fix contributing port [skip ci]

bakerboy448 4 years ago committed by Qstick
parent 7d763b8ba0
commit 5ca1a1d086

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Setup guides, FAQ, the more information we have on the [wiki](https://wiki.serva
4. Start gulp to monitor your dev environment for any changes that need post processing using `yarn start` command.
5. Build the project in Visual Studio, Setting startup project to `Radarr.Console` and framework to `netcoreapp31`
6. Debug the project in Visual Studio
7. Open http://localhost:8686
7. Open http://localhost:7878
### Contributing Code ###
- If you're adding a new, already requested feature, please comment on [Github Issues]( "Github Issues") so work is not duplicated (If you want to add something not already on there, please talk to us first)
