Update azure pipelines

Bogdan 2 years ago
parent d94f866aeb
commit f0f6c3eb35

@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ trigger:
include: include:
- develop - develop
- master - master
- .github
- src/Readarr.Api.*/openapi.json
pr: pr:
branches: branches:
@ -34,18 +38,49 @@ pr:
- develop - develop
paths: paths:
exclude: exclude:
- .github
- src/NzbDrone.Core/Localization/Core - src/NzbDrone.Core/Localization/Core
- src/Readarr.Api.*/openapi.json - src/Readarr.Api.*/openapi.json
stages: stages:
- stage: Setup
- stage: Build_Backend_Windows displayName: Setup
- job:
displayName: Build Variables
vmImage: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
# Set the build name properly. The 'name' property won't recursively expand so hack here:
- bash: echo "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$READARRVERSION"
displayName: Set Build Name
- bash: |
if [[ $BUILD_REASON == "PullRequest" ]]; then
git diff origin/develop...HEAD --name-only | grep -E "^(src/|azure-pipelines.yml)"
echo $? > not_backend_update
echo 0 > not_backend_update
cat not_backend_update
displayName: Check for Backend File Changes
- publish: not_backend_update
artifact: not_backend_update
displayName: Publish update type
- stage: Build_Backend
displayName: Build Backend displayName: Build Backend
dependsOn: [] dependsOn: Setup
jobs: jobs:
- job: Backend - job: Backend
strategy: strategy:
matrix: matrix:
osName: 'Linux'
imageName: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
enableAnalysis: 'true'
osName: 'Mac'
imageName: ${{ variables.macImage }}
enableAnalysis: 'false'
Windows: Windows:
osName: 'Windows' osName: 'Windows'
imageName: ${{ variables.windowsImage }} imageName: ${{ variables.windowsImage }}
@ -57,9 +92,6 @@ stages:
# Disable stylecop here - linting errors get caught by the analyze task # Disable stylecop here - linting errors get caught by the analyze task
EnableAnalyzers: $(enableAnalysis) EnableAnalyzers: $(enableAnalysis)
steps: steps:
# Set the build name properly. The 'name' property won't recursively expand so hack here:
- bash: echo "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$READARRVERSION"
displayName: Set Build Name
- checkout: self - checkout: self
submodules: true submodules: true
fetchDepth: 1 fetchDepth: 1
@ -68,103 +100,56 @@ stages:
inputs: inputs:
version: $(dotnetVersion) version: $(dotnetVersion)
- bash: | - bash: |
BUNDLEDVERSIONS="${SDK_PATH}/Microsoft.NETCoreSdk.BundledVersions.props" echo $BUNDLEDVERSIONS
if grep -q freebsd-x64 $BUNDLEDVERSIONS; then
if ! grep -q freebsd-x64 $BUNDLEDVERSIONS; then echo "Extra platforms already enabled"
echo "Enabling extra platform support"
sed -i.ORI 's/osx-x64/osx-x64;freebsd-x64;linux-x86/' $BUNDLEDVERSIONS sed -i.ORI 's/osx-x64/osx-x64;freebsd-x64;linux-x86/' $BUNDLEDVERSIONS
fi fi
displayName: Extra Platform Support displayName: Enable Extra Platform Support
- task: Cache@2 - bash: ./build.sh --backend --enable-extra-platforms
key: 'nuget | "$(Agent.OS)" | $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/Directory.Packages.props'
path: $(nugetCacheFolder)
displayName: Cache NuGet packages
- bash: ./build.sh --backend --enable-bsd
displayName: Build Readarr Backend displayName: Build Readarr Backend
env: - bash: |
NUGET_PACKAGES: $(nugetCacheFolder) find ${OUTPUTFOLDER} -type f ! -path "*/publish/*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
- powershell: Get-ChildItem _output\net6.0*,_output\*.Update\* -Recurse | Where { $_.Fullname -notlike "*\publish\*" -and $_.attributes -notlike "*directory*" } | Remove-Item find ${OUTPUTFOLDER} -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \;
find ${TESTSFOLDER} -type f ! -path "*/publish/*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find ${TESTSFOLDER} -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \;
displayName: Clean up intermediate output displayName: Clean up intermediate output
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: $(outputFolder) - publish: $(outputFolder)
artifact: '$(osName)Backend' artifact: '$(osName)Backend'
displayName: Publish Backend displayName: Publish Backend
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/win-x64/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/win-x64/publish'
artifact: win-x64-tests artifact: win-x64-tests
displayName: Publish win-x64 Test Package displayName: Publish win-x64 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-x64/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-x64/publish'
artifact: linux-x64-tests artifact: linux-x64-tests
displayName: Publish linux-x64 Test Package displayName: Publish linux-x64 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-x86/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-x86/publish'
artifact: linux-x86-tests artifact: linux-x86-tests
displayName: Publish linux-x86 Test Package displayName: Publish linux-x86 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-musl-x64/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/linux-musl-x64/publish'
artifact: linux-musl-x64-tests artifact: linux-musl-x64-tests
displayName: Publish linux-musl-x64 Test Package displayName: Publish linux-musl-x64 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/freebsd-x64/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/freebsd-x64/publish'
artifact: freebsd-x64-tests artifact: freebsd-x64-tests
displayName: Publish freebsd-x64 Test Package displayName: Publish freebsd-x64 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/osx-x64/publish' - publish: '$(testsFolder)/net6.0/osx-x64/publish'
artifact: osx-x64-tests artifact: osx-x64-tests
displayName: Publish osx-x64 Test Package displayName: Publish osx-x64 Test Package
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- stage: Build_Backend_Other
displayName: Build Backend (Other OS)
dependsOn: []
- job: Backend
osName: 'Linux'
imageName: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
enableAnalysis: 'true'
osName: 'Mac'
imageName: ${{ variables.macImage }}
enableAnalysis: 'false'
vmImage: $(imageName)
# Disable stylecop here - linting errors get caught by the analyze task
EnableAnalyzers: $(enableAnalysis)
- checkout: self
submodules: true
fetchDepth: 1
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .net core'
version: $(dotnetVersion)
- bash: |
if ! grep -q freebsd-x64 $BUNDLEDVERSIONS; then
sed -i.ORI 's/osx-x64/osx-x64;freebsd-x64;linux-x86/' $BUNDLEDVERSIONS
displayName: Extra Platform Support
- task: Cache@2
key: 'nuget | "$(Agent.OS)" | $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/Directory.Packages.props'
path: $(nugetCacheFolder)
displayName: Cache NuGet packages
- bash: ./build.sh --backend --enable-extra-platforms
displayName: Build Readarr Backend
NUGET_PACKAGES: $(nugetCacheFolder)
- bash: |
find ${OUTPUTFOLDER} -type f ! -path "*/publish/*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find ${OUTPUTFOLDER} -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \;
find ${TESTSFOLDER} -type f ! -path "*/publish/*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find ${TESTSFOLDER} -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \;
displayName: Clean up intermediate output
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['osName'], 'Windows'))
- stage: Build_Frontend - stage: Build_Frontend
displayName: Frontend displayName: Frontend
dependsOn: [] dependsOn: Setup
jobs: jobs:
- job: Build - job: Build
strategy: strategy:
@ -193,7 +178,6 @@ stages:
key: 'yarn | "$(osName)" | yarn.lock' key: 'yarn | "$(osName)" | yarn.lock'
restoreKeys: | restoreKeys: |
yarn | "$(osName)" yarn | "$(osName)"
path: $(yarnCacheFolder) path: $(yarnCacheFolder)
displayName: Cache Yarn packages displayName: Cache Yarn packages
- bash: ./build.sh --frontend - bash: ./build.sh --frontend
@ -208,7 +192,7 @@ stages:
- stage: Installer - stage: Installer
dependsOn: dependsOn:
- Build_Backend_Windows - Build_Backend
- Build_Frontend - Build_Frontend
jobs: jobs:
- job: Windows_Installer - job: Windows_Installer
@ -241,7 +225,7 @@ stages:
- stage: Packages - stage: Packages
dependsOn: dependsOn:
- Build_Backend_Windows - Build_Backend
- Build_Frontend - Build_Frontend
jobs: jobs:
- job: Other_Packages - job: Other_Packages
@ -410,11 +394,26 @@ stages:
- stage: Unit_Test - stage: Unit_Test
displayName: Unit Tests displayName: Unit Tests
dependsOn: Build_Backend_Windows dependsOn: Build_Backend
condition: succeeded()
jobs: jobs:
- job: Prepare
vmImage: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
- checkout: none
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
buildType: 'current'
artifactName: 'not_backend_update'
targetPath: '.'
- bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=backendNotUpdated;isOutput=true]$(cat not_backend_update)"
name: setVar
- job: Unit - job: Unit
displayName: Unit Native displayName: Unit Native
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
workspace: workspace:
clean: all clean: all
@ -480,6 +479,8 @@ stages:
- job: Unit_Docker - job: Unit_Docker
displayName: Unit Docker displayName: Unit Docker
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
strategy: strategy:
matrix: matrix:
alpine: alpine:
@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ stages:
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0')) condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
variables: variables:
pattern: 'Readarr.*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz' pattern: 'Readarr.*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz'
artifactName: LinuxCoreTests artifactName: linux-x64-tests
Readarr__Postgres__Host: 'localhost' Readarr__Postgres__Host: 'localhost'
Readarr__Postgres__Port: '5432' Readarr__Postgres__Port: '5432'
Readarr__Postgres__User: 'readarr' Readarr__Postgres__User: 'readarr'
@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ stages:
displayName: Download Test Artifact displayName: Download Test Artifact
inputs: inputs:
buildType: 'current' buildType: 'current'
artifactName: 'linux-x64-Tests' artifactName: $(artifactName)
targetPath: $(testsFolder) targetPath: $(testsFolder)
- bash: find ${TESTSFOLDER} -name "Readarr.Test.Dummy" -exec chmod a+x {} \; - bash: find ${TESTSFOLDER} -name "Readarr.Test.Dummy" -exec chmod a+x {} \;
displayName: Make Test Dummy Executable displayName: Make Test Dummy Executable
@ -641,9 +642,25 @@ stages:
- stage: Integration - stage: Integration
displayName: Integration displayName: Integration
dependsOn: Packages dependsOn: Packages
jobs: jobs:
- job: Prepare
vmImage: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
- checkout: none
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
buildType: 'current'
artifactName: 'not_backend_update'
targetPath: '.'
- bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=backendNotUpdated;isOutput=true]$(cat not_backend_update)"
name: setVar
- job: Integration_Native - job: Integration_Native
displayName: Integration Native displayName: Integration Native
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
strategy: strategy:
matrix: matrix:
MacCore: MacCore:
@ -832,6 +849,8 @@ stages:
- job: Integration_FreeBSD - job: Integration_FreeBSD
displayName: Integration Native FreeBSD displayName: Integration Native FreeBSD
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
workspace: workspace:
clean: all clean: all
variables: variables:
@ -876,6 +895,8 @@ stages:
- job: Integration_Docker - job: Integration_Docker
displayName: Integration Docker displayName: Integration Docker
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
strategy: strategy:
matrix: matrix:
alpine: alpine:
@ -954,16 +975,19 @@ stages:
artifactName: 'linux-x64' artifactName: 'linux-x64'
imageName: ${{ variables.linuxImage }} imageName: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
pattern: 'Readarr.*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz' pattern: 'Readarr.*.linux-core-x64.tar.gz'
failBuild: true
Mac: Mac:
osName: 'Mac' osName: 'Mac'
artifactName: 'osx-x64' artifactName: 'osx-x64'
imageName: ${{ variables.macImage }} imageName: ${{ variables.macImage }}
pattern: 'Readarr.*.osx-core-x64.tar.gz' pattern: 'Readarr.*.osx-core-x64.tar.gz'
failBuild: true
Windows: Windows:
osName: 'Windows' osName: 'Windows'
artifactName: 'win-x64' artifactName: 'win-x64'
imageName: ${{ variables.windowsImage }} imageName: ${{ variables.windowsImage }}
pattern: 'Readarr.*.windows-core-x64.zip' pattern: 'Readarr.*.windows-core-x64.zip'
failBuild: true
pool: pool:
vmImage: $(imageName) vmImage: $(imageName)
@ -1009,20 +1033,35 @@ stages:
TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/screenshots' TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/screenshots'
- publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/screenshots - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/screenshots
artifact: '$(osName)AutomationScreenshots' artifact: '$(osName)AutomationScreenshots'
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['System.JobAttempt'], '1'))
displayName: Publish Screenshot Bundle displayName: Publish Screenshot Bundle
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['System.JobAttempt'], '1'))
- task: PublishTestResults@2 - task: PublishTestResults@2
inputs: inputs:
testResultsFormat: 'NUnit' testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
testResultsFiles: '**/TestResult.xml' testResultsFiles: '**/TestResult.xml'
testRunTitle: '$(osName) Automation Tests' testRunTitle: '$(osName) Automation Tests'
failTaskOnFailedTests: true failTaskOnFailedTests: $(failBuild)
displayName: Publish Test Results displayName: Publish Test Results
- stage: Analyze - stage: Analyze
dependsOn: [] dependsOn:
- Setup
displayName: Analyze displayName: Analyze
jobs: jobs:
- job: Prepare
vmImage: ${{ variables.linuxImage }}
- checkout: none
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
buildType: 'current'
artifactName: 'not_backend_update'
targetPath: '.'
- bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=backendNotUpdated;isOutput=true]$(cat not_backend_update)"
name: setVar
- job: Lint_Frontend - job: Lint_Frontend
displayName: Lint Frontend displayName: Lint Frontend
strategy: strategy:
@ -1048,7 +1087,6 @@ stages:
key: 'yarn | "$(osName)" | yarn.lock' key: 'yarn | "$(osName)" | yarn.lock'
restoreKeys: | restoreKeys: |
yarn | "$(osName)" yarn | "$(osName)"
path: $(yarnCacheFolder) path: $(yarnCacheFolder)
displayName: Cache Yarn packages displayName: Cache Yarn packages
- bash: ./build.sh --lint - bash: ./build.sh --lint
@ -1080,8 +1118,13 @@ stages:
- job: Api_Docs - job: Api_Docs
displayName: API Docs displayName: API Docs
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: | condition: |
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')) and
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')),
and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
pool: pool:
vmImage: ${{ variables.windowsImage }} vmImage: ${{ variables.windowsImage }}
@ -1102,10 +1145,9 @@ stages:
git config --global user.name "Servarr" git config --global user.name "Servarr"
git checkout -b api-docs git checkout -b api-docs
git add . git add .
git status if git status | grep -q modified
if git status | grep modified
then then
git commit -am 'Automated API Docs update [skip ci]' git commit -am 'Automated API Docs update'
git push -f --set-upstream origin api-docs git push -f --set-upstream origin api-docs
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUBTOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/readarr/readarr/pulls -d '{"head":"api-docs","base":"develop","title":"Update API docs"}' curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUBTOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/readarr/readarr/pulls -d '{"head":"api-docs","base":"develop","title":"Update API docs"}'
else else
@ -1129,33 +1171,25 @@ stages:
- job: Analyze_Backend - job: Analyze_Backend
displayName: Backend displayName: Backend
dependsOn: Prepare
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.Prepare.outputs['setVar.backendNotUpdated'], '0'))
variables: variables:
disable.coverage.autogenerate: 'true' disable.coverage.autogenerate: 'true'
EnableAnalyzers: 'false'
pool: pool:
vmImage: ${{ variables.linuxImage }} vmImage: ${{ variables.windowsImage }}
steps: steps:
- task: UseDotNet@2 - task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .net core 2.1' displayName: 'Install .net core'
version: 2.1.815
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .net core 3.1'
version: 3.1.413
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .net core 5.0'
inputs: inputs:
version: $(dotnetVersion) version: $(dotnetVersion)
- checkout: self # Need history for Sonar analysis - checkout: self # Need history for Sonar analysis
submodules: true submodules: true
- task: Cache@2 - powershell: Set-Service SCardSvr -StartupType Manual
inputs: displayName: Enable Windows Test Service
key: 'nuget | "$(Agent.OS)" | $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/Directory.Packages.props'
path: $(nugetCacheFolder)
displayName: Cache NuGet packages
- task: SonarCloudPrepare@1 - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
condition: eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False') condition: eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False')
inputs: inputs:
@ -1166,16 +1200,14 @@ stages:
projectName: 'Readarr' projectName: 'Readarr'
projectVersion: '$(readarrVersion)' projectVersion: '$(readarrVersion)'
extraProperties: | extraProperties: |
sonar.exclusions=**/obj/**,**/*.dll,**/NzbDrone.Core.Test/Files/**/*,./frontend/**,./src/Libraries/** sonar.exclusions=**/obj/**,**/*.dll,**/NzbDrone.Core.Test/Files/**/*,./frontend/**,**/ExternalModules/**,./src/Libraries/**
sonar.coverage.exclusions=**/Readarr.Api.V1/**/* sonar.coverage.exclusions=**/Readarr.Api.V1/**/*
sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/CoverageResults/**/coverage.opencover.xml sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/CoverageResults/**/coverage.opencover.xml
sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPaths=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/TestResult.xml sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPaths=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/TestResult.xml
- bash: | - bash: |
./build.sh --backend -f net6.0 -r linux-x64 ./build.sh --backend -f net6.0 -r win-x64
TEST_DIR=_tests/net6.0/linux-x64/publish/ ./test.sh Linux Unit Coverage TEST_DIR=_tests/net6.0/win-x64/publish/ ./test.sh Windows Unit Coverage
displayName: Coverage Unit Tests displayName: Coverage Unit Tests
NUGET_PACKAGES: $(nugetCacheFolder)
- task: SonarCloudAnalyze@1 - task: SonarCloudAnalyze@1
condition: eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False') condition: eq(variables['System.PullRequest.IsFork'], 'False')
displayName: Publish SonarCloud Results displayName: Publish SonarCloud Results
@ -1198,7 +1230,6 @@ stages:
- Unit_Test - Unit_Test
- Integration - Integration
- Automation - Automation
- Build_Backend_Other
condition: eq(variables['system.pullrequest.isfork'], false) condition: eq(variables['system.pullrequest.isfork'], false)
displayName: Build Status Report displayName: Build Status Report
jobs: jobs:
@ -1222,3 +1253,4 @@ stages:
DISCORDCHANNELID: $(discordChannelId) DISCORDCHANNELID: $(discordChannelId)
DISCORDWEBHOOKKEY: $(discordWebhookKey) DISCORDWEBHOOKKEY: $(discordWebhookKey)
DISCORDTHREADID: $(discordThreadId) DISCORDTHREADID: $(discordThreadId)
