@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ echo -e " \___ \| | | _ / | | | ___/ | | "
echo -e " ____) | |____| | \ \ _| |_| | | | "
echo -e " |_____/ \_____|_| \_\_____|_| |_| " ${ reset }
echo -e ""
echo -e " Running version ${ orange } [ $scriptversion ] ${ reset } as of ${ orange } [ $scriptdate ] ${ reset } "
echo -e " Running version ${ orange } [ $scriptversion ] ${ reset } as of ${ orange } [ $scriptdate ] ${ reset } "
# This script should not be ran from installdir, otherwise later in the script the extracted files will be removed before they can be moved to installdir.
if [ " $installdir " = = " $( dirname -- " $( readlink -f -- " $0 " ; ) " ) " ] || [ " $bindir " = = " $( dirname -- " $( readlink -f -- " $0 " ; ) " ) " ] ; then
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ fi
# User warning about permission conflicts
echo ""
echo -e ${ red } " WARNING!"${ reset }
echo -e ${ red } " WARNING!"${ reset }
echo ""
echo -e " It is ${ red } CRITICAL ${ reset } that the ${ orange } User ${ reset } and ${ orange } Group ${ reset } you select "
echo -e " to run ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } will have both ${ red } READ ${ reset } and ${ red } WRITE ${ reset } access "
echo -e " to your Media Library and Download Client directories!"${ reset }
echo -e " It is ${ red } CRITICAL ${ reset } that the ${ orange } User ${ reset } and ${ orange } Group ${ reset } you select "
echo -e " to run ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } will have both ${ red } READ ${ reset } and ${ red } WRITE ${ reset } access "
echo -e " to your Media Library and Download Client directories!"${ reset }
# Prompt User
echo ""
@ -121,12 +121,10 @@ app_guid=${app_guid:-media}
# Info for the user and user confirmation
echo ""
echo -e " ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } will be installed to ${ orange } [ $bindir ] ${ reset } and use ${ orange } [ $datadir ] ${ reset } for the AppData Directory "
echo -e " ${ cyan } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } will be installed to ${ orange } [ $bindir ] ${ reset } and use ${ orange } [ $datadir ] ${ reset } for the AppData Directory "
echo ""
echo -e " ${ orange} ${ app ^ } ${ reset } will run as the user ${ orange } [ $app_uid ] ${ reset } and group ${ orange } [ $app_guid ] ${ reset } . "
echo -e " ${ cyan} [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } will run as the user ${ orange } [ $app_uid ] ${ reset } and group ${ orange } [ $app_guid ] ${ reset } . "
echo ""
echo -e " By continuing, you ${ red } CONFIRM ${ reset } that user ${ orange } [ $app_uid ] ${ reset } and group ${ orange } [ $app_guid ] ${ reset } "
echo -e " will have both ${ red } READ ${ reset } and ${ red } WRITE ${ reset } access to all required directories. "
echo -e " By continuing, you ${ red } CONFIRM ${ reset } that that ${ orange } [ $app_uid ] ${ reset } and ${ orange } [ $app_guid ] ${ reset } "
echo -e " will have both ${ red } READ ${ reset } and ${ red } WRITE ${ reset } access to all required directories. "
@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ echo -e "Removing existing installation files from ${orange}[$bindir]..."${reset
rm -rf " $bindir "
sleep 2
echo ""
echo -e " Attempting to install ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } ... "
echo -e " Attempting to install ${ cyan } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } ... "
sleep 2
mv " ${ app ^ } " $installdir
chown " $app_uid " :" $app_guid " -R " $bindir "
@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ touch "$datadir"/update_required
chown " $app_uid " :" $app_guid " " $datadir " /update_required
echo ""
echo -e " Successfully installed ${ cyan } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } !! "
rm -r f " ${ app ^ } .*.tar.gz"
rm -f " ${ app ^ } " .*.tar.gz
sleep 2
# Configure Autostart
@ -265,6 +263,7 @@ cat <<EOF | tee /etc/systemd/system/"$app".service >/dev/null
[ Unit]
Description = ${ app ^ } Daemon
After = syslog.target network.target
[ Service]
User = $app_uid
Group = $app_guid
@ -274,19 +273,21 @@ ExecStart=$bindir/$app_bin -nobrowser -data=$datadir
TimeoutStopSec = 20
KillMode = process
Restart = on-failure
[ Install]
WantedBy = multi-user.target
sleep 2
echo ""
echo -e "New service file has been created."
sleep 1
# Start the App
echo ""
echo -e " ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } is attempting to start, this may take a few seconds... "
echo -e " ${ cyan } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } is attempting to start, this may take a few seconds... "
systemctl -q daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now -q " $app "
sleep 3
sleep 2
# Check if the service is up and running
echo ""
@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ while ! systemctl is-active --quiet "$app"; do
echo ""
echo -e " ${ orange } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } installation and service start up is complete! "
echo -e " ${ cyan } [ ${ app ^ } ] ${ reset } installation and service start up is complete! "
# Finish Installation
host = $( hostname -I)