Removed tablesorter

Mark McDowall 12 years ago
parent 4b5b0ad751
commit 42fb4fcaa4

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
Bootstrap theme
/* jQuery Bootstrap Theme */
.tablesorter-bootstrap {
width: 100%;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header,
.tablesorter-bootstrap tfoot th,
.tablesorter-bootstrap tfoot td {
font: bold 14px/20px Arial, Sans-serif;
position: relative;
padding: 8px;
margin: 0 0 18px;
list-style: none;
background-color: #fbfbfb;
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, white, #efefef);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, white, #efefef);
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(white), to(#efefef));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, white, #efefef);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, white, #efefef);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, white, #efefef);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#efefef', GradientType=0);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 white;
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 #ffffff;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 white;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header {
cursor: pointer;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header-inner {
position: relative;
padding: 4px 18px 4px 4px;
/* bootstrap uses <i> for icons */
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header i {
position: absolute;
right: 2px;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -7px; /* half the icon height; older IE doesn't like this */
width: 14px;
height: 14px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
line-height: 14px;
display: inline-block;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .bootstrap-icon-unsorted {
background-image: url();
/* since bootstrap (table-striped) uses nth-child(), we just use this to add a zebra stripe color */
.tablesorter-bootstrap tr.odd td {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
.tablesorter-bootstrap tbody > .odd:hover > td,
.tablesorter-bootstrap tbody > .even:hover > td {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.tablesorter-bootstrap tr.even td {
background-color: #ffffff;
/* processing icon */
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-processing {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
/* filter widget */
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row .tablesorter-filter {
width: 98%;
height: inherit;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 4px 6px;
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #333333;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-transition: height 0.1s ease;
-moz-transition: height 0.1s ease;
-o-transition: height 0.1s ease;
transition: height 0.1s ease;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row td {
background: #eeeeee;
line-height: normal;
text-align: center;
padding: 4px 6px;
vertical-align: middle;
-webkit-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
-moz-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
-o-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
/* hidden filter row */
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row.hideme td {
padding: 2px; /* change this to modify the thickness of the closed border row */
margin: 0;
line-height: 0;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row.hideme .tablesorter-filter {
height: 1px;
min-height: 0;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* don't use visibility: hidden because it disables tabbing */
opacity: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
/* pager plugin */
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-pager select {
padding: 4px 6px;
.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-pager .pagedisplay {
border: 0;
th {
background-repeat: no-repeat;

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
/*** css used when "updateArrows" option is true ***/
/* the pager itself gets a disabled class when the number of rows is less than the size */
.tablesorter-pager.disabled {
display: none;
/* hide or fade out pager arrows when the first or last row is visible */
.tablesorter-pager .disabled {
/* visibility: hidden */
opacity: 0.5;
filter: alpha(opacity=50);
cursor: default;
.pagedisplay-container {
padding-top: 5px;

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
<link href="/content/fullcalendar.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href="/content/fullcalendar.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="/content/backbone.backgrid.paginator.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href="/content/backbone.backgrid.paginator.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/content/backbone.backgrid.filter.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href="/content/backbone.backgrid.filter.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/content/tablesorter.bootstrap.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/content/tablesorter.pager.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/content/bootstrap.toggle-switch.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href="/content/bootstrap.toggle-switch.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/AddSeries/addseries.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href="/AddSeries/addseries.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="/content/menu.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href="/content/menu.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
@ -92,9 +90,6 @@
<script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.paginator.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.paginator.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.filter.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.filter.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/jquery.tablesorter.bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/jquery.backstretch.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/jquery.backstretch.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/sugar.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/sugar.js"></script>
<script src="/JsLibraries/fullcalendar.js"></script> <script src="/JsLibraries/fullcalendar.js"></script>
@ -105,7 +100,6 @@
<script src="/Mixins/backbone.marionette.templates.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/backbone.marionette.templates.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/backbone.marionette.region.mixin.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/backbone.marionette.region.mixin.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/backbone.ajax.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/backbone.ajax.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/tablesorter.extensions.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/spoon.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/spoon.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/backbone.modelbinder.mixin.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/backbone.modelbinder.mixin.js"></script>
<script src="/Mixins/backbone.backgrid.mixin.js"></script> <script src="/Mixins/backbone.backgrid.mixin.js"></script>

@ -1,981 +0,0 @@
/*! tableSorter 2.4+ widgets - updated 1/29/2013
* Column Styles
* Column Filters
* Column Resizing
* Sticky Header
* UI Theme (generalized)
* Save Sort
* ["zebra", "uitheme", "stickyHeaders", "filter", "columns"]
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global jQuery: false, localStorage: false, navigator: false */
"use strict";
$.tablesorter = $.tablesorter || {};
$.tablesorter.themes = {
"bootstrap" : {
table : 'table table-bordered table-striped',
header : 'bootstrap-header', // give the header a gradient background
footerRow : '',
footerCells: '',
icons : '', // add "icon-white" to make them white; this icon class is added to the <i> in the header
sortNone : 'bootstrap-icon-unsorted',
sortAsc : 'icon-chevron-up',
sortDesc : 'icon-chevron-down',
active : '', // applied when column is sorted
hover : '', // use custom css here - bootstrap class may not override it
filterRow : '', // filter row class
even : '', // even row zebra striping
odd : '' // odd row zebra striping
"jui" : {
table : 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', // table classes
header : 'ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-state-default', // header classes
footerRow : '',
footerCells: '',
icons : 'ui-icon', // icon class added to the <i> in the header
sortNone : 'ui-icon-carat-2-n-s',
sortAsc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-n',
sortDesc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-s',
active : 'ui-state-active', // applied when column is sorted
hover : 'ui-state-hover', // hover class
filterRow : '',
even : 'ui-widget-content', // even row zebra striping
odd : 'ui-state-default' // odd row zebra striping
// *** Store data in local storage, with a cookie fallback ***
/* IE7 needs JSON library for JSON.stringify - (
if you need it, then include
$.parseJSON is not available is jQuery versions older than 1.4.1, using older
versions will only allow storing information for one page at a time
// *** Save data (JSON format only) ***
// val must be valid JSON... use to ensure it is valid
var val = { "mywidget" : "data1" }; // valid JSON uses double quotes
// $, key, val);
$, 'tablesorter-mywidget', val);
// *** Get data: $, key); ***
v = $, 'tablesorter-mywidget');
// val may be empty, so also check for your data
val = (v && v.hasOwnProperty('mywidget')) ? v.mywidget : '';
alert(val); // "data1" if saved, or "" if not
$ = function(table, key, val){
var d, k, ls = false, v = {},
id = || $('.tablesorter').index( $(table) ),
url = window.location.pathname;
try { ls = !!(localStorage.getItem); } catch(e) {}
// *** get val ***
if ($.parseJSON){
if (ls){
v = $.parseJSON(localStorage[key]) || {};
} else {
k = document.cookie.split(/[;\s|=]/); // cookie
d = $.inArray(key, k) + 1; // add one to get from the key to the value
v = (d !== 0) ? $.parseJSON(k[d]) || {} : {};
// allow val to be an empty string to
if ((val || val === '') && window.JSON && JSON.hasOwnProperty('stringify')){
// add unique identifiers = url pathname > table ID/index on page > data
if (!v[url]) {
v[url] = {};
v[url][id] = val;
// *** set val ***
if (ls){
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(v);
} else {
d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (31536e+6)); // 365 days
document.cookie = key + '=' + (JSON.stringify(v)).replace(/\"/g,'\"') + '; expires=' + d.toGMTString() + '; path=/';
} else {
return v && v[url] ? v[url][id] : {};
// Widget: General UI theme
// "uitheme" option in "widgetOptions"
// **************************
id: "uitheme",
format: function(table){
var time, klass, $el, $tar,
t = $.tablesorter.themes,
$t = $(table),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
theme = c.theme !== 'default' ? c.theme : wo.uitheme || 'jui', // default uitheme is 'jui'
o = t[ t[theme] ? theme : t[wo.uitheme] ? wo.uitheme : 'jui'],
$h = $(c.headerList),
sh = 'tr.' + (wo.stickyHeaders || 'tablesorter-stickyHeader'),
rmv = o.sortNone + ' ' + o.sortDesc + ' ' + o.sortAsc;
if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); }
if (!$t.hasClass('tablesorter-' + theme) || c.theme === theme || !table.hasInitialized){
// update zebra stripes
if (o.even !== '') { wo.zebra[0] += ' ' + o.even; }
if (o.odd !== '') { wo.zebra[1] += ' ' + o.odd; }
// add table/footer class names
t = $t
// remove other selected themes; use widgetOptions.theme_remove
.removeClass( c.theme === '' ? '' : 'tablesorter-' + c.theme )
.addClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + o.table) // add theme widget class name
if (t.length) {
.children('th, td').addClass(o.footerCells);
// update header classes
}, function(){
if (!$h.find('.tablesorter-wrapper').length) {
// Firefox needs this inner div to position the resizer correctly
$h.wrapInner('<div class="tablesorter-wrapper" style="position:relative;height:100%;width:100%"></div>');
if (c.cssIcon){
// if c.cssIcon is '', then no <i> is added to the header
$h.find('.' + c.cssIcon).addClass(o.icons);
if ($t.hasClass('hasFilters')){
$.each($h, function(i){
$el = $(this);
$tar = (c.cssIcon) ? $el.find('.' + c.cssIcon) : $el;
if (this.sortDisabled){
// no sort arrows for disabled columns!
$tar.removeClass(rmv + ' tablesorter-icon ' + o.icons);
} else {
t = ($t.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders')) ? $t.find(sh).find('th').eq(i).add($el) : $el;
klass = ($el.hasClass(c.cssAsc)) ? o.sortAsc : ($el.hasClass(c.cssDesc)) ? o.sortDesc : $el.hasClass(c.cssHeader) ? o.sortNone : '';
$el[klass === o.sortNone ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](;
if (c.debug){
$.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying " + theme + " theme", time);
remove: function(table, c, wo){
var $t = $(table),
theme = typeof wo.uitheme === 'object' ? 'jui' : wo.uitheme || 'jui',
o = typeof wo.uitheme === 'object' ? wo.uitheme : $.tablesorter.themes[ $.tablesorter.themes.hasOwnProperty(theme) ? theme : 'jui'],
$h = $t.children('thead').children(),
rmv = o.sortNone + ' ' + o.sortDesc + ' ' + o.sortAsc;
.removeClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + o.table)
.unbind('mouseenter mouseleave') // remove hover
.removeClass(o.hover + ' ' + rmv + ' ' +
// Widget: Column styles
// "columns", "columns_thead" (true) and
// "columns_tfoot" (true) options in "widgetOptions"
// **************************
id: "columns",
format: function(table){
var $tb, $tr, $td, $t, time, last, rmv, i, k, l,
$tbl = $(table),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
b = c.$tbodies,
list = c.sortList,
len = list.length,
css = [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ]; // default options
// keep backwards compatibility, for now
css = (c.widgetColumns && c.widgetColumns.hasOwnProperty('css')) ? c.widgetColumns.css || css :
(wo && wo.hasOwnProperty('columns')) ? wo.columns || css : css;
last = css.length-1;
rmv = css.join(' ');
if (c.debug){
time = new Date();
// check if there is a sort (on initialization there may not be one)
for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ){
$tb = $.tablesorter.processTbody(table, b.eq(k), true); // detach tbody
$tr = $tb.children('tr');
l = $tr.length;
// loop through the visible rows
$t = $(this);
if ( !== 'none'){
// remove all columns class names
$td = $t.children().removeClass(rmv);
// add appropriate column class names
if (list && list[0]){
// primary sort column class
if (len > 1){
for (i = 1; i < len; i++){
// secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes
$td.eq(list[i][0]).addClass( css[i] || css[last] );
$.tablesorter.processTbody(table, $tb, false);
// add classes to thead and tfoot
$tr = wo.columns_thead !== false ? 'thead tr' : '';
if (wo.columns_tfoot !== false) {
$tr += ($tr === '' ? '' : ',') + 'tfoot tr';
if ($tr.length) {
$t = $tbl.find($tr).children().removeClass(rmv);
if (list && list[0]){
// primary sort column class
$t.filter('[data-column="' + list[0][0] + '"]').addClass(css[0]);
if (len > 1){
for (i = 1; i < len; i++){
// secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes
$t.filter('[data-column="' + list[i][0] + '"]').addClass(css[i] || css[last]);
if (c.debug){
$.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying Columns widget", time);
remove: function(table, c, wo){
var k, $tb,
b = c.$tbodies,
rmv = (c.widgetOptions.columns || [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ]).join(' ');
$(table).children('tfoot').children('tr').children('th, td').removeClass(rmv);
for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ){
$tb = $.tablesorter.processTbody(table, b.eq(k), true); // remove tbody
$.tablesorter.processTbody(table, $tb, false); // restore tbody
/* Widget: filter
filter_childRows : false // if true, filter includes child row content in the search
filter_columnFilters : true // if true, a filter will be added to the top of each table column
filter_cssFilter : 'tablesorter-filter' // css class name added to the filter row & each input in the row
filter_functions : null // add custom filter functions using this option
filter_hideFilters : false // collapse filter row when mouse leaves the area
filter_ignoreCase : true // if true, make all searches case-insensitive
filter_reset : null // jQuery selector string of an element used to reset the filters
filter_searchDelay : 300 // typing delay in milliseconds before starting a search
filter_startsWith : false // if true, filter start from the beginning of the cell contents
filter_useParsedData : false // filter all data using parsed content
filter_serversideFiltering : false // if true, server-side filtering should be performed because client-side filtering will be disabled, but the ui and events will still be used.
id: "filter",
format: function(table){
if (table.config.parsers && !$(table).hasClass('hasFilters')){
var i, j, k, l, val, ff, x, xi, st, sel, str,
ft, ft2, $th, rg, s, t, dis, col,
last = '', // save last filter search
ts = $.tablesorter,
c = table.config,
$ths = $(c.headerList),
wo = c.widgetOptions,
css = wo.filter_cssFilter || 'tablesorter-filter',
$t = $(table).addClass('hasFilters'),
b = c.$tbodies,
cols = c.parsers.length,
reg = [ // regex used in filter "check" functions
/^\/((?:\\\/|[^\/])+)\/([mig]{0,3})?$/, // 0 = regex to test for regex
new RegExp(c.cssChildRow), // 1 = child row
/undefined|number/, // 2 = check type
/(^[\"|\'|=])|([\"|\'|=]$)/, // 3 = exact match
/[\"\'=]/g, // 4 = replace exact match flags
/[^\w,. \-()]/g, // 5 = replace non-digits (from digit & currency parser)
/[<>=]/g // 6 = replace operators
parsed = ${
return (ts.getData) ? ts.getData($ths.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last'), c.headers[i], 'filter') === 'parsed' : $(this).hasClass('filter-parsed');
time, timer,
// dig fer gold
checkFilters = function(filter){
var arry = $.isArray(filter),
$inpts = $t.find('thead').eq(0).children('tr').find('select.' + css + ', input.' + css),
v = (arry) ? filter : ${
return $(this).val() || '';
cv = (v || []).join(''); // combined filter values
// add filter array back into inputs
if (arry) {
$(el).val(filter[i] || '');
if (wo.filter_hideFilters === true){
// show/hide filter row as needed
$t.find('.tablesorter-filter-row').trigger( cv === '' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter' );
// return if the last search is the same; but filter === false when updating the search
// see example-widget-filter.html filter toggle buttons
if (last === cv && filter !== false) { return; }
$t.trigger('filterStart', [v]);
if (c.showProcessing) {
// give it time for the processing icon to kick in
findRows(filter, v, cv);
return false;
}, 30);
} else {
findRows(filter, v, cv);
return false;
findRows = function(filter, v, cv){
var $tb, $tr, $td, cr, r, l, ff, time, arry;
if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); }
for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ){
$tb = $.tablesorter.processTbody(table, b.eq(k), true);
$tr = $tb.children('tr');
l = $tr.length;
if (cv === '' || wo.filter_serversideFiltering){
} else {
// loop through the rows
for (j = 0; j < l; j++){
// skip child rows
if (reg[1].test($tr[j].className)) { continue; }
r = true;
cr = $tr.eq(j).nextUntil('tr:not(.' + c.cssChildRow + ')');
// so, if "table.config.widgetOptions.filter_childRows" is true and there is
// a match anywhere in the child row, then it will make the row visible
// checked here so the option can be changed dynamically
t = (cr.length && (wo && wo.hasOwnProperty('filter_childRows') &&
typeof wo.filter_childRows !== 'undefined' ? wo.filter_childRows : true)) ? cr.text() : '';
t = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? t.toLocaleLowerCase() : t;
$td = $tr.eq(j).children('td');
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++){
// ignore if filter is empty or disabled
if (v[i]){
// check if column data should be from the cell or from parsed data
if (wo.filter_useParsedData || parsed[i]){
x = c.cache[k].normalized[j][i];
} else {
// using older or original tablesorter
x = $.trim($td.eq(i).text());
xi = !reg[2].test(typeof x) && wo.filter_ignoreCase ? x.toLocaleLowerCase() : x;
ff = r; // if r is true, show that row
// val = case insensitive, v[i] = case sensitive
val = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? v[i].toLocaleLowerCase() : v[i];
if (wo.filter_functions && wo.filter_functions[i]){
if (wo.filter_functions[i] === true){
// default selector; no "filter-select" class
ff = ($ths.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last').hasClass('filter-match')) ? >= 0 : v[i] === x;
} else if (typeof wo.filter_functions[i] === 'function'){
// filter callback( exact cell content, parser normalized content, filter input value, column index )
ff = wo.filter_functions[i](x, c.cache[k].normalized[j][i], v[i], i);
} else if (typeof wo.filter_functions[i][v[i]] === 'function'){
// selector option function
ff = wo.filter_functions[i][v[i]](x, c.cache[k].normalized[j][i], v[i], i);
// Look for regex
} else if (reg[0].test(val)){
rg = reg[0].exec(val);
try {
ff = new RegExp(rg[1], rg[2]).test(xi);
} catch (err){
ff = false;
// Look for quotes or equals to get an exact match
} else if (reg[3].test(val) && xi === val.replace(reg[4], '')){
ff = true;
// Look for a not match
} else if (/^\!/.test(val)){
val = val.replace('!','');
s =$.trim(val));
ff = val === '' ? true : !(wo.filter_startsWith ? s === 0 : s >= 0);
// Look for operators >, >=, < or <=
} else if (/^[<>]=?/.test(val)){
// xi may be numeric - see issue #149
rg = isNaN(xi) ? $.tablesorter.formatFloat(xi.replace(reg[5], ''), table) : $.tablesorter.formatFloat(xi, table);
s = $.tablesorter.formatFloat(val.replace(reg[5], '').replace(reg[6],''), table);
if (/>/.test(val)) { ff = />=/.test(val) ? rg >= s : rg > s; }
if (/</.test(val)) { ff = /<=/.test(val) ? rg <= s : rg < s; }
// Look for wild card: ? = single, or * = multiple
} else if (/[\?|\*]/.test(val)){
ff = new RegExp( val.replace(/\?/g, '\\S{1}').replace(/\*/g, '\\S*') ).test(xi);
// Look for match, and add child row data for matching
} else {
x = (xi + t).indexOf(val);
ff = ( (!wo.filter_startsWith && x >= 0) || (wo.filter_startsWith && x === 0) );
r = (ff) ? (r ? true : false) : false;
$tr[j].style.display = (r ? '' : 'none');
$tr.eq(j)[r ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('filtered');
if (cr.length) { cr[r ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }
$.tablesorter.processTbody(table, $tb, false);
last = cv; // save last search
if (c.debug){
ts.benchmark("Completed filter widget search", time);
$t.trigger('applyWidgets'); // make sure zebra widget is applied
buildSelect = function(i, updating){
var o, arry = [];
i = parseInt(i, 10);
o = '<option value="">' + ($ths.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last').attr('data-placeholder') || '') + '</option>';
for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ){
l = c.cache[k].row.length;
// loop through the rows
for (j = 0; j < l; j++){
// get non-normalized cell content
if (wo.filter_useParsedData){
arry.push( '' + c.cache[k].normalized[j][i] );
} else {
t = c.cache[k].row[j][0].cells[i];
if (t){
arry.push( $.trim(c.supportsTextContent ? t.textContent : $(t).text()) );
// get unique elements and sort the list
// if $.tablesorter.sortText exists (not in the original tablesorter),
// then natural sort the list otherwise use a basic sort
arry = $.grep(arry, function(v, k){
return $.inArray(v ,arry) === k;
arry = (ts.sortText) ? arry.sort(function(a,b){ return ts.sortText(table, a, b, i); }) : arry.sort(true);
// build option list
for (k = 0; k < arry.length; k++){
o += '<option value="' + arry[k] + '">' + arry[k] + '</option>';
$t.find('thead').find('select.' + css + '[data-column="' + i + '"]')[ updating ? 'html' : 'append' ](o);
buildDefault = function(updating){
// build default select dropdown
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++){
t = $ths.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last');
// look for the filter-select class; build/update it if found
if ((t.hasClass('filter-select') || wo.filter_functions && wo.filter_functions[i] === true) && !t.hasClass('filter-false')){
if (!wo.filter_functions) { wo.filter_functions = {}; }
wo.filter_functions[i] = true; // make sure this select gets processed by filter_functions
buildSelect(i, updating);
if (c.debug){
time = new Date();
wo.filter_ignoreCase = wo.filter_ignoreCase !== false; // set default filter_ignoreCase to true
wo.filter_useParsedData = wo.filter_useParsedData === true; // default is false
// don't build filter row if columnFilters is false or all columns are set to "filter-false" - issue #156
if (wo.filter_columnFilters !== false && $ths.filter('.filter-false').length !== $ths.length){
t = '<tr class="tablesorter-filter-row">'; // build filter row
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++){
dis = false;
$th = $ths.filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last'); // assuming last cell of a column is the main column
sel = (wo.filter_functions && wo.filter_functions[i] && typeof wo.filter_functions[i] !== 'function') || $th.hasClass('filter-select');
t += '<td>';
if (sel){
t += '<select data-column="' + i + '" class="' + css;
} else {
t += '<input type="search" placeholder="' + ($th.attr('data-placeholder') || "") + '" data-column="' + i + '" class="' + css;
// use header option - headers: { 1: { filter: false } } OR add class="filter-false"
if (ts.getData){
dis = ts.getData($th[0], c.headers[i], 'filter') === 'false';
// get data from jQuery data, metadata, headers option or header class name
t += dis ? ' disabled" disabled' : '"';
} else {
dis = (c.headers[i] && c.headers[i].hasOwnProperty('filter') && c.headers[i].filter === false) || $th.hasClass('filter-false');
// only class names and header options - keep this for compatibility with tablesorter v2.0.5
t += (dis) ? ' disabled" disabled' : '"';
t += (sel ? '></select>' : '>') + '</td>';
$t.find('thead').eq(0).append(t += '</tr>');
// add .tsfilter namespace to all BUT search
.bind('addRows updateCell update appendCache search'.split(' ').join('.tsfilter '), function(e, filter){
if (e.type !== 'search'){
checkFilters(e.type === 'search' ? filter : '');
return false;
.find('input.' + css).bind('keyup search', function(e, filter){
// ignore arrow and meta keys; allow backspace
if ((e.which < 32 && e.which !== 8) || (e.which >= 37 && e.which <=40)) { return; }
// skip delay
if (typeof filter !== 'undefined'){
return false;
// delay filtering
timer = setTimeout(function(){
}, wo.filter_searchDelay || 300);
// reset button/link
if (wo.filter_reset && $(wo.filter_reset).length){
$(wo.filter_reset).bind('click', function(){
$t.find('.' + css).val('');
return false;
if (wo.filter_functions){
// i = column # (string)
for (col in wo.filter_functions){
if (wo.filter_functions.hasOwnProperty(col) && typeof col === 'string'){
t = $ths.filter('[data-column="' + col + '"]:last');
ff = '';
if (wo.filter_functions[col] === true && !t.hasClass('filter-false')){
} else if (typeof col === 'string' && !t.hasClass('filter-false')){
// add custom drop down list
for (str in wo.filter_functions[col]){
if (typeof str === 'string'){
ff += ff === '' ? '<option value="">' + (t.attr('data-placeholder') || '') + '</option>' : '';
ff += '<option value="' + str + '">' + str + '</option>';
$t.find('thead').find('select.' + css + '[data-column="' + col + '"]').append(ff);
// not really updating, but if the column has both the "filter-select" class & filter_functions set to true,
// it would append the same options twice.
$t.find('select.' + css).bind('change search', function(){
if (wo.filter_hideFilters === true){
.bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e){
// save event object -
var all, evt = e;
ft = $(this);
st = setTimeout(function(){
if (/enter|over/.test(evt.type)){
} else {
// don't hide if input has focus
// $(':focus') needs jQuery 1.6+
if ($(document.activeElement).closest('tr')[0] !== ft[0]){
// get all filter values
all = $t.find('.' + (wo.filter_cssFilter || 'tablesorter-filter')).map(function(){
return $(this).val() || '';
// don't hide row if any filter has a value
if (all === ''){
}, 200);
.find('input, select').bind('focus blur', function(e){
ft2 = $(this).closest('tr');
st = setTimeout(function(){
// don't hide row if any filter has a value
if ($t.find('.' + (wo.filter_cssFilter || 'tablesorter-filter')).map(function(){ return $(this).val() || ''; }).get().join('') === ''){
ft2[ e.type === 'focus' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('hideme');
}, 200);
// show processing icon
if (c.showProcessing) {
$t.bind('filterStart filterEnd', function(e, v) {
var fc = (v) ? $t.find('.' + c.cssHeader).filter('[data-column]').filter(function(){
return v[$(this).data('column')] !== '';
}) : '';
ts.isProcessing($t[0], e.type === 'filterStart', v ? fc : '');
if (c.debug){
ts.benchmark("Applying Filter widget", time);
// filter widget initialized
remove: function(table, c, wo){
var k, $tb,
$t = $(table),
b = c.$tbodies;
// add .tsfilter namespace to all BUT search
.unbind('addRows updateCell update appendCache search'.split(' ').join('.tsfilter'))
for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++ ){
$tb = $.tablesorter.processTbody(table, b.eq(k), true); // remove tbody
$.tablesorter.processTbody(table, $tb, false); // restore tbody
if (wo.filterreset) { $(wo.filter_reset).unbind('click'); }
// Widget: Sticky headers
// based on this awesome article:
// and by Jonas Mosbech
// **************************
id: "stickyHeaders",
format: function(table){
if ($(table).hasClass('hasStickyHeaders')) { return; }
var $table = $(table).addClass('hasStickyHeaders'),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
win = $(window),
header = $(table).children('thead:first'), //.add( $(table).find('caption') ),
hdrCells = header.children('tr:not(.sticky-false)').children(),
css = wo.stickyHeaders || 'tablesorter-stickyHeader',
innr = '.tablesorter-header-inner',
firstRow = hdrCells.eq(0).parent(),
tfoot = $table.find('tfoot'),
t2 = wo.$sticky = $table.clone(), // clone table, but don't remove id... the table might be styled by css
// clone the entire thead - seems to work in IE8+
stkyHdr = t2.children('thead:first')
width : header.outerWidth(true),
position : 'fixed',
margin : 0,
top : 0,
visibility : 'hidden',
zIndex : 1
stkyCells = stkyHdr.children('tr:not(.sticky-false)').children(), // issue #172
laststate = '',
spacing = 0,
resizeHdr = function(){
var bwsr = navigator.userAgent;
spacing = 0;
// yes, I dislike browser sniffing, but it really is needed here :(
// webkit automatically compensates for border spacing
if ($table.css('border-collapse') !== 'collapse' && !/(webkit|msie)/i.test(bwsr)) {
// Firefox & Opera use the border-spacing
// update border-spacing here because of demos that switch themes
spacing = parseInt(hdrCells.eq(0).css('border-left-width'), 10) * 2;
left : header.offset().left - win.scrollLeft() - spacing,
width: header.outerWidth()
var $h = hdrCells.eq(i);
width: $h.width() - spacing,
height: $h.height()
var hi = hdrCells.eq(i).find(innr),
w = hi.width(); // - ( parseInt(hi.css('padding-left'), 10) + parseInt(hi.css('padding-right'), 10) );
// clear out cloned table, except for sticky header
t2.css({ height:0, width:0, padding:0, margin:0, border:0 });
// remove rows you don't want to be sticky
// remove resizable block
// update sticky header class names to match real header after sorting
.bind('sortEnd.tsSticky', function(){
var t = stkyCells.eq(i);
t.attr('class', $(this).attr('class'));
if (c.cssIcon){
.find('.' + c.cssIcon)
.attr('class', $(this).find('.' + c.cssIcon).attr('class'));
.bind('pagerComplete.tsSticky', function(){
// set sticky header cell width and link clicks to real header
var t = $(this);
// clicking on sticky will trigger sort
.bind('mouseup', function(e){
t.trigger(e, true); // external mouseup flag (click timer is ignored)
// prevent sticky header text selection
.bind('mousedown', function(){
this.onselectstart = function(){ return false; };
return false;
// add stickyheaders AFTER the table. If the table is selected by ID, the original one (first) will be returned.
$table.after( t2 );
// make it sticky!
.bind('scroll.tsSticky', function(){
var offset = firstRow.offset(),
sTop = win.scrollTop(),
tableHt = $table.height() - (stkyHdr.height() + (tfoot.height() || 0)),
vis = (sTop > && (sTop < + tableHt) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
// adjust when scrolling horizontally - fixes issue #143
left : header.offset().left - win.scrollLeft() - spacing,
visibility : vis
if (vis !== laststate){
// make sure the column widths match
laststate = vis;
.bind('resize.tsSticky', function(){
remove: function(table, c, wo){
var $t = $(table),
css = wo.stickyHeaders || 'tablesorter-stickyHeader';
.unbind('sortEnd.tsSticky pagerComplete.tsSticky')
.find('.' + css).remove();
if (wo.$sticky) { wo.$sticky.remove(); } // remove cloned thead
$(window).unbind('scroll.tsSticky resize.tsSticky');
// Add Column resizing widget
// this widget saves the column widths if
// $ function is included
// **************************
id: "resizable",
format: function(table){
if ($(table).hasClass('hasResizable')) { return; }
var $t, t, i, j, s, $c, $cols, w, tw,
$tbl = $(table),
c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
position = 0,
$target = null,
$next = null,
fullWidth = Math.abs($tbl.parent().width() - $tbl.width()) < 20,
stopResize = function(){
if ($ && $target){
s[$target.index()] = $target.width();
s[$next.index()] = $next.width();
$target.width( s[$target.index()] );
$next.width( s[$next.index()] );
if (wo.resizable !== false){
$, 'tablesorter-resizable', s);
position = 0;
$target = $next = null;
$(window).trigger('resize'); // will update stickyHeaders, just in case
s = ($ && wo.resizable !== false) ? $, 'tablesorter-resizable') : {};
// process only if table ID or url match
if (s){
for (j in s){
if (!isNaN(j) && j < c.headerList.length){
$(c.headerList[j]).width(s[j]); // set saved resizable widths
$t = $tbl.children('thead:first').children('tr');
// add resizable-false class name to headers (across rows as needed)
t = $(this);
i = t.attr('data-column');
j = $.tablesorter.getData( t, c.headers[i], 'resizable') === "false";
$t.children().filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]').toggleClass('resizable-false', j);
// add wrapper inside each cell to allow for positioning of the resizable target block
$c = $(this).children(':not(.resizable-false)');
if (!$(this).find('.tablesorter-wrapper').length) {
// Firefox needs this inner div to position the resizer correctly
$c.wrapInner('<div class="tablesorter-wrapper" style="position:relative;height:100%;width:100%"></div>');
$c = $c.slice(0,-1); // don't include the last column of the row
$cols = $cols ? $cols.add($c) : $c;
$t = $(this);
j = parseInt($t.css('padding-right'), 10) + 10; // 8 is 1/2 of the 16px wide resizer grip
t = '<div class="tablesorter-resizer" style="cursor:w-resize;position:absolute;z-index:1;right:-' + j +
.bind('mousemove.tsresize', function(e){
// ignore mousemove if no mousedown
if (position === 0 || !$target) { return; }
// resize columns
w = e.pageX - position;
tw = $target.width();
$target.width( tw + w );
if ($target.width() !== tw && fullWidth){
$next.width( $next.width() - w );
position = e.pageX;
.bind('mouseup.tsresize', function(){
.bind('mousedown', function(e){
// save header cell and mouse position; closest() not supported by jQuery v1.2.6
$target = $('th');
t = c.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + $target.attr('data-column') + '"]');
if (t.length > 1) { $target = $target.add(t); }
// if table is not as wide as it's parent, then resize the table
$next = e.shiftKey ? $target.parent().find('th:not(.resizable-false)').filter(':last') : $target.nextAll(':not(.resizable-false)').eq(0);
position = e.pageX;
.bind('mouseup.tsresize mouseleave.tsresize', function(e){
// right click to reset columns to default widths
.bind('contextmenu.tsresize', function(){
// $.isEmptyObject() needs jQuery 1.4+
var rtn = $.isEmptyObject ? $.isEmptyObject(s) : s === {}; // allow right click if already reset
s = {};
return rtn;
remove: function(table, c, wo){
.unbind('mouseup.tsresize mouseleave.tsresize contextmenu.tsresize')
.unbind('mousemove.tsresize mouseup.tsresize')
// don't remove "tablesorter-wrapper" as uitheme uses it too
$.tablesorter.resizableReset = function(table){
if ($ { $, 'tablesorter-resizable', {}); }
// Save table sort widget
// this widget saves the last sort only if the
// saveSort widget option is true AND the
// $ function is included
// **************************
id: 'saveSort',
init: function(table, thisWidget){
// run widget format before all other widgets are applied to the table
thisWidget.format(table, true);
format: function(table, init){
var sl, time, c = table.config,
wo = c.widgetOptions,
ss = wo.saveSort !== false, // make saveSort active/inactive; default to true
sortList = { "sortList" : c.sortList };
if (c.debug){
time = new Date();
if ($(table).hasClass('hasSaveSort')){
if (ss && table.hasInitialized && ${
$ table, 'tablesorter-savesort', sortList );
if (c.debug){
$.tablesorter.benchmark('saveSort widget: Saving last sort: ' + c.sortList, time);
} else {
// set table sort on initial run of the widget
sortList = '';
// get data
if (${
sl = $ table, 'tablesorter-savesort' );
sortList = (sl && sl.hasOwnProperty('sortList') && $.isArray(sl.sortList)) ? sl.sortList : '';
if (c.debug){
$.tablesorter.benchmark('saveSort: Last sort loaded: "' + sortList + '"', time);
// init is true when widget init is run, this will run this widget before all other widgets have initialized
// this method allows using this widget in the original tablesorter plugin; but then it will run all widgets twice.
if (init && sortList && sortList.length > 0){
c.sortList = sortList;
} else if (table.hasInitialized && sortList && sortList.length > 0){
// update sort change
$(table).trigger('sorton', [sortList]);
remove: function(table, c, wo){
// clear storage
if ($ { $ table, 'tablesorter-savesort', '' ); }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
* tablesorter pager plugin
* updated 2/20/2013
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
;(function($) {
"use strict";
/*jshint supernew:true */
$.extend({ tablesorterPager: new function() {
this.defaults = {
// target the pager markup
container: null,
// use this format: "{page}&size={size}&{sortList:col}&{filterList:fcol}"
// where {page} is replaced by the page number, {size} is replaced by the number of records to show,
// {sortList:col} adds the sortList to the url into a "col" array, and {filterList:fcol} adds
// the filterList to the url into an "fcol" array.
// So a sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] becomes "&col[2]=0&col[3]=0" in the url
// and a filterList = [[2,Blue],[3,13]] becomes "&fcol[2]=Blue&fcol[3]=13" in the url
ajaxUrl: null,
// process ajax so that the following information is returned:
// [ total_rows (number), rows (array of arrays), headers (array; optional) ]
// example:
// [
// 100, // total rows
// [
// [ "row1cell1", "row1cell2", ... "row1cellN" ],
// [ "row2cell1", "row2cell2", ... "row2cellN" ],
// ...
// [ "rowNcell1", "rowNcell2", ... "rowNcellN" ]
// ],
// [ "header1", "header2", ... "headerN" ] // optional
// ]
ajaxProcessing: function(ajax){ return [ 0, [], null ]; },
// output default: '{page}/{totalPages}'
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
output: '{startRow} to {endRow} of {totalRows} rows', // '{page}/{totalPages}'
// apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible
updateArrows: true,
// starting page of the pager (zero based index)
page: 0,
// Number of visible rows
size: 10,
// if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty
// table row set to a height to compensate; default is false
fixedHeight: false,
// remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables.
// setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled.
removeRows: false, // removing rows in larger tables speeds up the sort
// css class names of pager arrows
cssFirst: '.first', // go to first page arrow
cssPrev: '.prev', // previous page arrow
cssNext: '.next', // next page arrow
cssLast: '.last', // go to last page arrow
cssGoto: '.gotoPage', // go to page selector - select dropdown that sets the current page
cssPageDisplay: '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed
cssPageSize: '.pagesize', // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option
cssErrorRow: 'tablesorter-errorRow', // error information row
// class added to arrows when at the extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows are "disabled" when on the first page)
cssDisabled: 'disabled', // Note there is no period "." in front of this class name
// stuff not set by the user
totalRows: 0,
totalPages: 0,
filteredRows: 0,
filteredPages: 0
var $this = this,
// hide arrows at extremes
pagerArrows = function(c, disable) {
var a = 'addClass',
r = 'removeClass',
d = c.cssDisabled,
dis = !!disable,
tp = Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages );
if ( c.updateArrows ) {
$(c.cssFirst + ',' + c.cssPrev, c.container)[ ( dis || === 0 ) ? a : r ](d);
$(c.cssNext + ',' + c.cssLast, c.container)[ ( dis || === tp - 1 ) ? a : r ](d);
updatePageDisplay = function(table, c) {
var i, p, s, t, out, f = $(table).hasClass('hasFilters') && !c.ajaxUrl;
c.filteredRows = (f) ? table.config.$tbodies.children('tr:not(.filtered,.remove-me)').length : c.totalRows;
c.filteredPages = (f) ? Math.ceil( c.filteredRows / c.size ) : c.totalPages;
if ( Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages ) > 0 ) {
t = (c.size * > c.filteredRows);
c.startRow = (t) ? 1 : ( c.size * ) + 1; = (t) ? 0 :;
c.endRow = Math.min( c.filteredRows, c.totalRows, c.size * ( + 1 ) );
out = $(c.cssPageDisplay, c.container);
// form the output string
s = c.output.replace(/\{(page|filteredRows|filteredPages|totalPages|startRow|endRow|totalRows)\}/gi, function(m){
return {
'{page}' : + 1,
'{filteredRows}' : c.filteredRows,
'{filteredPages}' : c.filteredPages,
'{totalPages}' : c.totalPages,
'{startRow}' : c.startRow,
'{endRow}' : c.endRow,
'{totalRows}' : c.totalRows
if (out[0]) {
out[ (out[0].tagName === 'INPUT') ? 'val' : 'html' ](s);
if ( $(c.cssGoto, c.container).length ) {
t = '';
p = Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages );
for ( i = 1; i <= p; i++ ) {
t += '<option>' + i + '</option>';
$(c.cssGoto, c.container).html(t).val( + 1);
if (c.initialized) { $(table).trigger('pagerComplete', c); }
fixHeight = function(table, c) {
var d, h, $b = $(table.tBodies[0]);
if (c.fixedHeight) {
h = $.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight');
if (h) {
d = h - $b.height();
if ( d > 5 && $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') === c.size && $b.children('tr:visible').length < c.size ) {
$b.append('<tr class="pagerSavedHeightSpacer ' + table.config.selectorRemove.replace(/(tr)?\./g,'') + '" style="height:' + d + 'px;"></tr>');
changeHeight = function(table, c) {
var $b = $(table.tBodies[0]);
$.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight', $b.height());
fixHeight(table, c);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', c.size);
hideRows = function(table, c){
if (!c.ajaxUrl) {
var i,
rows = $(table.tBodies).children('tr:not(.' + table.config.cssChildRow + ')'),
l = rows.length,
s = ( * c.size ),
e = s + c.size,
j = 0; // size counter
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ){
if (!/filtered/.test(rows[i].className)) {
rows[i].style.display = ( j >= s && j < e ) ? '' : 'none';
hideRowsSetup = function(table, c){
c.size = parseInt( $(c.cssPageSize, c.container).find('option[selected]').val(), 10 ) || c.size;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', c.size);
if ( !c.removeRows ) {
hideRows(table, c);
$(table).bind('sortEnd.pager filterEnd.pager', function(){
hideRows(table, c);
renderAjax = function(data, table, c, exception){
// process data
if ( typeof(c.ajaxProcessing) === "function" ) {
// ajaxProcessing result: [ total, rows, headers ]
var i, j, hsh, $f, $sh,
$t = $(table),
tc = table.config,
hl = $t.find('thead th').length, tds = '',
err = '<tr class="' + c.cssErrorRow + ' ' + tc.selectorRemove.replace(/(tr)?\./g,'') + '"><td style="text-align: center;" colspan="' + hl + '">' +
(exception ? exception.message + ' (' + + ')' : 'No rows found') + '</td></tr>',
result = c.ajaxProcessing(data) || [ 0, [] ],
d = result[1] || [],
l = d.length,
th = result[2];
if ( l > 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
tds += '<tr>';
for ( j = 0; j < d[i].length; j++ ) {
// build tbody cells
tds += '<td>' + d[i][j] + '</td>';
tds += '</tr>';
// only add new header text if the length matches
if ( th && th.length === hl ) {
hsh = $t.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders');
$sh = $t.find('.' + ((tc.widgetOptions && tc.widgetOptions.stickyHeaders) || 'tablesorter-stickyheader'));
$f = $t.find('tfoot tr:first').children();
$t.find('th.' + tc.cssHeader).each(function(j){
var $t = $(this), icn;
// add new test within the first span it finds, or just in the header
if ( $t.find('.' + tc.cssIcon).length ) {
icn = $t.find('.' + tc.cssIcon).clone(true);
$t.find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] ).append(icn);
if ( hsh && $sh.length ) {
icn = $sh.find('th').eq(j).find('.' + tc.cssIcon).clone(true);
$sh.find('th').eq(j).find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] ).append(icn);
} else {
$t.find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] );
$sh.find('th').eq(j).find('.tablesorter-header-inner').html( th[j] );
$f.eq(j).html( th[j] );
$t.find('thead tr.' + c.cssErrorRow).remove(); // Clean up any previous error.
if ( exception ) {
// add error row to thead instead of tbody, or clicking on the header will result in a parser error
} else {
$(table.tBodies[0]).html( tds ); // add rows to first tbody
if (tc.showProcessing) {
$.tablesorter.isProcessing(table); // remove loading icon
c.totalRows = result[0] || 0;
c.totalPages = Math.ceil( c.totalRows / c.size );
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
fixHeight(table, c);
if (c.initialized) { $t.trigger('pagerChange', c); }
if (!c.initialized) {
c.initialized = true;
$(table).trigger('pagerInitialized', c);
getAjax = function(table, c){
var url = getAjaxUrl(table, c),
tc = table.config;
if ( url !== '' ) {
if (tc.showProcessing) {
$.tablesorter.isProcessing(table, true); // show loading icon
$(document).bind('ajaxError.pager', function(e, xhr, settings, exception) {
if (settings.url === url) {
renderAjax(null, table, c, exception);
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
renderAjax(data, table, c);
getAjaxUrl = function(table, c) {
var url = (c.ajaxUrl) ? c.ajaxUrl.replace(/\{page\}/g,\{size\}/g, c.size) : '',
sl = table.config.sortList,
fl = c.currentFilters || [],
sortCol = url.match(/\{sortList[\s+]?:[\s+]?([^}]*)\}/),
filterCol = url.match(/\{filterList[\s+]?:[\s+]?([^}]*)\}/),
arry = [];
if (sortCol) {
sortCol = sortCol[1];
$.each(sl, function(i,v){
arry.push(sortCol + '[' + v[0] + ']=' + v[1]);
// if the arry is empty, just add the col parameter... "&{sortList:col}" becomes "&col"
url = url.replace(/\{sortList[\s+]?:[\s+]?([^\}]*)\}/g, arry.length ? arry.join('&') : sortCol );
if (filterCol) {
filterCol = filterCol[1];
$.each(fl, function(i,v){
if (v) {
arry.push(filterCol + '[' + i + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(v));
// if the arry is empty, just add the fcol parameter... "&{filterList:fcol}" becomes "&fcol"
url = url.replace(/\{filterList[\s+]?:[\s+]?([^\}]*)\}/g, arry.length ? arry.join('&') : filterCol );
return url;
renderTable = function(table, rows, c) {
c.isDisabled = false; // needed because sorting will change the page and re-enable the pager
var i, j, o,
f = document.createDocumentFragment(),
l = rows.length,
s = ( * c.size ),
e = ( s + c.size );
if ( l < 1 ) { return; } // empty table, abort!
if (c.initialized) { $(table).trigger('pagerChange', c); }
if ( !c.removeRows ) {
hideRows(table, c);
} else {
if ( e > rows.length ) {
e = rows.length;
for ( i = s; i < e; i++ ) {
o = rows[i];
l = o.length;
for ( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) {
if ( >= c.totalPages ) {
moveToLastPage(table, c);
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
if ( !c.isDisabled ) { fixHeight(table, c); }
showAllRows = function(table, c){
if ( c.ajax ) {
pagerArrows(c, true);
} else {
c.isDisabled = true;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage',;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', c.size); = 0;
c.size = c.totalRows;
c.totalPages = 1;
$('tr.pagerSavedHeightSpacer', table.tBodies[0]).remove();
renderTable(table, table.config.rowsCopy, c);
// disable size selector
$(c.container).find(c.cssPageSize + ',' + c.cssGoto).each(function(){
$(this).addClass(c.cssDisabled)[0].disabled = true;
moveToPage = function(table, c) {
if ( c.isDisabled ) { return; }
var p = Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages );
if ( < 0 ) { = 0; }
if ( > ( p - 1 ) && p !== 0 ) { = p - 1; }
if (c.ajax) {
getAjax(table, c);
} else if (!c.ajax) {
renderTable(table, table.config.rowsCopy, c);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage',;
$.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered', true);
if (c.initialized) { $(table).trigger('pageMoved', c); }
setPageSize = function(table, size, c) {
c.size = size;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastPage',;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', c.size);
c.totalPages = Math.ceil( c.totalRows / c.size );
moveToPage(table, c);
moveToFirstPage = function(table, c) { = 0;
moveToPage(table, c);
moveToLastPage = function(table, c) { = ( Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages ) - 1 );
moveToPage(table, c);
moveToNextPage = function(table, c) {;
if ( >= ( Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages ) - 1 ) ) { = ( Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages ) - 1 );
moveToPage(table, c);
moveToPrevPage = function(table, c) {;
if ( <= 0 ) { = 0;
moveToPage(table, c);
destroyPager = function(table, c){
showAllRows(table, c);
$(c.container).hide(); // hide pager
table.config.appender = null; // remove pager appender function
$(table).unbind('destroy.pager sortEnd.pager filterEnd.pager enable.pager disable.pager');
enablePager = function(table, c, triggered){
var p = $(c.cssPageSize, c.container).removeClass(c.cssDisabled).removeAttr('disabled');
c.isDisabled = false; = $.data(table, 'pagerLastPage') || || 0;
c.size = $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') || parseInt(p.find('option[selected]').val(), 10) || c.size;
p.val(c.size); // set page size
c.totalPages = Math.ceil( Math.min( c.totalPages, c.filteredPages ) / c.size);
if ( triggered ) {
setPageSize(table, c.size, c);
hideRowsSetup(table, c);
fixHeight(table, c);
$this.appender = function(table, rows) {
var c = table.config.pager;
if ( !c.ajax ) {
table.config.rowsCopy = rows;
c.totalRows = rows.length;
c.size = $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') || c.size;
c.totalPages = Math.ceil(c.totalRows / c.size);
renderTable(table, rows, c);
$this.construct = function(settings) {
return this.each(function() {
// check if tablesorter has initialized
if (!(this.config && this.hasInitialized)) { return; }
var t, ctrls, fxn,
config = this.config,
c = config.pager = $.extend( {}, $.tablesorterPager.defaults, settings ),
table = this,
tc = table.config,
$t = $(table),
pager = $(c.container).addClass('tablesorter-pager').show(); // added in case the pager is reinitialized after being destroyed.
config.appender = $this.appender;
.unbind('filterStart.pager filterEnd.pager sortEnd.pager disable.pager enable.pager destroy.pager update.pager pageSize.pager')
.bind('filterStart.pager', function(e, filters) {
$.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered', false);
c.currentFilters = filters;
// update pager after filter widget completes
.bind('filterEnd.pager sortEnd.pager', function(e) {
//Prevent infinite event loops from occuring by setting this in all moveToPage calls and catching it here.
if ($.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered')) {
$.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered', false);
if (e.type === 'filterEnd') { = 0; }
moveToPage(table, c);
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
fixHeight(table, c);
.bind('disable.pager', function(){
showAllRows(table, c);
.bind('enable.pager', function(){
enablePager(table, c, true);
.bind('destroy.pager', function(){
destroyPager(table, c);
.bind('update.pager', function(){
hideRows(table, c);
.bind('pageSize.pager', function(e,v){
c.size = parseInt(v, 10) || 10;
hideRows(table, c);
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
.bind('pageSet.pager', function(e,v){ = (parseInt(v, 10) || 1) - 1;
moveToPage(table, c);
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
// clicked controls
ctrls = [c.cssFirst, c.cssPrev, c.cssNext, c.cssLast];
fxn = [ moveToFirstPage, moveToPrevPage, moveToNextPage, moveToLastPage ];
.bind('click.pager', function(e){
var i, $this = $(this), l = ctrls.length;
if ( !$this.hasClass(c.cssDisabled) ) {
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if ($[i])) {
fxn[i](table, c);
return false;
// goto selector
if ( pager.find(c.cssGoto).length ) {
.bind('change', function(){ = $(this).val() - 1;
moveToPage(table, c);
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
// page size selector
t = pager.find(c.cssPageSize);
if ( t.length ) {
t.unbind('change.pager').bind('change.pager', function() {
t.val( $(this).val() ); // in case there are more than one pagers
if ( !$(this).hasClass(c.cssDisabled) ) {
setPageSize(table, parseInt( $(this).val(), 10 ), c);
changeHeight(table, c);
return false;
// clear initialized flag
c.initialized = false;
// before initialization event
$t.trigger('pagerBeforeInitialized', c);
enablePager(table, c, false);
if ( typeof(c.ajaxUrl) === 'string' ) {
// ajax pager; interact with database
c.ajax = true;
//When filtering with ajax, allow only custom filtering function, disable default filtering since it will be done server side.
tc.widgetOptions.filter_serversideFiltering = true;
tc.serverSideSorting = true;
moveToPage(table, c);
} else {
c.ajax = false;
// Regular pager; all rows stored in memory
$(this).trigger("appendCache", true);
hideRowsSetup(table, c);
changeHeight(table, c);
// pager initialized
if (!c.ajax) {
c.initialized = true;
$(table).trigger('pagerInitialized', c);
// extend plugin scope
tablesorterPager: $.tablesorterPager.construct

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// set a unique id
id : 'title',
is : function () {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function (s) {
// format your data for normalization
return s.match(/title="(.*?)"/)[1].toLowerCase();
// set type, either numeric or text
type : 'text'
// set a unique id
id : 'date',
is : function () {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function (s) {
// format your data for normalization
var match = s.match(/data-date="(.*?)"/)[1];
if (match === '') {
return Date.create().addYears(100).format(Date.ISO8601_DATETIME);
return match;
// set type, either numeric or text
type : 'text'
// set a unique id
id : 'innerHtml',
is : function () {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function (s) {
// format your data for normalization
return $(s).get(0).innerHTML;
// set type, either numeric or text
type : 'text'