"CutoffFormatScoreHelpText":"Once the quality cutoff is met or exceeded and this custom format score is reached {appName} will no longer grab or import upgrades for those movies",
"CutoffFormatScoreHelpText":"Once the quality cutoff is met or exceeded and this custom format score is reached {appName} will no longer grab or import upgrades for those movies",
"CutoffHelpText":"Once this quality is reached {appName} will no longer download movies after the custom format cutoff score is met or exceeded",
"CutoffHelpText":"Once this quality is reached {appName} will no longer download movies after the custom format cutoff score is met or exceeded",
"CutoffNotMet":"Cutoff Not Met",
"CutoffUnmet":"Cut-off Unmet",
"CutoffUnmet":"Cut-off Unmet",
"DBMigration":"DB Migration",
"DBMigration":"DB Migration",
@ -1061,10 +1062,9 @@
"QualitiesHelpText":"Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked. Qualities within the same group are equal. Only checked qualities are wanted",
"QualitiesHelpText":"Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked. Qualities within the same group are equal. Only checked qualities are wanted",
"QualitiesLoadError":"Unable to load qualities",
"QualitiesLoadError":"Unable to load qualities",
"QualityCutoffHasNotBeenMet":"Quality cutoff has not been met",
"QualityCutoffNotMet":"Quality cutoff has not been met",
"QualityDefinitions":"Quality Definitions",
"QualityDefinitions":"Quality Definitions",
"QualityLimitsHelpText":"Limits are automatically adjusted for the movie runtime.",
"QualityLimitsHelpText":"Limits are automatically adjusted for the movie runtime.",
"QualityOrLangCutoffHasNotBeenMet":"Quality or Language cutoff has not been met",
"QualityProfile":"Quality Profile",
"QualityProfile":"Quality Profile",
"QualityProfileInUse":"Can't delete a quality profile that is attached to a movie, list, or collection",
"QualityProfileInUse":"Can't delete a quality profile that is attached to a movie, list, or collection",