;
Proper = title.ToLower().Contains("proper"),
SeriesTitle = seriesName,
SeasonNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match[0].Groups["season"].Value),
Year = year,
Episodes = new List<int>()
foreach (Match matchGroup in match)
if (airyear < 1 )
var count = matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures.Count;
var season = 0;
var first = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[0].Value);
Int32.TryParse(match[0].Groups["season"].Value, out season);
var last = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[count - 1].Value);
for (int i = first; i <= last; i++)
parsedEpisode = new EpisodeParseResult
Proper = title.ToLower().Contains("proper"),
SeriesTitle = seriesName,
SeasonNumber = season,
Year = year,
Episodes = new List<int>()
foreach (Match matchGroup in match)
var count = matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures.Count;
var first = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[0].Value);
var last = Convert.ToInt32(matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures[count - 1].Value);
for (int i = first; i <= last; i++)
//Try to Parse as a daily show
if (airyear > 0)
var airmonth = Convert.ToInt32(match[0].Groups["airmonth"].Value);
var airday = Convert.ToInt32(match[0].Groups["airday"].Value);
parsedEpisode = new EpisodeParseResult
Proper = title.ToLower().Contains("proper"),
SeriesTitle = seriesName,
Year = year,
AirDate = new DateTime(airyear, airmonth, airday)
//Something went wrong with this one... return null
// foreach (Capture ep in matchGroup.Groups["episode"].Captures)
return null;
// {
// parsedEpisode.Episodes.Add(Convert.ToInt32(ep.Value));
// }
parsedEpisode.Quality = ParseQuality(title);
parsedEpisode.Quality = ParseQuality(title);