@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo
serviceProvider . ServiceExist ( ServiceProvider . SERVICE_NAME ) & &
serviceProvider . GetStatus ( ServiceProvider . SERVICE_NAME ) = = ServiceControllerStatus . StartPending ;
//Guarded to avoid issues when running in a non-managed process
// net5.0 will return Radarr.dll for entry assembly, we need the actual
// executable name (Radarr on linux). On mono this will return the location of
// the mono executable itself, which is not what we want.
var entry = Process . GetCurrentProcess ( ) . MainModule ;
if ( entry ! = null )
@ -31,6 +34,12 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo
ExecutingApplication = entry . FileName ;
IsWindowsTray = OsInfo . IsWindows & & entry . ModuleName = = $"{ProcessProvider.RADARR_PROCESS_NAME}.exe" ;
# else
// On mono we need to get the location of the Radarr assembly, not Mono.
// Can't be running tray app in mono.
ExecutingApplication = Assembly . GetEntryAssembly ( ) ? . Location ;
# endif
static RuntimeInfo ( )