<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Trim History", "Trim", "History", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "reloadGrid", Confirm = "Delete history items older than 30 days?"})</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Trim History", "Trim", "History", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "reloadGrid", Confirm = "Delete history items older than 30 days?"}, new { Title = "Delete history items older than 30 days" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Purge History", "Purge", "History", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "reloadGrid", Confirm = "Purge all history items?" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Purge History", "Purge", "History", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "reloadGrid", Confirm = "Purge all history items?" }, new { Title = "Delete all history items" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Clear Logs", "Clear", "Log", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "redrawGrid", Confirm = "Delete all logs?" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Clear Logs", "Clear", "Log", null, new AjaxOptions{ OnSuccess = "redrawGrid", Confirm = "Delete all logs?" }, new { Title = "Delete all logs" })</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("File", "File", "Log")</li>
<li>@Html.ActionLink("File", "File", "Log", new { Title = "View debug log file" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start RSS Sync", "RssSync", "Command", null, null, new { Title = "Check for newly released downloads" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start Backlog Search", "BacklogSearch", "Command",null, null, new { title = "Backlog search for ALL missing episodes"})</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start Backlog Search", "BacklogSearch", "Command",null, null, new { title = "Search and download all missing episodes"})</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start Recent Backlog Search", "RecentBacklogSearch", "Command", null, null, new { title = "Backlog search for missing episodes that aired in the last 30 days only" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Start Recent Backlog Search", "RecentBacklogSearch", "Command", null, null, new { title = "Search and download missing episodes that aired in the last 30 days" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Force Refresh", "ForceRefresh", "Command", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null, new { Title = "Refresh episode and series information and scan for new episodes" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Search for missing episodes", "BacklogSeries", "Episode", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null)</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Search for missing episodes", "BacklogSeries", "Episode", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null, new { Title = "Search for episodes missing from this series" })</li>
<li>@Ajax.ActionLink("Rename Episode Files", "RenameEpisodes", "Episode", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null, new { Title = "Rename all episode files to match your preferred naming" })</li>