@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ echo "[info] Removing session lock file (if it exists)..."
rm -f /config/qBittorrent/data/BT_backup/session.lock
rm -f /config/qBittorrent/data/BT_backup/session.lock
# force unix line endings conversion in case user edited qbittorrent.conf with notepad
# force unix line endings conversion in case user edited qbittorrent.conf with notepad
dos2unix "${qbittorrent_config}"
/root/dos2unix-wrapper.sh "${qbittorrent_config}"
# set locale to prevent 4.1.4 gui render issues if no locale set
# set locale to prevent 4.1.4 gui render issues if no locale set
grep -q 'General\\Locale' "${qbittorrent_config}" || sed -i '/\[Preferences\]/a General\\Locale=en' "${qbittorrent_config}"
grep -q 'General\\Locale' "${qbittorrent_config}" || sed -i '/\[Preferences\]/a General\\Locale=en' "${qbittorrent_config}"