vartestContent=string.Format("This file was created to verify if '{0}' is writable. It should've been automatically deleted. Feel free to delete it.",path);
vartestContent=string.Format("This file was created to verify if '{0}' is writable. It should've been automatically deleted. Feel free to delete it.",path);
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(3, Label = "Password", Type = FieldType.Password)]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Sonarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional. Creates a [category] subdirectoryintheoutputdirectory.")]
[FieldDefinition(4, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Adding a category specific to Radarr avoids conflicts with unrelated downloads, but it's optional. Creates a [category] subdirectoryintheoutputdirectory.")]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Directory", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Optional shared folder to put downloads into, leave blank to use the default Download Station location")]
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Directory", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "Optional shared folder to put downloads into, leave blank to use the default Download Station location")]
DetailedDescription=$"Please verify your username and password. Also verify if the host running Sonarr isn't blocked from accessing {Name} by WhiteList limitations in the {Name} configuration."
DetailedDescription=$"Please verify your username and password. Also verify if the host running Radarr isn't blocked from accessing {Name} by WhiteList limitations in the {Name} configuration."
DetailedDescription=$"Please verify your username and password. Also verify if the host running Sonarr isn't blocked from accessing {Name} by WhiteList limitations in the {Name} configuration."
DetailedDescription=$"Please verify your username and password. Also verify if the host running Radarr isn't blocked from accessing {Name} by WhiteList limitations in the {Name} configuration."
returnruleBuilder.SetValidator(newRegularExpressionValidator(@"^(?!\/?https?://[-_a-z0-9.]+)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).WithMessage("Must be a valid URL path (ie: '/sonarr')");
returnruleBuilder.SetValidator(newRegularExpressionValidator(@"^(?!\/?https?://[-_a-z0-9.]+)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).WithMessage("Must be a valid URL path (ie: '/radarr')");