@ -168,39 +168,7 @@ namespace Sonarr.Http.Extensions
remoteIP = remoteIP.MapToIPv4();
var remoteAddress = remoteIP.ToString();
// Only check if forwarded by a local network reverse proxy
if (remoteIP.IsLocalAddress())
var realIPHeader = request.Headers["X-Real-IP"];
if (realIPHeader.Any())
return realIPHeader.First().ToString();
var forwardedForHeader = request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"];
if (forwardedForHeader.Any())
// Get the first address that was forwarded by a local IP to prevent remote clients faking another proxy
foreach (var forwardedForAddress in forwardedForHeader.SelectMany(v => v.Split(',')).Select(v => v.Trim()).Reverse())
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(forwardedForAddress, out remoteIP))
return remoteAddress;
if (!remoteIP.IsLocalAddress())
return forwardedForAddress;
remoteAddress = forwardedForAddress;
return remoteAddress;
return remoteIP.ToString();
public static void DisableCache(this IHeaderDictionary headers)