@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
using System ;
using System ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using Diacritical ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Authentication ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Authentication ;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration ;
namespace Readarr.Http.Authentication
namespace Readarr.Http.Authentication
public static class AuthenticationBuilderExtensions
public static class AuthenticationBuilderExtensions
private static readonly Regex CookieNameRegex = new Regex ( @"[^a-z0-9]+" , RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddApiKey ( this AuthenticationBuilder authenticationBuilder , string name , Action < ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions > options )
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddApiKey ( this AuthenticationBuilder authenticationBuilder , string name , Action < ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions > options )
return authenticationBuilder . AddScheme < ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions , ApiKeyAuthenticationHandler > ( name , options ) ;
return authenticationBuilder . AddScheme < ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions , ApiKeyAuthenticationHandler > ( name , options ) ;
@ -29,19 +35,27 @@ namespace Readarr.Http.Authentication
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddAppAuthentication ( this IServiceCollection services )
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddAppAuthentication ( this IServiceCollection services )
return services . AddAuthentication ( )
services . AddOptions < CookieAuthenticationOptions > ( AuthenticationType . Forms . ToString ( ) )
. AddNone ( AuthenticationType . None . ToString ( ) )
. Configure < IConfigFileProvider > ( ( options , configFileProvider ) = >
. AddExternal ( AuthenticationType . External . ToString ( ) )
. AddBasic ( AuthenticationType . Basic . ToString ( ) )
. AddCookie ( AuthenticationType . Forms . ToString ( ) , options = >
options . Cookie . Name = "ReadarrAuth" ;
// Replace diacritics and replace non-word characters to ensure cookie name doesn't contain any valid URL characters not allowed in cookie names
var instanceName = configFileProvider . InstanceName ;
instanceName = instanceName . RemoveDiacritics ( ) ;
instanceName = CookieNameRegex . Replace ( instanceName , string . Empty ) ;
options . Cookie . Name = $"{instanceName}Auth" ;
options . AccessDeniedPath = "/login?loginFailed=true" ;
options . AccessDeniedPath = "/login?loginFailed=true" ;
options . LoginPath = "/login" ;
options . LoginPath = "/login" ;
options . ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan . FromDays ( 7 ) ;
options . ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan . FromDays ( 7 ) ;
options . SlidingExpiration = true ;
options . SlidingExpiration = true ;
options . ReturnUrlParameter = "returnUrl" ;
options . ReturnUrlParameter = "returnUrl" ;
} )
} ) ;
return services . AddAuthentication ( )
. AddNone ( AuthenticationType . None . ToString ( ) )
. AddExternal ( AuthenticationType . External . ToString ( ) )
. AddBasic ( AuthenticationType . Basic . ToString ( ) )
. AddCookie ( AuthenticationType . Forms . ToString ( ) )
. AddApiKey ( "API" , options = >
. AddApiKey ( "API" , options = >
options . HeaderName = "X-Api-Key" ;
options . HeaderName = "X-Api-Key" ;