"AddImportListExclusionHelpText":"Prevent book from being added to Readarr by Import Lists or Author Refresh",
"AddImportListExclusionHelpText":"Prevent book from being added to Readarr by Import Lists or Author Refresh",
@ -26,8 +25,6 @@
"AllowFingerprintingHelpTextWarning":"This requires Readarr to read parts of the file which will slow down scans and may cause high disk or network activity.",
"AllowFingerprintingHelpTextWarning":"This requires Readarr to read parts of the file which will slow down scans and may cause high disk or network activity.",
"AlreadyInYourLibrary":"Already in your library",
"AlreadyInYourLibrary":"Already in your library",
"AlternateTitles":"Alternate Titles",
"AlternateTitles":"Alternate Titles",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpText":"Send anonymous usage and error information to Readarr's servers. This includes information on your browser, which Readarr WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpText":"Send anonymous usage and error information to Readarr's servers. This includes information on your browser, which Readarr WebUI pages you use, error reporting as well as OS and runtime version. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes.",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpTextWarning":"Requires restart to take effect",
"AnalyticsEnabledHelpTextWarning":"Requires restart to take effect",
@ -68,18 +65,14 @@
"BlocklistRelease":"Blocklist Release",
"BlocklistRelease":"Blocklist Release",
"BookAvailableButMissing":"Book Available, but Missing",
"BookAvailableButMissing":"Book Available, but Missing",
"ContinuingNoAdditionalBooksAreExpected":"No additional books are expected",
"ContinuingNoAdditionalBooksAreExpected":"No additional books are expected",
"CopyUsingHardlinksHelpText":"Use Hardlinks when trying to copy files from torrents that are still being seeded",
"CopyUsingHardlinksHelpText":"Use Hardlinks when trying to copy files from torrents that are still being seeded",
"CopyUsingHardlinksHelpTextWarning":"Occasionally, file locks may prevent renaming files that are being seeded. You may temporarily disable seeding and use Readarr's rename function as a work around.",
"CopyUsingHardlinksHelpTextWarning":"Occasionally, file locks may prevent renaming files that are being seeded. You may temporarily disable seeding and use Readarr's rename function as a work around.",
"CouldntFindAnyResultsForTerm":"Couldn't find any results for '{0}'",
"IsTagUsedCannotBeDeletedWhileInUse":"Cannot be deleted while in use",
"IsTagUsedCannotBeDeletedWhileInUse":"Cannot be deleted while in use",
"ItsEasyToAddANewAuthorOrBookJustStartTypingTheNameOfTheItemYouWantToAdd":"It's easy to add a New Author or Book just start typing the name of the item you want to add",
"LatestBook":"Latest Book",
"LatestBook":"Latest Book",
"LaunchBrowserHelpText":" Open a web browser and navigate to Readarr homepage on app start.",
"LaunchBrowserHelpText":" Open a web browser and navigate to Readarr homepage on app start.",
"LibraryHelpText":"Calibre content server library name. Leave blank for default.",
"LibraryHelpText":"Calibre content server library name. Leave blank for default.",
"ListsSettingsSummary":"Import Lists",
"LoadingBookFilesFailed":"Loading book files failed",
"LoadingBookFilesFailed":"Loading book files failed",
"LoadingBooksFailed":"Loading books failed",
"LoadingBooksFailed":"Loading books failed",
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
"LogSQL":"Log SQL",
"LogSQL":"Log SQL",
"LogSqlHelpText":"Log all SQL queries from Readarr",
"LogSqlHelpText":"Log all SQL queries from Readarr",
"LongDateFormat":"Long Date Format",
"LongDateFormat":"Long Date Format",
"MaintenanceRelease":"Maintenance release",
"MaintenanceRelease":"Maintenance Release: bug fixes and other improvements. See Github Commit History for more details",
"MissingBooksAuthorNotMonitored":"Missing Books (Author not monitored)",
"MissingBooksAuthorNotMonitored":"Missing Books (Author not monitored)",
"MissingFromDisk":"Readarr was unable to find the file on disk so the file was unlinked from the book in the database",
"MonitorAuthor":"Monitor Author",
"MonitorAuthor":"Monitor Author",
"MonitorBook":"Monitor Book",
"MonitorBook":"Monitor Book",
@ -485,6 +487,7 @@
"PreviewRetag":"Preview Retag",
"PreviewRetag":"Preview Retag",
"PriorityHelpText":"Indexer Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 25.",
"PriorityHelpText":"Indexer Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 25.",
"ProfilesSettingsSummary":"Quality, Metadata, Delay, and Release profiles",
"PropersAndRepacks":"Propers and Repacks",
"PropersAndRepacks":"Propers and Repacks",
@ -503,7 +506,9 @@
"QualityProfileIdHelpText":"Quality Profile list items should be added with",
"QualityProfileIdHelpText":"Quality Profile list items should be added with",
"QualityProfiles":"Quality Profiles",
"QualityProfiles":"Quality Profiles",
"QualitySettings":"Quality Settings",
"QualitySettings":"Quality Settings",
"QualitySettingsSummary":"Quality sizes and naming",
"QueueIsEmpty":"Queue is empty",
"ReadarrSupportsAnyDownloadClientThatUsesTheNewznabStandardAsWellAsOtherDownloadClientsListedBelow":"Readarr supports any downloadClient that uses the Newznab standard, as well as other downloadClients listed below.",
"ReadarrSupportsAnyDownloadClientThatUsesTheNewznabStandardAsWellAsOtherDownloadClientsListedBelow":"Readarr supports any downloadClient that uses the Newznab standard, as well as other downloadClients listed below.",
"ReadarrSupportsAnyIndexerThatUsesTheNewznabStandardAsWellAsOtherIndexersListedBelow":"Readarr supports any indexer that uses the Newznab standard, as well as other indexers listed below.",
"ReadarrSupportsAnyIndexerThatUsesTheNewznabStandardAsWellAsOtherIndexersListedBelow":"Readarr supports any indexer that uses the Newznab standard, as well as other indexers listed below.",
"ReadarrSupportsMultipleListsForImportingBooksAndAuthorsIntoTheDatabase":"Readarr supports multiple lists for importing Books and Authors into the database.",
"ReadarrSupportsMultipleListsForImportingBooksAndAuthorsIntoTheDatabase":"Readarr supports multiple lists for importing Books and Authors into the database.",
@ -519,6 +524,7 @@
"RefreshAuthor":"Refresh Author",
"RefreshAuthor":"Refresh Author",
"RefreshBook":"Refresh Book",
"RefreshInformation":"Refresh information",
"RefreshInformation":"Refresh information",
"RefreshInformationAndScanDisk":"Refresh information and scan disk",
"RefreshInformationAndScanDisk":"Refresh information and scan disk",
"RefreshScan":"Refresh & Scan",
"RefreshScan":"Refresh & Scan",
@ -574,15 +580,14 @@
"RSSSync":"RSS Sync",
"RSSSync":"RSS Sync",
"RSSSyncInterval":"RSS Sync Interval",
"RSSSyncInterval":"RSS Sync Interval",
"RssSyncIntervalHelpText":"Interval in minutes. Set to zero to disable (this will stop all automatic release grabbing)",
"RssSyncIntervalHelpText":"Interval in minutes. Set to zero to disable (this will stop all automatic release grabbing)",
"SceneInformation":"Scene Information",
"SceneNumberHasntBeenVerifiedYet":"Scene number hasn't been verified yet",
"ScriptPath":"Script Path",
"ScriptPath":"Script Path",
"SearchAll":"Search All",
"SearchAll":"Search All",
"SearchBook":"Search Book",
"SearchBook":"Search Book",
"SearchBoxPlaceHolder":"eg. War and Peace, edition:656, work:4912783, author:128382, isbn:067003469X, asin:B00JCDK5ME",
"SearchBoxPlaceHolder":"e.g. War and Peace, goodreads:656, isbn:067003469X, asin:B00JCDK5ME",
"SearchFiltered":"Search Filtered",
"SearchForAllCutoffUnmetBooks":"Search for all Cutoff Unmet books",
"SearchForAllCutoffUnmetBooks":"Search for all Cutoff Unmet books",
"SearchForAllMissingBooks":"Search for all missing books",
"SearchForAllMissingBooks":"Search for all missing books",
"UISettingsSummary":"Calendar, date and color impaired options",
"UnableToAddANewDownloadClientPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new download client, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewDownloadClientPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new download client, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewImportListExclusionPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new import list exclusion, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewImportListExclusionPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new import list exclusion, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new indexer, please try again.",
"UnableToAddANewIndexerPleaseTryAgain":"Unable to add a new indexer, please try again.",
@ -752,7 +754,7 @@
"UpdateMechanismHelpText":"Use Readarr's built-in updater or a script",
"UpdateMechanismHelpText":"Use Readarr's built-in updater or a script",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText":"Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText":"Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process",
"UpdateSelected":"Updated selected",
"UpdateSelected":"Update selected",
"UpdatingIsDisabledInsideADockerContainerUpdateTheContainerImageInstead":"Updating is disabled inside a docker container. Update the container image instead.",
"UpdatingIsDisabledInsideADockerContainerUpdateTheContainerImageInstead":"Updating is disabled inside a docker container. Update the container image instead.",
"UpgradeAllowedHelpText":"If disabled qualities will not be upgraded",
"UpgradeAllowedHelpText":"If disabled qualities will not be upgraded",
@ -765,6 +767,7 @@
"UsenetDelay":"Usenet Delay",
"UsenetDelay":"Usenet Delay",
"UsenetDelayHelpText":"Delay in minutes to wait before grabbing a release from Usenet",
"UsenetDelayHelpText":"Delay in minutes to wait before grabbing a release from Usenet",
"UseProxy":"Use Proxy",
"UseProxy":"Use Proxy",
"UserAgentProvidedByTheAppThatCalledTheAPI":"User-Agent provided by the app that called the API",
"UsernameHelpText":"Calibre content server username",
"UsernameHelpText":"Calibre content server username",
"UseSSL":"Use SSL",
"UseSSL":"Use SSL",
@ -785,5 +788,6 @@
"WriteTagsSync":"All files; keep in sync with Goodreads",
"WriteTagsSync":"All files; keep in sync with Goodreads",