@ -5,122 +5,271 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
Licensed under the MIT @license.
Licensed under the MIT @license.
(function (factory) {
(function ($, _, Backbone, Backgrid) {
// CommonJS
if (typeof exports == "object") {
module.exports = factory(require("underscore"),
// Browser
else if (typeof _ !== "undefined" &&
typeof Backbone !== "undefined" &&
typeof Backgrid !== "undefined") {
factory(_, Backbone, Backgrid);
}(function (_, Backbone, Backgrid) {
"use strict";
"use strict";
Paginator is a Backgrid extension that renders a series of configurable
PageHandle is a class that renders the actual page handles and reacts to
pagination handles. This extension is best used for splitting a large data
click events for pagination.
set across multiple pages. If the number of pages is larger then a
threshold, which is set to 10 by default, the page handles are rendered
This class acts in two modes - control or discrete page handle modes. If
within a sliding window, plus the fast forward, fast backward, previous and
one of the `is*` flags is `true`, an instance of this class is under
next page handles. The fast forward, fast backward, previous and next page
control page handle mode. Setting a `pageIndex` to an instance of this
handles can be turned off.
class under control mode has no effect and the correct page index will
always be inferred from the `is*` flag. Only one of the `is*` flags should
@class Backgrid.Extension.Paginator
be set to `true` at a time. For example, an instance of this class cannot
simultaneously be a rewind control and a fast forward control. A `label`
and a `title` template or a string are required to be passed to the
constuctor under this mode. If a `title` template is provided, it __MUST__
accept a parameter `label`. When the `label` is provided to the `title`
template function, its result will be used to render the generated anchor's
title attribute.
If all of the `is*` flags is set to `false`, which is the default, an
instance of this class will be in discrete page handle mode. An instance
under this mode requires the `pageIndex` to be passed from the constructor
as an option and it __MUST__ be a 0-based index of the list of page numbers
to render. The constuctor will normalize the base to the same base the
underlying PageableCollection collection instance uses. A `label` is not
required under this mode, which will default to the equivalent 1-based page
index calculated from `pageIndex` and the underlying PageableCollection
instance. A provided `label` will still be honored however. The `title`
parameter is also not required under this mode, in which case the default
`title` template will be used. You are encouraged to provide your own
`title` template however if you wish to localize the title strings.
If this page handle represents the current page, an `active` class will be
placed on the root list element.
if this page handle is at the border of the list of pages, a `disabled`
class will be placed on the root list element.
Only page handles that are neither `active` nor `disabled` will respond to
click events and triggers pagination.
@class Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle
Backgrid.Extension.Paginator = Backbone.View.extend({
var PageHandle = Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle = Backbone.View.extend({
/** @property */
/** @property */
className: "backgrid-paginator",
tagName: "li",
/** @property */
/** @property */
windowSize: 10,
events: {
"click a": "changePage"
@property {Object} fastForwardHandleLabels You can disable specific
@property {string|function(Object.<string, string>): string} title
handles by setting its value to `null`.
The title to use for the `title` attribute of the generated page handle
anchor elements. It can be a string or an Underscore template function
that takes a mandatory `label` parameter.
fastForwardHandleLabels: {
title: _.template('Page <%- label %>', null, {variable: null}),
first: "《",
prev: "〈",
next: "〉",
last: "》"
/** @property */
template: _.template('<ul><% _.each(handles, function (handle) { %><li <% if (handle.className) { %>class="<%= handle.className %>"<% } %>><a href="#" <% if (handle.title) {%> title="<%= handle.title %>"<% } %>><%= handle.label %></a></li><% }); %></ul>'),
@property {boolean} isRewind Whether this handle represents a rewind
isRewind: false,
/** @property */
events: {
@property {boolean} isBack Whether this handle represents a back
"click a": "changePage"
isBack: false,
@property {boolean} isForward Whether this handle represents a forward
isForward: false,
@property {boolean} isFastForward Whether this handle represents a fast
forward control
isFastForward: false,
@param {Object} options
@param {Object} options
@param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
@param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
@param {boolean} [options.fastForwardHandleLabels] Whether to render fast forward buttons.
@param {number} pageIndex 0-based index of the page number this handle
handles. This parameter will be normalized to the base the underlying
PageableCollection uses.
@param {string} [options.label] If provided it is used to render the
anchor text, otherwise the normalized pageIndex will be used
instead. Required if any of the `is*` flags is set to `true`.
@param {string} [options.title]
@param {boolean} [options.isRewind=false]
@param {boolean} [options.isBack=false]
@param {boolean} [options.isForward=false]
@param {boolean} [options.isFastForward=false]
initialize: function (options) {
initialize: function (options) {
Backgrid.requireOptions(options, ["collection"]);
Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var collection = this.collection;
var collection = this.collection;
var fullCollection = collection.fullCollection;
var state = collection.state;
if (fullCollection) {
var currentPage = state.currentPage;
this.listenTo(fullCollection, "add", this.render);
var firstPage = state.firstPage;
this.listenTo(fullCollection, "remove", this.render);
var lastPage = state.lastPage;
this.listenTo(fullCollection, "reset", this.render);
_.extend(this, _.pick(options,
["isRewind", "isBack", "isForward", "isFastForward"]));
var pageIndex;
if (this.isRewind) pageIndex = firstPage;
else if (this.isBack) pageIndex = Math.max(firstPage, currentPage - 1);
else if (this.isForward) pageIndex = Math.min(lastPage, currentPage + 1);
else if (this.isFastForward) pageIndex = lastPage;
else {
else {
this.listenTo(collection, "add", this.render);
pageIndex = +options.pageIndex;
this.listenTo(collection, "remove", this.render);
pageIndex = (firstPage ? pageIndex + 1 : pageIndex);
this.listenTo(collection, "reset", this.render);
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
if (((this.isRewind || this.isBack) && currentPage == firstPage) ||
((this.isForward || this.isFastForward) && currentPage == lastPage)) {
else if (!(this.isRewind ||
this.isBack ||
this.isForward ||
this.isFastForward) &&
currentPage == pageIndex) {
this.label = (options.label || (firstPage ? pageIndex : pageIndex + 1)) + '';
var title = options.title || this.title;
this.title = _.isFunction(title) ? title({label: this.label}) : title;
jQuery event handler for the page handlers. Goes to the right page upon
Renders a clickable anchor element under a list item.
render: function () {
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.href = '#';
if (this.title) anchor.title = this.title;
anchor.innerHTML = this.label;
return this;
@param {Event} e
jQuery click event handler. Goes to the page this PageHandle instance
represents. No-op if this page handle is currently active or disabled.
changePage: function (e) {
changePage: function (e) {
var $el = this.$el;
if (!$el.hasClass("active") && !$el.hasClass("disabled")) {
return this;
var $li = $(e.target).parent();
if (!$li.hasClass("active") && !$li.hasClass("disabled")) {
var label = $(e.target).text();
Paginator is a Backgrid extension that renders a series of configurable
var ffLabels = this.fastForwardHandleLabels;
pagination handles. This extension is best used for splitting a large data
set across multiple pages. If the number of pages is larger then a
var collection = this.collection;
threshold, which is set to 10 by default, the page handles are rendered
within a sliding window, plus the rewind, back, forward and fast forward
if (ffLabels) {
control handles. The individual control handles can be turned off.
switch (label) {
case ffLabels.first:
@class Backgrid.Extension.Paginator
Backgrid.Extension.Paginator = Backbone.View.extend({
case ffLabels.prev:
/** @property */
className: "backgrid-paginator",
case ffLabels.next:
/** @property */
windowSize: 10,
case ffLabels.last:
var state = collection.state;
var pageIndex = +label;
@property {Object.<string, Object.<string, string>>} controls You can
collection.getPage(state.firstPage === 0 ? pageIndex - 1 : pageIndex);
disable specific control handles by omitting certain keys.
controls: {
rewind: {
label: "《",
title: "First"
back: {
label: "〈",
title: "Previous"
forward: {
label: "〉",
title: "Next"
fastForward: {
label: "》",
title: "Last"
Internal method to create a list of page handle objects for the template
@property {Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle} pageHandle. The PageHandle
to render them.
class to use for rendering individual handles
pageHandle: PageHandle,
@return {Array.<Object>} an array of page handle objects hashes
/** @property */
goBackFirstOnSort: true,
makeHandles: function () {
@param {Object} options
@param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
@param {boolean} [options.controls]
@param {boolean} [options.pageHandle=Backgrid.Extension.PageHandle]
@param {boolean} [options.goBackFirstOnSort=true]
initialize: function (options) {
this.controls = options.controls || this.controls;
this.pageHandle = options.pageHandle || this.pageHandle;
var handles = [];
var collection = this.collection;
this.listenTo(collection, "add", this.render);
this.listenTo(collection, "remove", this.render);
this.listenTo(collection, "reset", this.render);
if ((options.goBackFirstOnSort || this.goBackFirstOnSort) &&
collection.fullCollection) {
this.listenTo(collection.fullCollection, "sort", function () {
_calculateWindow: function () {
var collection = this.collection;
var collection = this.collection;
var state = collection.state;
var state = collection.state;
@ -132,48 +281,44 @@
currentPage = firstPage ? currentPage - 1 : currentPage;
currentPage = firstPage ? currentPage - 1 : currentPage;
var windowStart = Math.floor(currentPage / this.windowSize) * this.windowSize;
var windowStart = Math.floor(currentPage / this.windowSize) * this.windowSize;
var windowEnd = Math.min(lastPage + 1, windowStart + this.windowSize);
var windowEnd = Math.min(lastPage + 1, windowStart + this.windowSize);
return [windowStart, windowEnd];
if (collection.mode !== "infinite") {
for (var i = windowStart; i < windowEnd; i++) {
Creates a list of page handle objects for rendering.
label: i + 1,
title: "No. " + (i + 1),
className: currentPage === i ? "active" : undefined
var ffLabels = this.fastForwardHandleLabels;
@return {Array.<Object>} an array of page handle objects hashes
if (ffLabels) {
makeHandles: function () {
if (ffLabels.prev) {
var handles = [];
var collection = this.collection;
label: ffLabels.prev,
className: collection.hasPrevious() ? void 0 : "disabled"
if (ffLabels.first) {
var window = this._calculateWindow();
var winStart = window[0], winEnd = window[1];
label: ffLabels.first,
className: collection.hasPrevious() ? void 0 : "disabled"
if (ffLabels.next) {
for (var i = winStart; i < winEnd; i++) {
handles.push(new this.pageHandle({
label: ffLabels.next,
collection: collection,
className: collection.hasNext() ? void 0 : "disabled"
pageIndex: i
if (ffLabels.last) {
var controls = this.controls;
_.each(["back", "rewind", "forward", "fastForward"], function (key) {
label: ffLabels.last,
var value = controls[key];
className: collection.hasNext() ? void 0 : "disabled"
if (value) {
var handleCtorOpts = {
collection: collection,
title: value.title,
label: value.label
handleCtorOpts["is" + key.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)] = true;
var handle = new this.pageHandle(handleCtorOpts);
if (key == "rewind" || key == "back") handles.unshift(handle);
else handles.push(handle);
}, this);
return handles;
return handles;
@ -184,15 +329,24 @@
render: function () {
render: function () {
if (this.handles) {
handles: this.makeHandles()
for (var i = 0, l = this.handles.length; i < l; i++) {
var handles = this.handles = this.makeHandles();
var ul = document.createElement("ul");
for (var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++) {
return this;
return this;
}(jQuery, _, Backbone, Backgrid));